Getting Stranger every day


Senior Member
well i just about had it but i have to stay here. My ex show's up and flip's me the bird, she get's fired from my old job i used to have. I actually started to feed her kids because i recognized them. Tim Travis and John Titor have been haunting me by morse code and binary code. It's time to say What the F*CK is going on. the other day my friend and i are sitting outside on the wall of my program chem trail clouds come out of no where. I definately need a vacation. Even my vacation's are strange enough. Bizarre is not a word to describe this. Two day's ago my back went couldn't walk at all. I was like not again. I was crawling and acting like an old person was and i just turned 35. The next day i slep the night into 4 pm the next day not knowing i was asleep. Thinking i was in a war some where. I came to terms that it was my imagination gone wild but what would cause this imagination. Everything was under attack from something. I didn't see much. Clear as day. If anyone has been having strange stuff happening like this please write it here. I might be the only one having this.


Active Member
It's nice you can drink like that and not wind up in the drunk tank. Boy, I miss my wild 20s! Cheers!
