Going the opposite direction


Active Member
if all knowledge and everything else around us is made up and fabricated, how can we theoretically go the opposite linear temporal direction we are going in now to go back in time and fix events? Considering time is defined as movement and a dimension of measurement and not so much as a multiverse. How can this be done? Thoughts? Ideas? If time is or isn't linear as people say? How can we go in a multiverse that delivers a change in this current linear timeline that allows multiverse a to change outcomes all around us in this and the other worlds in linear time when traffic goes both back and forth?


Temporal Engineer
I don't think you can. There is no theoretical knowledge that has come true. I firmly believe we are educated with fiction to keep us all stupid.


Temporal Engineer
@Einstein - Are you saying you don't think time traveling to the past or changing the past is possible?

Only if you attempt to use the available fiction being promulgated by the educational community. Obviously the past is changing. Direct observation shows that to be the case. But I have not come across any body of facts to show how that can be done.


Active Member
So lets say we use an hdr and go to a parallel verse instead? Plausible?
It might be plausible.

That would create a new parallel world line though, it wouldn't be the direct past.

That sounds cool and all, but honestly, disregarding theories, laws and hypothesis in terms of man made construction, allow me to hypocritically state and believe that a direct past can be achieved and changed if given the correct circumstances.
