Harmonic 36


Time Enforcement Commission
Since we already know that there are 20.736 dimensions, which are solely connected to each of the pyramids, it now becomes necessary to explain, how I arrived at the previous calculations. For example, in "How time flows in relation to the earth" I describe how each of the vectors can be connected to 12 dimensions, each of which composes the structure of one of the triangles. And since 12 times 3 equals 36 dimensions, then harmonic 36 must also be incorporated into each of the triangles. Now the reason for this assumption is based upon the fact, that when the Chaldean alphabet set, is used to decipher the name of our creator; his name also reduces to harmonic 36. And since this is the case, then each of the triangles which makes up the structure of both of the pyramids, must then emit their type of white light energy.


Now, one of the other reasons why the creator's name has been deciphered is to show people, how man communicates with God. For example, when a person prays, his soul energies must first be relayed through each of the 6 levels that surround the physical body, before it is then transmitted to the son. The process of both of these energies working in unison with one another, reveals the father, or in this case, the 216 value. This confirms what Jesus said in the book of John, chapter 14, verse 6; I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the father, but by me.

Note: the reason I used the 216 value to represent the father, is because this figure is the center harmonic of the pyramid of Giza.

So basically the 216 harmonic, is another way of describing the zero vector. So as we can see, 6 times 36 equals 216, and this analytically proves that the creator exists. But for those who are skeptics, then I strongly suggest that you should read the King James version. The reason I say this is because, there are many Bibles out on the market today, but only one which gets close to the original form. Therefore the King James version should be used in all cases unless it is otherwise unobtainable. It should also be added, that there is something about the King James version which sinks deep into the soul, which causes a lasting effect to those who read it.

The Chaldean alphabet set

How a person communicates with God

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