đź“ş Video Gun Confiscation Begins in California

Its late, 3am and storming out and you have me at a disadvantage, where did I contradict you? o_0:ROFLMAO:

It's nearly 4 a.m. here and peaceful. I'm watching Foyle's War. I suppose "contradict" doesn't quite describe it, but it seems there's always something that you disagree with me on. But then your name is Khaos. ;) Anyway, I'm ready for zzzs.
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The liberal mind will never understand how the real world works.

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They believe this could never happen to them...
So, you are saying that maybe many folks on this forum are not "Rational"?

Funny how crazy people believe everyone else is nuts!

And the fool driving down the wrong side of the road complains about all of the people going the wrong way!

So, you are saying that maybe many folks on this forum are not "Rational"?

Funny how crazy people believe everyone else is nuts!

And the fool driving down the wrong side of the road complains about all of the people going the wrong way!


Yes, there are two sides to every story. Don't you think it's a little biased at times, when you only are exposed over and over to just one side?

I happen to notice how police killing civilians gets lots of exposure. But civilians killing police hardly ever gets covered. It's almost as if what's being portrayed shows that the police are in control. But every so often a small story does leak through.

Here is an example of one I noticed seems to have got covered up: I was looking at a LA police website one day. There was mention of a black man wearing a hoody that ran by a police station. Apparently as he ran by, he pulled out a gun and shot a policeman dead. In broad daylight. How brazen. He kept running. Got away too. There was a small video on the site of a bystander being interviewed about the incident.

It just makes me wonder how many stories like this are censored out of the news media.
