George Floyd represents US all

These are some of the questions I have as to what comes next and when?
If you’ll ask the smart ass who claims to know everything, who claims to be around for thousands of years, who claims to be of non-human species – he will certainly not provide an answer … I made this attempt and it was in vane – he doesn’t even know for sure his own name and identity.

Last year I was scanned in bed as if I were in a computer scanner.
It may be the government or alien device to make copies of humans?
Just a SWAG as to what it may be?
As for the experience that you had, I don’t know what to say. There are many people who had similar experiences. I can only make a wild guess that it could be a way of testing the vulnerability of some fellow humans. If most of those people didn’t have ugly effects after being “scanned”, it does not mean that those who “scanned” them are positive beings – they are all negative beings (whoever they are) … it is only that those people do not match their vulnerability requirements, due to a strong personality and due to being a healthy human in general.
… or it could be something else indeed – anyway, whatever purpose is behind this, it can not possibly be a friendly one.
who the devil is Saul? … I don’t know anyone called

Fellas.. tell this E diot who "saul goodman" is.. I this is the alpha bet of your species route out of enslavement which of course you will never take this is why you will remain muzzled slaves and after that chipped slaves for good.

I told you you are not getting out of this one I also explained the exact reason in detail.
A MORE on is always still a MORE on … yet, I did not want to throw rocks until clearing some things up, so I searched (Googled) “Saul Goodman” and here is the first thing I came across:

Saul Goodman, born James Morgan McGill and later known as Gene Takavic, is a fictional character who appears in the television series Breaking Bad and serves as the titular character of its spin-off prequel series Better Call Saul. He is portrayed by Bob Odenkirk, and was created by Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould. The character is an Albuquerque-based lawyer who embraces his tendencies as a former scam artist and begins to represent criminals while himself becoming involved in the city's criminal world.

It became clear for me that 99 point very much percent of OUR world population would do the same when first hearing “Saul Goodman”, as probably 0 point very little percent know or want to know about this. I am perplexed to see that someone can base an entire life philosophy on and make a “great” reference to something as small and insignificant as a grain of sand and to know that such a MORE on really thinks (and tries to make others believe) that he is around for milleniums when in fact he is living not just under a rock but most likely under a pile of poop. When someone is immersed deep in such poop, I wonder what happens when he opens his mouth and tries to breathe. I had no idea that there are still entities whose own world they live in is such minuscule that not even a virus fits in … now that is a hell of a confinement. I also wonder where are those many, many books written and translated (probably each of them) into those more than 10 languages and how it was possible to find so many subjects to write about while living in such a ridiculously narrow and obscure environment. Even an earthworm is more open to the world.

I’m having such great fun right now and I will keep having more and more fun as long as every now and then I see signs that a certain entity is still here, spinning around the tail and failing in a desperate try to go back where it came from.
New racist scandal about Black people. This time this is not about politics, it is about google.

Google seem to be a company that has racist and xenophobic people in it (like every other group). I also thought that they are marginalizing different groups like Republicans (although they are roughly 50% of the population they are not that represented in their algorithms) and I always thought they are not diverse enough but it is even worse than that :(.

More than 1,500 employees have signed a Google Walkout petition protesting Gebru’s dismissal. “Instead of being embraced by Google as an exceptionally talented and prolific contributor, Dr. Gebru has faced defensiveness, racism, gaslighting, research censorship, and now a retaliatory firing,” the petition says.

My solution:
They should reveal their algorithms, so that everybody can control if they marginalize any group or not.
But that would be a economic disadvantage. so China should do the same, otherwise we should not trade with them anymore.

China repress even more than that. They repress their evil treatment of the Uighurs (nobody in China talks about that because their Chinese
algorithms and media are repressing these things), but not only that their algorithms repress every kind of critic, humanism and humanitarian voices.

China also is repressing their BLM movement. They do not talk publicly about their racism, because there were no BLM protests although the racism is also a huge problem there as it is a problem in the rest of the world. But in the rest of the world there were huge protests, not so in China.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, there were reports of discrimination against Africans in Guangzhou

The wiki link is that informative, because their algorithms and their media are repressing the information.
You made your point excellently.
That is the reason why if we are lucky enough to remain in the proper timeline, not far in the future Google will be banned in a much more serious way than dangerous drugs are banned today.
It is not only about Google, but about every endeavor that has as a main characteristic the owner obsession for being in control over as much as possible, especially over people (multinational companies, associations, governments, religions, etc. – even the thought of being above (and in control of) other people is EVIL and it can not belong to a human, but only to a devil).
The immense majority of the above mentioned, is in property of the devils (for now), but they started loosing control, therefore they are getting more and more desperate. The reason why I so much appreciate the BLM, is the huge part it holds in the movement against those devils, that is the symbolic reason I titled this thread the way I did. That is also why I had pretty much to say and to react to another thread "Corrupt Cops Behaving Very Badly!" (anywhere where cops are to be found, they are obedient to the rulers, the main tool of the oppressors, stepping with their dirty boots on regular people – from whom (by the way) they actually take their wages). The same reason is why I salute the wise decision of the U.K. to finally step out of the mud that was also created (many years ago) by the same devils who called it “European Union” and for which I don’t remember being called out to vote, as there was no nationwide vote about this. That is also the reason why I very much respect the people of Crimea, Donetsk, Transnistria and others as well.
You made your point excellently.
That is the reason why if we are lucky enough to remain in the proper timeline, not far in the future Google will be banned in a much more serious way than dangerous drugs are banned today.
It is not only about Google, but about every endeavor that has as a main characteristic the owner obsession for being in control over as much as possible, especially over people (multinational companies, associations, governments, religions, etc. – even the thought of being above (and in control of) other people is EVIL and it can not belong to a human, but only to a devil).
The immense majority of the above mentioned, is in property of the devils (for now), but they started loosing control, therefore they are getting more and more desperate. The reason why I so much appreciate the BLM, is the huge part it holds in the movement against those devils, that is the symbolic reason I titled this thread the way I did. That is also why I had pretty much to say and to react to another thread "Corrupt Cops Behaving Very Badly!" (anywhere where cops are to be found, they are obedient to the rulers, the main tool of the oppressors, stepping with their dirty boots on regular people – from whom (by the way) they actually take their wages). The same reason is why I salute the wise decision of the U.K. to finally step out of the mud that was also created (many years ago) by the same devils who called it “European Union” and for which I don’t remember being called out to vote, as there was no nationwide vote about this. That is also the reason why I very much respect the people of Crimea, Donetsk, Transnistria and others as well.
We had no vote, too. THat can be a solution to go out of the EU or to transform the EU from inside. The concept is not necessarily bad. I think to take care of all countries in the world or in the EU is a good concept. You have to change the people, that they vote the correct people. There are a lot of corrupt people in the parliament at the moment.

I wrote it in another thread. The politicians and the media should not have a banking secrecy, so you can see, whether a person is corrupt or not. The people, that are not corrupt, have nothing to fear.
We had no vote, too. THat can be a solution to go out of the EU or to transform the EU from inside. The concept is not necessarily bad. I think to take care of all countries in the world or in the EU is a good concept. You have to change the people, that they vote the correct people. There are a lot of corrupt people in the parliament at the moment.

I wrote it in another thread. The politicians and the media should not have a banking secrecy, so you can see, whether a person is corrupt or not. The people, that are not corrupt, have nothing to fear.
I remember about the post you mentioned, but I don’t know in what thread it was.
As for the banking secrecy, I strongly believe that it should be applied in absolutely equal measure to absolutely anybody. If only a certain category of bank customers has this secrecy applied and others don’t, it is dictatorship, worse than racism. The normal situation should be that absolutely everybody who is a bank customer to have absolute and total secrecy of their account or of any information.
It is imposed by law for a bank to have video cameras installed inside the bank and even that I find extremely abusive. The normal situation would be to not impose such atrocity by law and to let each bank post a sign at the entrance to warn people about that specific bank having cameras surveying them … but such a bank would probably never have a single client to open an account there. It would be also a good way to rise people respect for cops, as I see this (bank security) among the pertinent and moral activity for police forces – not to oppress the population, but to ensure security and safety at a bank for example.
In regards to the same aspect, it would be also much better to have a law that gives anybody the chance to sue someone about whom he (or she) has proof to have filmed or photographed him (or her) without a written and signed consent.
If we keep ignoring these aspects and if we keep considering them as “normal” part of our lives, it will lead very deep and very fast to the devils having total control over us.
Last year I canceled my personal account at a bank where I had it for 22 years, simply because when I had to prolong my banking cards, they asked me to sign a statement that I will inform them about political and/or religious views of friends, neighbors, colleagues and family members. In such a bank I will never in my entire life even enter again, I will try to go on the other sidewalk when I pass by such a bank.
I think that transforming EU from the inside is almost impossible, as it is run by immoral bandits, but the fact that there was no vote in a specific country, could be indeed a solution for leaving EU just as quickly as the joining was – the logic is very simple: EU shoved us into this garbage in an instant without a vote … we now get out also in an instant and also without a vote. Then, EU can take the local bandits (the leaders) of that specific country, who actually took all the money and solve their accounts with them … make them pay back, arrest them, execute them or whatever method EU finds most appropriate – this should not be any of the people business anymore.
As for the banking secrecy, I strongly believe that it should be applied in absolutely equal measure to absolutely anybody. If only a certain category of bank customers has this secrecy applied and others don’t, it is dictatorship, worse than racism. T
Yes that would be better, if nobody has a banking secrecy. That would be the ideal state. The problem will be that the people will revolt, because there is a lot of corruption in the world and those people are in positions of leadership (religious, political, banking, companies). But I think this would have a majority everywhere in the world (for example I think the great majority of African, Indian, Chinese, Americans, Asians, Europeans would vote for it). But it would have a big public outrage. But in the end the world would be better.

It is imposed by law for a bank to have video cameras installed inside the bank and even that I find extremely abusive.
That is not necessary. You just see whether there is money landering. If there is a secret money contributions, you dont know where they are from but that something is fishy. THat is enough. Everybody can control the accounts of everybody. You could see into Xi Jinpins or Trumps bank accounts as an example. There will not be much people that look into your account.

Last year I canceled my personal account at a bank where I had it for 22 years, simply because when I had to prolong my banking cards, they asked me to sign a statement that I will inform them about political and/or religious views of friends, neighbors, colleagues and family members. In such a bank I will never in my entire life even enter again, I will try to go on the other sidewalk when I pass by such a bank.
ok that should not be possible. But I think that could be possible, but there can be ways to prevent it. So that the government does not know which religious group, you give your money to. They just know that you give your money to one of them because of your bank account.

So you give your money to a discreet group and that group gives the money to all of the religious groups. So the government dont know which group you are supporting. The group makes sure the money doesnt go to terror organizations.

another reason is that terror organization cannot exist without banking secrecy, because everybody knows how they finance these things and the goverment can cut this money off.
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A MORE on is always still a MORE on … yet, I did not want to throw rocks until clearing some things up, so I searched (Googled) “Saul Goodman” and here is the first thing I came across:

Saul Goodman, born James Morgan McGill and later known as Gene Takavic, is a fictional character who appears in the television series Breaking Bad and serves as the titular character of its spin-off prequel series Better Call Saul. He is portrayed by Bob Odenkirk, and was created by Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould. The character is an Albuquerque-based lawyer who embraces his tendencies as a former scam artist and begins to represent criminals while himself becoming involved in the city's criminal world.

It became clear for me that 99 point very much percent of OUR world population would do the same when first hearing “Saul Goodman”, as probably 0 point very little percent know or want to know about this. I am perplexed to see that someone can base an entire life philosophy on and make a “great” reference to something as small and insignificant as a grain of sand and to know that such a MORE on really thinks (and tries to make others believe) that he is around for milleniums when in fact he is living not just under a rock but most likely under a pile of poop. When someone is immersed deep in such poop, I wonder what happens when he opens his mouth and tries to breathe. I had no idea that there are still entities whose own world they live in is such minuscule that not even a virus fits in … now that is a hell of a confinement. I also wonder where are those many, many books written and translated (probably each of them) into those more than 10 languages and how it was possible to find so many subjects to write about while living in such a ridiculously narrow and obscure environment. Even an earthworm is more open to the world.

I’m having such great fun right now and I will keep having more and more fun as long as every now and then I see signs that a certain entity is still here, spinning around the tail and failing in a desperate try to go back where it came from.
you had enough already or not yet?

the punishment is legit eh? now you start comprehending into the 2020's..
^12 months? I stay much longer than 12 months 12 years 1200 years 12,000 years or anything you can put number on. you work in loops and you are not escaping this punishment that your deep state is using to promote its agenda, they too go down with you.
oh and detoxify that soup it wont change anything but you will be able to fade with heads held up high and with some pride that you attempted at helping other species of earth on YOUR way down.
… July 2021 is almost over … I thought we had a deal by now you’ll come back and enlighten us ...
What’s wrong ?!?! out of ammo ?!?!
Come on … we all know precisely you’re peeking almost every day.
By the way – how is your adaptation going ?
As for “Mark” and “Date”, as you can see, I did that … did you ??
Should I say “see you soon” or “rest in peace” ?
