HDR proof


Senior Member
Thats cool i also have a call recorder,

He wouldnt talk to me.

Talk to Harry, hdrkid.

Dont be so naive BTW.:)


Senior Member
I called steven gibbs up and I recorded the call if you guys want to hear it. (It's roughly 30 minutes) The only reason why he took my call was only because I claimed I would post the call and he said "As long as it will help my sales." He then continues to claim the HDR can
literally do "anything". He claims it cures cancer, cure's any ailment of any kind and THEN claims it can help you travel through time.

He says over the years he's made over a million dollars from the HDR and even admitted he created it as a scam.

This is what he says

"Well you see, I was brought up on a farm, and my dad didn't think I would amount to much of anything... but anyhow that's where I first started building the HDR unit and thats when I moved from nebraska to kansas in the year 2002 and I've been selling them ever since..."

"I took several courses in electrical engineering at the time to try to make... something I could sell. I ended up failing those courses but just came up with the first designs for an hdr."

Which is a direct contradiction to his story about making it because of time travelers visiting him. Which is that he made it to spite his father and to make money.

As far as the 5 people on Para, where's their proof? video evidence or predictions? Or anything that actually proves what they claim? As far as I'm concerned, they are lying.

makes me laugh...everytime you talk to Gibbs's it's actually a parallel dimensional Gibbs. He won't remember everything you told him in your last conversation and you won't either. He also cracks jokes all the time. He started making them in 1985 for sale. he was offering them for sale in the 90's and I was alive and aware of it then. He also had a stroke last year so might be affecting his memory too.


New Member
makes me laugh...everytime you talk to Gibbs's it's actually a parallel dimensional Gibbs. He won't remember everything you told him in your last conversation and you won't either. He also cracks jokes all the time. He started making them in 1985 for sale. he was offering them for sale in the 90's and I was alive and aware of it then. He also had a stroke last year so might be affecting his memory too.

Why would you tell me to call up steven gibbs then if now you're claiming its different versions of him or that he had a stroke and all this obvious BS.

Where's your proof for any of this? You honestly sound like either a troll or someone who's personally trying to scam and trick people. Where's your proof it works when you consistently claim it does, where's your proof for anything you claim? You should honestly be banned from this site because you sound like a scam artist or obvious troll.


Senior Member
well normally I share with people that are already somewhat knowledable, even a little bit. The rest of the 'skeptics' cannot be convinced with any evidence(unfortunately). So do you have some nugget of technical information about free energy, time travel or otherwise to share in exchange?

If not then guess the only thing you could exchange would be cash...hmm let's see how much is time travel proof worth again? a hundred kazbillion?

Firesale! one kazbillion dollars.
