đŸ“ș Video George Lucas Confirms Original 'Star Wars' Cast Return for Episode VII


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George Lucas Confirms Original 'Star Wars' Cast Return

George Lucas: Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher signed to next 'Star Wars’

“Star Wars” creator George Lucas let slip that Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill could be firing up their old lightsabers in “Star Wars: Episode VII.”

When asked by Bloomberg Businessweek if the original actors from the sci-fi phenomenon would return, Lucas revealed, “We had already signed Mark and Carrie and Harrison—or we were pretty much in final stages of negotiation. So I called them to say, ‘Look, this is what’s going on.’”

“Maybe I’m not supposed to say that,” he continued after a pause. “I think they want to announce that with some big whoop-de-do, but we were negotiating with them.”

He added, “I won’t say whether the negotiations were successful or not.”

While casting for the films has yet to be announced, Fisher recently told Florida's Palm Beach Illustrated she's coming back as Princess Leia. The actress answered with a simple “yes” when asked if she would be reprising the iconic role.

Director JJ Abrams has been tapped to direct the films.
"Back in my days, there were only 6... Eerr I mean 3 Star Wars movies!"

Blashpemy.........Leave the series alone it is fine where it is

Yeah, I do agree. Actually it would have been better to leave the original trilogy alone without creating the prequel trilogy, the prequels were... dull. Episode 3 was good. But 1 and 2... blah.
I love them all, and am looking forward to Episode VII! :D I'm reeally looking forward to Harrison, Mark, and Carrie's reunion!
The old trilogy is perfectly awesome, they didn't need to make any other movies out of it. Especially not 3 CGI-filled films. They should have done like Back to the Future. 3 movies, done. That being said, Episode 3 wasn't too bad compared to the very lame Episodes 1 and 2. Phantom Menace is basically a movie for kids.

I'll admit that I'm looking forward at seeing the cast reunited on screen one last time, despite their age. Hell, Harrison Ford is going to be 73 years old this summer.

Wait... I have a Star Trek avatar, yet I say Star Wars is cool.

