Happy Holidays!

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A special thank to all of you guys who have been visiting Paranormalis and enjoying the discussion. We're glad you decided to stop by and spend some time, now and then, with us on the forum.

Make sure you slow down a bit for the Holidays and have fun with the ones you love.

Best wishes to you and your loved ones. Let's make 2015 a good one! :)




Senior Member
Favorite lines:

Give us what we're asking for, or we will you dismay.
In Heaven God may reign, but we want toys on Christmas Day!
Unless you do, some things you cherish well might go astray,
Like that Longines watch that long has been your joy, long your joy,
If you don't give in, you just might lose your joy!

Deck us all with Boston Charlie,
Walla walla, Wash., an' Kalamazoo!
Nora's freezin' on the trolley,
Swaller dollar cauliflower alley'garoo!
Don't we know archaic barrel,
Lullaby lilla boy, Louisville Lou?
Trolley Molly don't love Harold,
Boola boola Pensacoola hullabaloo!
Bark us all bow-wows of folly,
Polly welly cracker n' too-da-loo!
Donkey Bonny brays a carol,
Antelope Cantaloup, 'lope with you!
Hunky Dory's pop is lolly gaggin' on the wagon,
Willy, folly go through!
Chollie's collie barks at Barrow,
Harum scarum five alarum bung-a-loo!
Duck us all in bowls of barley,
Ninky dinky dink an' polly voo!
Chilly Filly's name is Chollie,
Chollie Filly's jolly chilly view halloo!
Bark us all bow-wows of folly,
Double-bubble, toyland trouble! Woof, Woof, Woof!
Tizzy seas on melon collie!
Dibble-dabble, scribble-scrabble! Goof, Goof, Goof!
Long lay the world in sin and error pining
Till he appear'd and the soul felt its worth.
A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices
For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn!

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.
The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow,
Gave a lustre of midday to objects below...

``What's to-day?'' cried Scrooge, calling downward to a boy in Sunday clothes, who perhaps had loitered in to look about him.
``Eh? '' returned the boy, with all his might of wonder.
``What's to-day, my fine fellow?'' said Scrooge.
``To-day?'' replied the boy. ``Why, Christmas Day.''
``It's Christmas Day!'' said Scrooge to himself. ``I haven 't missed it. The Spirits have done it all in one night. They can do anything they like. Of course they can. Of course they can. Hallo, my fine fellow!''
``Hallo!'' returned the boy
``Do you know the Poulterer's, in the next street but one, at the corner?'' Scrooge inquired.
``I should hope I did,'' replied the lad.
``An intelligent boy!'' said Scrooge. ``A remarkable boy! Do you know whether they've sold the prize Turkey that was hanging up there? Not the little prize Turkey; the big one?''
``What, the one as big as me?'' returned the boy.
``What a delightful boy!'' said Scrooge. ``It's a pleasure to talk to him. Yes, my buck!''
``It's hanging there now,'' replied the boy.
``Is it?'' said Scrooge. ``Go and buy it.''
``Walk-er!'' exclaimed the boy.
``No, no,'' said Scrooge, ``I am in earnest. Go and buy it, and tell 'em to bring it here, that I may give them the irection where to take it. Come back with the man, and I'll give you a shilling. Come back with him in less than five minutes, and I'll give you half-a-crown!''
``I'll send it to Bob Cratchit's!'' whispered Scrooge, rubbing his hands, and splitting with a laugh. ``He sha'n't know who sends it. It's twice the size of Tiny Tim. Joe Miller never made such a joke as sending it to Bob's will be!''
The hand in which he wrote the address was not a steady one, but write it he did, somehow, and went down stairs to open the street door, ready for the coming of the poulterer's man. As he stood there, waiting his arrival, the knocker caught his eye.
``I shall love it, as long as I live!'' cried Scrooge, patting it with his hand. ``I scarcely ever looked at it before. What an honest expression it has in its face! It's a wonderful knocker! -- Here's the Turkey. Hallo! Whoop! How are you! Merry Christmas!''
It was a Turkey! He never could have stood upon his legs, that bird. He would have snapped 'em short off in a minute, like sticks of sealing-wax.
``Why, it's impossible to carry that to Camden Town,'' said Scrooge. ``You must have a cab.''
The chuckle with which he said this, and the chuckle with which he paid for the Turkey, and the chuckle with which he paid for the cab, and the chuckle with which he recompensed the boy, were only to be exceeded by the chuckle with which he sat down breathless in his chair again, and chuckled till he cried.

I'm sort of a sentimentalist.

This is what it's all about to me, this face:

little Libby.jpg

My little girl. MAN did she like ponies! And reindeer.

Now, of course, she knows everything.



Happy New Year Paranormalis!

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