Media Glenn Beck EXPOSES the Globalist Plan to Flood America with Migrants


The Supreme Court just ruled the Biden administration can continue to dismantle Texas border protections put in place to stem the flow of border crossings at Eagle Pass. In response, Texas Governor Greg Abbott released one of his harshest rebukes of President Biden yet in a constitutional showdown. We are beyond crisis-level numbers now thanks to a well-organized, globally funded network that is aiding and abetting an INVASION at the southern border. Glenn Beck reveals the extent of the global network, the institutions' detailed plans, and “migration maps” they hand out to residents in South America.



Senior Member
Funny how the same people want both cheaper food made in the USA and reduced illegal immigration, which produces their cheap food by not having minimum wages. This would require abolishing minimum wages for themselves and taking the vacant jobs in the food processing factories, when the inofficial apartheid system of black labor is what drives the US economy. That is like crossing a river carried by Mexicans and telling them to go home when you are in the deep end and can't swim on your own.


Active Member
The problem is these illegals aren't asylum seekers, they are looking for jobs. Who can blame them? If they could make 10-100x here than where they live, who wouldn't want to come here? They sure aren't breaking down the doors to get into communist countries.

The problem is the costs, both human trafficking and to the tax payers. Drug cartels aren't friendly and things get nasty. The tax payers have shelled out something around $500 BILLION in the past few years for these illegals. That's about $3600/pax payer. Illegals get a free bus or plane ticket and many get free hotels... I mean, seriously, WTF? What the hell are the bleeding heart liberals doing with my tax dollars???

I'm all for legal immigration. Come in the front door. Be educated enough to support yourself. If you do something illegal, you get kicked out... JUST LIKE ANY OTHER COUNTRY!
