Have you ever Astrally Time traveled?

Re: Have you ever Astrally Time traveled?

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"darkbreed\")</div>
Yeah got no idea really though why they came and chopped me down, would be interesting to try figure out more about everything that led up to that incident.

Btw, as you are interested in astral projection/OBEs yourself, i suggest you check out http://www.astraldynamics.com its got alot of good information on the subject.

Also, I have been experimenting some with a program called Brainwave Generator lately, you can find that at http://www.bwgen.com . I've had some good results with it so far, by using some of the presets you can download from the site when you register the program. You can download free shareware version to try it out.

And I should mention http://time-travelers.org/ that aims directly towards time travel by the help of astral projection and meditation excersices.[/b]

Thanks i was about to recomend that site :P
Re: Have you ever Astrally Time traveled?

i have never travled tru time.
mebe in my dreams?

When you read this statement, I can guarantee you that you have successfully traveled through time from when you posted the comment I quoted to the time you read these words.:P

Re: Have you ever Astrally Time traveled?

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"StarLord\")</div>
That's very possible Dr Rush, very possible indeed.[/b]

Some times i wonder what where and when i do when i sleep. Its almost as if my spirit is someone else because you dont remeber anything...

Re: Have you ever Astrally Time traveled?

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Fabel\")</div>
This is a question that has been answered before im sure many times i would just like to renew the answer. I want everyone to post if and how many times they astrally time traveled and if you want tell a story about it. Mainly i want to see the chances of actually astrally time traveling to motivate me and others to buy the HDR unit.[/b]
I believe i did astral travel in time before.I didn't use the hdr or
any machine,it just happenned.I saw myself in the future,saw my house.
The reason i don't think it was a dream it's because it was very clear
and in color.I also had a very strong feeling that what i was seeing was
real(even tho it might have been the future or alternate timeline).
Hope that helps.:)
Re: Have you ever Astrally Time traveled?

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Fabel\")</div>
Some times i wonder what where and when i do when i sleep. Its almost as if my spirit is someone else because you dont remeber anything...


Just like lifting weights, certain 'muscles' need to be excercised. The more you want to remember your dreams, the closer you will come to doing so. Constant reinforcement in this direction will eventually produce the results you want. Rome was not built in one day so you need to be patient and build a foundation slowly.

Tell yourself each night that you WILL remember your dreams. Notice the shift from 'WANT' to remember your dreams, to "WILL" remember your dreams. You are shifiting your postion from desire to a command. Do this three times each night. Keep this up and you eventually bypass the 'Censor' our subconscious, and results will begin to show up.

Make sure you keep a dream diary. You are going to need it later to start translating the symbology used for you.
Have you ever Astrally Time traveled?

This is a question that has been answered before im sure many times i would just like to renew the answer. I want everyone to post if and how many times they astrally time traveled and if you want tell a story about it. Mainly i want to see the chances of actually astrally time traveling to motivate me and others to buy the HDR unit.

I am replying to this just in case if a new person happens to read this, yes I have astral time traveled with the HDR many of times.
