Has anyone heard of "the sons of man"


Senior Member
@lamdo263 so you are telling me you were a vampire. out of curiosity if I wanted to become a vampire how would I go about doing that ?.
My disclosure of what I had gone through was a direct result of Pleiadeans messing with time travel, when they had a relative in the human herd here on Earth.

This situation's like have two twins, where one is riding inside the bus and while arms linked they other is on the outside. When Semjase time traveled her & I had a fraternal twin's link leftover from a common family linage dating back to when Atlantis was above the sea.

Her family and ancestors left Atlantis, but the twin's link stayed intact. When her and Billy Meier as advertised traveled back in time that genetic link I had to her also took me back and through the aera of the junk vampire plagues. In short she erased my resistance to this past vampire plague, as a 1600s era parent was probably bitten, but survived and procreated to pass this resistance down to me.

I've always had an extreme fear of vampires when little and maybe this was my bodies' recognition of these past plagues somehow? What occurred because she erased my resistance is a reversion back to being a vampire.

Some agency was keeping tabs and to this day I don't know whether this was government, another sect of the Pleiadeans or ETs, or a vampire clan. But the stop to change bite was delivered exactly the right time and I was reverted to normal. Somebody was looking over my shoulder which was a relief to know. This was not a process that I wanted.

You don't want to change into a full vamp as your life patterns drastically alter. This means that you have to either get blood or bag a human for their blood without fail.

To me this prospect, is as attractive as going to the bathroom, in a large plastic bucket in the middle of the street.


My disclosure of what I had gone through was a direct result of Pleiadeans messing with time travel, when they had a relative in the human herd here on Earth.

This situation's like have two twins, where one is riding inside the bus and while arms linked they other is on the outside. When Semjase time traveled her & I had a fraternal twin's link leftover from a common family linage dating back to when Atlantis was above the sea.

Her family and ancestors left Atlantis, but the twin's link stayed intact. When her and Billy Meier as advertised traveled back in time that genetic link I had to her also took me back and through the aera of the junk vampire plagues. In short she erased my resistance to this past vampire plague, as a 1600s era parent was probably bitten, but survived and procreated to pass this resistance down to me.

I've always had an extreme fear of vampires when little and maybe this was my bodies' recognition of these past plagues somehow? What occurred because she erased my resistance is a reversion back to being a vampire.

Some agency was keeping tabs and to this day I don't know whether this was government, another sect of the Pleiadeans or ETs, or a vampire clan. But the stop to change bite was delivered exactly the right time and I was reverted to normal. Somebody was looking over my shoulder which was a relief to know. This was not a process that I wanted.

You don't want to change into a full vamp as your life patterns drastically alter. This means that you have to either get blood or bag a human for their blood without fail.

To me this prospect, is as attractive as going to the bathroom, in a large plastic bucket in the middle of the street.
@lamdo263 this has to be the most confusing thing I have ever read in my entire life. if its possible, answer the following question as simple as possible: how does one turn into a vampire ?.

side note: don't make the answer as simple as "get bit", go into detail please I'm curious.


@lamdo263 this has to be the most confusing thing I have ever read in my entire life. if its possible, answer the following question as simple as possible: how does one turn into a vampire ?.

side note: don't make the answer as simple as "get bit", go into detail please I'm curious.

It all starts with an addiction to Anne Rice novels.



Senior Member
@lamdo263 this has to be the most confusing thing I have ever read in my entire life. if its possible, answer the following question as simple as possible: how does one turn into a vampire ?.

side note: don't make the answer as simple as "get bit", go into detail please I'm curious.
Very simple.Semjase & I started to pars with each other in 1975 when she first came to the Billy Meier farmstead.Where I don't know if this was an operation of some kind, I do know that with her this was a two way street. What I was made up of and what she was made up of, was passing to each other, because it's the law of comparitive twins.

Her full identity was coming to me in stages prior to 1981.However in September 1981 her full identity flooded to me, which was overwhelmingly her complete self identity along with cultural norms. In effect she became me and I her, but we both still had control of our actions, socially speaking.

Semjase and Billy Meier to show off the Pleiadean technological prowess, demonstrated time travel to both Billy and the recorder of this incident.

She time traveled earlier, but I felt the effects in April 1982, after being bed ridden from this full exchange. When I came out of these sleeps, everything seemed strange and foreign to me, because in all essence, I was her.

One of the things that she did time traveling while genetically joined to me, was to travel back in time past the 1600s.This was the era of the junk vampire plagues, which were said in David Hatcher Childress's book, to have occurred just past the middle ages. As I had said, I had a direct relative from that era, that was bitten by a junk vampire, died, but found rescue in locating clan vampires, which are high grade and they must have rescued and treated that past relative.

The happening was, she erased my resistance I had to the past junk vampire plagues via her time travel.

This change only occurred some twenty year later after the rejoining genetically with Semjase.

As I had said because of my link to Semjase, someone must have been keeping tabs on me and got me the stop to turn serum via a bite.

It was about three days I was starting to go into the latter stages of change and my pre-vampire ego was going goody goody gumdrops, but I guess someone monitoring me had different ideas.

You see that Billy Meier landings was not all wine & roses. There were a couple of huge mistakes placed in that landing from miscalculation and divisive intention.


Senior Member
@lamdo263 do you know the location of any vampire clans, I want to visit them
You need to write down to yourself your purpose in statement of fact. These are not humans you're visiting but creatures that can seem human who are a genetic mutation away from humans.

You must also accept the ruling of the vampire hierarchies, either allowance, or denial of your visiting them. I was at a disadvantage here, as this was a gene viral disease lacking immunity problem that almost caused me to become a full vampire.

Their numbers and society are tightly controlled. So you just don't walk in on them. I would check Sanguinarious.org and ask. There are also some hits to contact them in both LA & New Orleans.

I'm not recommending you do this because of the dangers involved. The risk you take are solely your own I take no responsibilities for your choices in doing this.
