Haunted By My Fantasies


New Member
Haunted By My Fantasies

Hi, yeah, this is kinda weird, I'm 15 and about 2 weeks ago i started having pitch black dream with ominous whispers....first i couldnt figure out what they were saying...but a few days later., they became more clear, i began to hear the name "Asmodeus" and i thought it was nothin. But until about a week ago...i began to see dreams of my fantasies ('seeing' the girl i really like, embarrising erotic dreams) and i would wake up during the night w cuts on my hands and arms...bruises...whispering next to my head while im sleeping (when i wake up theres nothing there)...bite marks...punctures in my arms, and i kno its not me...cause i dont have any evidence around me...im an only child and i dont have any pets. 3 days ago i looked up the name Asmodeus....and i was shocked to see it was the name of the Demon of Lust...and this has concerned me...ive never had these kind of dreams so many times in a row and i dont cause physical pain to myself...ive even waken up w my covers slightly moving without me. Please can u send me any advise? anything that could help me please? im getting to the point where im too scared to even go to sleep at night....and i have to get sleep as im still in school...please help.


Senior Member
Re: Haunted By My Fantasies

My prescription - a cold shower before bedtime.



Active Member
Re: Haunted By My Fantasies

Or rubbing one out. Then a cold shower.

One time I worked nights and was forced to try and sleep during the day. I found that my dreams were alot more vivid during the day. So much so that I could never really fall in to a deep sleep. The dreams weren't nigtmares, but just so vivid and constant I never really got a good resting sleep. I figured the change in melatonin was effecting my dreams. Started taking the recommended amount and the crazy dreams went away. You could try some melatonin and see if it helps. It couldn't hurt. It's perfectly safe and if you take more than your body needs it's not toxic. They sell it at most health and drug stores.


THinkharder is my alternate internet name
Re: Haunted By My Fantasies

how come you guys always post in a row , how suspicious , care to explain, ...need i say more


Active Member
Re: Haunted By My Fantasies

how come you guys always post in a row , how suspicious , care to explain, ...need i say more

You've said enough already.

Now that our cover is blown I might as well reveal our daily diabolical plan. I say" Harte, what do you want to do today?" He says, "Same thing we do every day, Kero... Try to take over the world." How are we doing so far?


THinkharder is my alternate internet name
Re: Haunted By My Fantasies

well there over one million forum out there im sure there better things to do than this, your not doing so well try harder .my determination knows no boundary and my passion is only,limited by my lack of $ to do this full time.


Re: Haunted By My Fantasies

I never considered the fact that Kero and Harte might actually be the same person.... that makes sense .... but... wait.... you both posted a picture of yourself in the picture thread.... shit, how's that possible then...


Active Member
Re: Haunted By My Fantasies

Photoshop. In the picture I posted of myself, Harte is really me and I am the fish.


Re: Haunted By My Fantasies

Harte's picture is no longer available because most of the attachments we had were lost in early 2009. Keroscene's pic is still there, you may look for a thread called "picture thread" in the General Discussion forum.
