Gina Maria Colvin Hill UFO Warning/Fraud


New Member
Hello, I would like to give everyone a heads up that Gina Maria Colvin Hill is not who she says she is. UFOs are real, but she is a psyops. Last night on her YouTube channel she told everyone that they have to be *special* to see the UFOs she shares and that she's expanding upon the UFO community. She doesn't care what anyone in the UFO community thinks of her either. In short, you don't see it, then you're not spiritual while she goes on about how she's the *chosen* one. She claims 3 aliens visited her and I am attaching a screenshot of that story.

Here's the link to her "I have something to say regarding the UFO community" video:

Every video she makes is about seeing stuff the average person cannot see and she lets her fans answer questions for her. Examples "Gina, how come only you see ships and no one else?" Answer: "Oh, you just need to expand your mind to see it. You're not awake yet." "Gina, how come people like Corey Goode or Dr. Steven Greer don't ever contact you?" Answer: "The UFO community is filled with shills."

In September 2018 I remember her being thrust into the spotlight. It was a few months after I started recording the orbs above my house. I've bit my tongue this whole time until now, it's gone on too long, gone too far. Just yesterday, Angry Catfish Briggs said she's got CIA ties, that I can believe. I don't buy for a second that she's playing dumb. I am working on a video about her on my YouTube channel: OrbSkyWatcher and have written a blog about her stating facts. The blog is here: Gina Maria Colvin Hill Fear-Fraud-Psyops (For obvious reasons, I disabled comments because I had one of her fans attack me on Facebook back in November, she came onto my page, and eventually I had to block this woman. I mention this in my video back in November 2020.)

There is also a Facebook group discussing her called "The Darker side of *GMCH* exposing a DECEIVER/FRAUD!" link is here:

I am sorry if I am breaking any forum rules. I've been sky-watching for nearly 3 years and hate to see so many people get duped. It does a disservice to sky-watchers all over the globe.


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    Screenshot 2021-02-22 223603.jpg
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New Member
P.S. Sargel18 is back on YouTube, he gives a timeline of when aliens will visit us. He's got a lot of amazing episodes on YouTube and talks about the Wanaque vortex, where the evil entities/aliens reside.

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New Member
this reptile actually lead me to here, and I totally agreed who ever she is is not human. i have documented about 3 years of her shapeshifting and come to a conclusion that she is a reptilian, draconian , zeta grey shapeshifters. this is an eye operner to all humanities that the worst damage to humanities carried out by the 3 gangster being are their creation of their shapeshifters to walk and roam among mankind and infiltrated int our societies, communities and they rule their hive masters 5 enslavement systems introduced on earth.
you would not beleive me if I were to tell u that, there is a cell in Salem, that holds a holographic projection of a homestead, there are more than one of her, there are several of the 3 species taking under one hologram and called it self gina. the shapeshifters ttook a new turn when one hologram can hold a split of 3 entities. it showw in the photos we took. if its hard to understand , just say the shape of the entities that fit into a same rubber gloves will basically show it profile. like different size of hands that fit into one same glove will shoe its a different size but still the same glove that basically stretch out,,
thats what these shapeshifters are made of, programmed , scripted to pursue their master agendas, even though to date , their hive masters are ousted but the minion is left behind like a chicken with no head , so they continue to do what is programmed, not knowing their fruitless agendas. she basically do fear base stuff, the only motive is to bring down humaities frequency to her level so she and her cloonies can feed off the human energy. manipulated its victim in dreamscape for sexual energy.
I have deal with her in dreamscape time and its nasty. check in to Paul stroughton facebook page and you can click on to photos and view her demonic look,.


New Member
the fact is that yes there are ufos and its no longer ufo as we know who they are and we know our galactic situation and we know almost all the agendas of their presence through open disclosure .
the problem with this reptile is she does not see anyone of them except point viewer to her hive masters mind control satellite etc.. long story short..
she actually steal , copy videos, of NASA satellite products and re recorded, edit, coloured , photoshop . cgi etc to it and turn around and say she saw it , she took the photos with her iphone tell her viewers of alien attack, of negativities fear base mongering etc.. and in our group , thats what we are busting her ass for , dishonesty, liar, cheater, deceiver and manipulator.
its all documented on my fb page
Your acting as if this is something new to Ufology, it's not...99.9% of this pseudoscience field is filled with frauds...

Its not about revealing any truth, its about the almighty dollar..

Case in point Nancy Lieder, Steven Greer, the Ancient Alien talking heads and the list goes on...

Ever heard the expression "money talks and bullshit walks"......Well there is a lot of walking bullshit in Ufology....Take a gander at the link below:

So I would not be quick to criticize this lady because there were many, many before her...She did not start it she is just adding to it......The Ufology battleship is listing hard starboard and the quicker it sinks the better I say!


Senior Member
UFOlogy is so toxic lol i use to be big into the scene but eventually left after everything became a pissing contest. "I am more spiritual than you!" "i have been abducted 5 more times than you!!" i could go on, seeing someone who puts down others and puts them selfs above everyone else only screams ego to me and that they're not who they say they are.

Don't get me started on MUFON and "experiencers"
