Hauntings... Spiritual energy...


"That feeling" Is how most people describe some places homes and or buildings that is subject to hauntings.

It is speculated that energy other then our then the living resides within broken walls and dilapidated structures. It is said that one can "sometimes" see "them". We sometimes get this feeling in old hospitals and places where death is more common. Where the insane is kept under lock and key one can feel a different type of energy.

The human body is amazing in that it can record many environmental changes. It is amazing how sensitive our body is as a instrument. We can feel things that electronics have difficulty to even recognize. Yet there is more to this, the natural order was disturbed and what many of us came to call "doors" was opened and as many will till you they are harder to close then one would think. Fact is many doors can never be closed.

So why do I write about this again and again? I am trying to figure out what it is that I saw and How it is that we can see how far things go and where things will flow to see the movement of reality and spirituality.

In short I need to understand why things can move trough one world into the next and still remain here on earth for whatever reason. The only real explanation is that a vast majority of hauntings are not hauntings but demons that is at work for whatever reason. Remember these demons as we call them has nothing better to do then to hurt and attack. Their purpose is to destroy the human soul and damn it to hell. Now do we really understand these things?

I don't think we really do, I don't think we understand it at all. If we look at movies and TV shows the subject is manipulated to the point that demons became the good guys and at this point I better digress. Fact is we can see the manipulation and it is now so out in the open that even if someone can actually video record a door opening that there will be people that want to be part of that. That they want to go into those doors because somehow in some way people are told that hell isn't a bad place anymore. That torment will only be real for some and not for others. In most movies a version of the devil is suppose to rule hell? No... Just no... How was that even concluded? Demons will suffer in hell but will be responsible for the suffering of human kind. Nothing in hell will have an easy time.

There is a problem with the modern human. A big big problem and I can see it growing as more people don't realize they are walking into a bad place. They don't feel the "strangeness" they don't understand the energy that is the Feminine and the Masculine. They don't understand its importance. The spirit lives within the body and is part of it until the body dies. Till then the power within each of us is factually spiritual. Every breath we take, every thought we have is a spiritual function. The body cannot survive without the soul "naturally" sure we can keep the body alive for many many years but naturally the body will not be able to stay alive for very long.

I am not here to tell you what to do or think. But I am here to tell you, you should truly begin to take your spirit seriously because we are losing our ability to communicate with what I can only call divinity. Finding yourself should not be just a summery of your life story it must be the on going story of the soul for the soul is you in its most pure form.

No one is perfect, I am not perfect and I will never claim to be even "good" but I am trying to understand all this.

I cannot help to think we are losing something seriously important and it should never be lost or dismissed. It should remain our highest priority to preserve the soul, the spirit that animate and bind us. Don't let the world blind you with all its bright lights and all its promises. The world cannot keep a promise for it is death and everything on it has or is busy dyeing. Thus it cannot hold truth, and truth is beauty is temporary life is finite and the sprit is eternal.

When you feel something strange pay attention to it. Make a note of it. It is important.


Sounds like we have walked similar paths in life.

I have seen/lived things that are nearly impossible to describe that have changed my life forever.

Yes, there are bad.
Yes, there are good.

In my opinion, it's about becoming self aware isn't it?
That pesky question of "Why me and where do I fit within all of this??"

Things happen for a reason and we can sometimes become our own worst enemies by worrying,
self doubt/hatred, fear of the unknown.
I refuse to talk about my experiences at length here in public because they are NOT up for debate,
I had to learn that the hard way.

I have seen the real thing.
I have been down that road where, (I doubted my sanity.....I gained witnesses....I really started drinking.....)

I am not Evil, I am not Good .... I was just a guy trying to survive like anyone else.

There is no direct answer to the questions you pose @label
we just go on trying our best.

Trust me when I say that having such an evil ordeal as what I have faced and lived through,
it's easy to fall into that pit of never-ending self doubt and hatred.
"Why me? What did I do that was soooo bad that I am punished??"

I faced the daemons and I understood that I was never alone to begin with because of my faith.
I lost friends and family when they accused me of being "Nuts" until a few saw it for themselves by witnessing.

Then...Suddenly, I was the devil incarnate.

"Who else would have this going on in their life and not want to move away or run away? "

The thing you and I have faced are NOT remotely the norm, so
we cannot even expect generality when in conversation of the matter.

But we have HOPE, my friend.

You.....Are NOT a lost cause in my opinion
and it does not matter one bit what actions you have made, right or wrong.

You are living proof that God is alive and well.
Even though it hurts some times.....I try the best I can to live it every day.

But I consider myself lucky to be alive....Even though luck had nothing to do with it.

There is nothing that you have ever done that cannot be forgiven.
Even if you cannot forgive yourself.


It sometimes starts with just a feeling.

I have been called a 'Sensitive' because I was always the first to react when entering places that were foreign to me.
I was teased relentlessly as a child for this and I was always on edge because of the goings on in my own home.

Fast forward to being at a friend's house.
The first time I ever entered there I felt like I was being watched.

Later on, his own Stepson would photo something really strange that resembled
a long, flowing party streamer streaking across the room.
Lights would be seen turning on....Knocking on their walls.....

They all smoked Marijuana.

I put it down to that....Until the day my friend called me to vent
he was really angry so, I went there and saw for myself what went wrong.

They were renovating their home and the brand new double pane Picture Window was
half shattered for no explanation....But he blamed his significant other's kids.
I pointed something out to him.

How can just ONE pane of glass become shattered but not the other when in the exact same frame?
The glass was strewn across the floor like it would be if one had thrown a brick through
both panes from the outside, there were no shards of glass in between the two panes at all.
How does that happen??

I got an word in my head. "Change"

I was laughed at when I told him that, "Something doesn't like the changes you're making."


It was found out at a much later time that the residence next door were having a bunch of problems too
and it was discovered that they built the house on top of an old Indian burial ground of a sort.

It was full of animal remains (Bones).
It was never relocated properly so a spirit that watched over it became angry.

The neighbor reportedly had an exorcist cleanse their home and had the ground and home blessed.

My friend never again had anything else happen after that so,
it was what he personally called "An X-FILE." (After the tv series x-files.)

He would change the subject immediately if it were ever again brought up.


Thing is, it's called paranormal for a reason.
Science has yet to explain why things like this happen so...It's all just malarky.

I call it Frustrating while thinking of those of us whom have had experiences.

As God is my witness, I have seen the real thing.

I am no longer frightened by it.
