
New Member
Re: HDRkid

SkeptiSaurus said:
Its true HDRKid.

You're delusional.

I suggest you look it up in a dictionary.

Chip's analogy is perfect for you. You're like one of thise poor, misguided souls who think they can sing like Mariah Carey but actually sound more like a cat being strangled.
Delusional. Look it up, mate. For your own sake.

:( maybe HDRKid needs psych meds? I can imagine the sound of a cat being strangled. :D


Senior Member
Re: HDRkid

Dear Webnower:
You said "Remember the time you time jumped to the future and watched the newest Star Wars film? "
Yes, and the debunkers laughed and then said that I got all my information off the web. I was accurate on most of what I predicted. :)

Dear Chip:
Calling me names will not put food on the table when the grocery store runs out. Of course you can claim, like a few debunkers do that there is no recession (DARBY) and that I am delusional. Back in 2005 there were people predicting GM going under. There were even people predicting the current economic crisis which gets worse. However, few predicted shortages of food and fuel. In fact, right now there is plenty of food in your fridge. That will not be the case in the future.:)

Dear JakeWarLock:
Your name fortends your future - as in WAR! :(

Dear SkeptiSaurus:
Keep telling yourself that I am crazy. Please remember that Darby did that when I told him GM would go under back in 2005. Guess what, he was wrong! 2009 is terrible, millions will lose their jobs.
Even as late as 2007 people were in denial. Finally in 2008 many are waking up.:)

Get ready for the gun run!
Election spurs a run on guns - Standard.NET - Standard-Examiner


Junior Member
Re: HDRkid

hdrkid said:
Dear SkeptiSaurus:
Keep telling yourself that I am crazy. Please remember that Darby did that when I told him GM would go under back in 2005. Guess what, he was wrong! 2009 is terrible, millions will lose their jobs.

WHEN will you respond to what's being asked of you?!!:mad::confused::rolleyes:

Everything you wrote above is an extrapolation on current trends.

Why don't you RV something from next week's news events and post it here so you can demonstrate to us the reality of your claims?


Its SIMPLE question!!!!!!

Why don't you respond to it?


New Member
Re: HDRkid

hdrkid said:
Dear JakeWarLock:
Your name fortends your future - as in WAR! :(

Yeap definitely....

You're not the only around here who can 'predict' sometimes. I even predict myself getting into some kind of advanced technology and using it for war purposes.

Those days are coming up, trust me :)

Besides, too many damm blackbirds keep hovering around your place... at least get rid of them, will you?

Chip Lewis

Re: HDRkid

hdrkid said:
Dear Chip:
Calling me names will not put food on the table when the grocery store runs out. Of course you can claim, like a few debunkers do that there is no recession (DARBY) and that I am delusional. Back in 2005 there were people predicting GM going under. There were even people predicting the current economic crisis which gets worse. However, few predicted shortages of food and fuel. In fact, right now there is plenty of food in your fridge. That will not be the case in the future.:)
From your response it's quite obvious that you haven't a clue as to what I have done to prepare for the (all too) obvious mess that America is in.

Calling you names could be considered a mental prep when (and if) I run out of food. Ya never know, I may hunt your ass down and call you dinner.


Active Member
Re: HDRkid

Hey! I found the TT mart that hdrkid goes to when she/he "travels"
There are slushies in the future, not to worry!


Re: HDRkid

gonzogirl said:
Hey! I found the TT mart that hdrkid goes to when she/he "travels"
There are slushies in the future, not to worry!
You should post the address of this place, Frog could be interested!


Senior Member
Re: HDRkid

To Skeptic:
Delusional is what I call a person who denies that we are in a recession and says that we need two quarters of negative growth. What is negative growth- SHRINKage? As in Shrink? :)

Here is what I am talking about.
TAKEN FROM Mandel: Paulson's Shift Is Just a Start - BusinessWeek
"Approximately 40% of U.S. consumer credit is provided through securitization of credit-card receivables, auto loans and student loans, and similar products. This market, which is vital for lending and growth, has for all practical purposes ground to a halt."

To Gonzogirl:
You said "I know you used the timeline crap to excuse your wrong predictions."
Wrong, there are many timelines. I cannot tell you what you are going to do tomorrow - due to free will. All I can do is report what I see on timelines similar to our own. In fact, you create your own future depending on the actions you take. :)

Hi Jake:
No black birds, giant vultures. That cannot be a good omen. :eek:

Hi Chip:
I may hunt your ass down and call you dinner."
I plan to be deep underground in my "cave". That is what my neighbors call it. You don't need a Hyper Dimensional Resonator - HDR to see what is coming. It is by now painfully ODDvious. :)


Active Member
Re: HDRkid

Yeah, this is not the same Hdrkid from before.
I am right arent I Kid?
Frankly I liked the old Kid better.
Sell back the name and get the old Kid back.
You just dont measure up ~ new Kid on the block.
I liked the insanity that we could smell brewing under the surface.
You-the new kid-just dont do like the other one did.



Junior Member
Re: HDRkid

Dear SkeptiSaurus:
Keep telling yourself that I am crazy. Please remember that Darby did that when I told him GM would go under back in 2005. Guess what, he was wrong! 2009 is terrible, millions will lose their jobs.

Uh...back in 2005? Care to show us the 2005 quote where you told me that or I said "that" (whatever it is I supposedly said. Your post doesn't make it clear)?

In fact show us the quote on your HDRKid predictions blog site where you even mentioned in passing GM during 2004, 2005, 2006 or in 2007 before November when the third quarter GM financials came out?

Yes, I already checked your blog. Don't you remember 2005? You weren't concerned with GM back then. The HDRKid disaster "Flavor-of-the-Month" in 2005 was Avian Flu. We were all about to assume room temperature not by comets, hurricanes, floods, meteors or war...it was Bird Flu.
