HDR Device Auction on Ebay


Active Member
HDR Device Auction on Ebay

I found a thread on anomalies today regarding the auction of an "improved HDR" The thread is located here:

Posted by CarlosX:
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...m=5544339219&rd =1&ssPageName=WDVW

This person has an improved version of Steven Gibbs HDR.

Originally he had the Hyper Dimensional Resonator with three knobs, but now he has added a fourth!

More knobs = more accuracy for tuning when using radionics machines. At least, so I'm told.

The perfect Christmas gift for a time traveller.

This machine looks a lot like the time machine used in the movie Napoleon Dynamite, except this time machine comes with no guarantee and says \"ALL SALES FINAL\"


I might actually buy one if it had a 30 day money back guarantee.

The main reason I am posting it here is because of a warning another member gives regarding this device. I think it warrants further discussion, and I'm curious to see if anyone on our forum has had the same experience.

Posted by Ernie Vega
Hi people,

This device is actually quite dangerous.
The electro magnet is a piece of steel with 120 volts ac running through it.

I bought one a while back. The first time I used it, at 3.5 minutes the only thing that went travelling was the electromagnet as it melted the few wraps of electrical tape around it and dropped off the handle.

It's the same design as Gibb's machine and it is improved but if you intend to use it, know this, be careful as you could electrocute yourself.

The story he tells is the same every time he makes a new one. He did not find it he made it.

Does it work? if you apply a powerful electromagnet to your Hara, you will certainly notice you did it.

I have done some OOBE with it but so far no fireworks.

It's a nice radionics machine with a dangerous electromagnet.

Best regards
HDR Device Auction on Ebay

I bet, its expensive. And I still wouldn't buy it, because I don't put any stock into them.

HDR Device Auction on Ebay

I'd rather invest in one of Fred Bell's systems.

Missing time, black hole effects, the materialization of angels, and heaps of other goodness. Of course, they are much more expensive, but much more worth it. What's more, is that they have, IMO, after reading his books, no lack of credibility, while at the same time most people have never heard of him.


It's amazing what the right combination of crystals, lasers, and shape energy can do when put together. :)

HDR Device Auction on Ebay

Isn't this the one that comes with two confections and a Libation? A Get Out Of The Black Hole Free Lollipop, The Eat Me & Grow Wiser and The Drink Me & Forget How Much Money You Just Got Ripped Off For Trying To Buy A Time Machine.
Re: HDR Device Auction on Ebay

What happend to this thing on ebay, anyone research it anymore? Did the guy give the other guy back the money with the 30 days thing? Hmmm

Re: HDR Device Auction on Ebay

I BOUGHT the damn thing......so far.......no time travel.....maybe im doing something wrong? Anyone have any experience with these things?

cheerz, Phil
Re: HDR Device Auction on Ebay

HDRKid does, but as far as I know he's on vacation or something like that. There's a thread about him around here somewhere...
Re: HDR Device Auction on Ebay

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Phil64\")</div>
I BOUGHT the damn thing......so far.......no time travel.....maybe im doing something wrong? Anyone have any experience with these things?

cheerz, Phil[/b]

Sorry, but the first thing awry was paying money for that thing. I do have to ask does it come with a vial of snake oil? If you do enough reading around Steve gibbs, you will find some lady that wrote a book where in the 'secret' was given to gibbs by two aliens 'Paco & Pepito', don't know about you but that raises a few questions for me.

Also, you will eventually unearth a line about 'you have to be 'ready' for this or some such nonsense, which puts the blame on the user rather than the machine if something does not work. What kind of BS is that?

Think about it, wouldn't a book about Out of Body Awareness, OBE or Astral Travel be a lot more cheaper, and the only blame associated is because you are not reading?
