Ghostly Figures Walking out of Clouds

There are some videos of what they call "dead man walking" tornadoes.

When I was learning from the Native Americans about the ways of natural spirituality,
the Dead Man was mentioned several times as, I am a living witness to several tornado events.

This was the very 1st one....


I remember standing on the street and watching the rain water swirl past my knees and
run down the drain next to our front yard. I was only 1 year and 5 days old....And I still remember.

A quick neighbor came to my rescue as everybody ran to their basements for shelter.
Oddly...Crystal, MN where we lived at the time, was spared the devastation of an EF4 tornado.

The blood always left my mum's face whenever she told the story.
Ok, I missed a reference to a horror movie. What movie?

Rear Window..........?

(I was kidding.....) ;)

My pogo stick gets mistaken for a cane a lot.

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