Greta Thunberg


I've read she may be autistic or have some type of mental problem, so this is definitely abuse by the parents. If adult problems cause her this much distress, they have no right to fill her mind with fear and garbage.
Probably true about the autism or some other mental problem, & it was likely caused by all of the vaccines her country’s government made her take in order partake in its public education/brainwashing system!


Senior Member
What action has Greta Thunberg provided for the governments that she has chastised over climate change?

Has she ever read anything about polar shifts, and previous cataclysmic events on earth?

Whats your opinion on this 16 year old.

A few years ago there was another but he quickly vanished but of the same vain.
I'm not sure if it's a case of her being at the right time at the right place, so getting influence. Or she has an affliction such as Aspergers. Do not know, but she with her realm of influence, does not seem to be going after the university education.

It's also odd at this particular time, that industrialist Elon Musk come out with that he has a psycho-mentive condition. Believe this is Aspergers Syndrome. Asperger syndrome - Wikipedia

*I'm secretly wondering if the powers that be are wanting people that are in key positions of power, have conditions that make them both non-interpersonal social, or non-communitive and that is within the business range of needed social doings.

I mean if Elon Musk becomes a president of a Martin colony, this would have to be as a vestment in the token range of both authority and decision range, because of legal liabilities associated with potentially bad decisions.

As to your query in Thunberg, she does not seem to have the legal government authority based behind what she's attempting to do. She was correct about the polar bear survival quandary. However selective breeding of polar bears and grizzlies, gennesising the prizzley bear, seems to have solved that problem, if only by nature selection.

Greta's boyfriend is mentioned here, because the act of love making, adds like a bio-chemical finishing depth to a young person, more or less indicating to the world, in part what the complete human product will be. It's probably safe to say that Greta and her boyfriend, are just not sitting there all alone twittering their thumbs.
Your'e welcome. A truth in the light of understanding, Dan

Greta Thunberg - Wikipedia–polar_bear_hybrid
