

Earth quake, hoax burn, sky turn purple, what they putting in bananas these days?

Bad hoaxer done a runner. Note to time travellers: never set a hoax beyond the year 2100. It is impossible to impersonate a person from such a drastically changed culture, the debunkers will wipe the floor with you. However, if you are from a country more foreign to the forum, say Russia or far Southern America, you may find it easier to pass your story at first by setting it further in the future. Fewer of us here are aquainted with the cultures of those kind of places, and we couldn't easily spot the problems with your claimed changes to it. US and UK are the worst places to set a hoax.

You can't see me, therefore i must be a time traveller.

Oh, and by the way, the redsox win in 3 years time, and it will rain tomorrow...

Ach! No. The Chronohistorian Effect was much worse. That is where the patient has been proven a hoax, but carries on hoaxing regardless with nothing to stop them; that was only possible because of Gavin's horrendously lax administration and mod team. No-one could manage that around here.

Originally posted by bluefreeze@Oct 29 2004, 11:30 PM
Anyone hear of a radio show called coasttocoastam with George Noory? It's a show that deals with the paranormal and things such as aliens, science, ghosts and it had a couple of times with time travel. George has had a couple of time travelers call his open lines before and he also interviewed a guest Oliver Williams who owns the website. I think it would be cool if Thomas Cousins called his show or was a guest and talked about time travel. Some guests stay for three hours but it would be cool if Thomas even stayed atleast a full hour. The website is Who's with me on this? :)

::.. I think this post scared him away ..::

Originally posted by TheHeggy@Oct 29 2004, 09:51 PM
Thomas, I'm going to email the producer of that show and have him contact you.... If that's okay.

Or this one... Never did get an email back though ;)
