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Interesting timelines. Germany torches DC with a V3? Sure maybe in another timeline they had the technology, but I don't see how torching DC wins them the war. I think an event like that would just fuel the American Giant to awaken the way Pearl Harbor did.

And a timeline where the Greys are destroying earth? Was this another 2005 you saw? What exactly did you see? Aliens ships in the skies? Cities burning? Was there any sort of human military fighting back? That stuff is fascinating.

Thanks for any answers.

Interesting example kid. However, a polished 'lense' which a magnifying glass is, most certainly would not be construed as a rock but as a tool. How long did it take you to figure out you could wreak havoc to ants after you first got one?

And as usual you are misinterpreting my analogy with the rock. Because the hdr is a Placebo, regardless of wether it plugs into the wall, the VERY SAME thing could be done using a rock IF You believed in it. The magnifying glass is not a Placebo, it works wether you believe in it or not. All that is required is sufficient light.

You your self stated a few times that the hdr 'helps' you to astral travel 2 times out of 10. Did you want to change that number now? Point is, if it really worked, it would work each and every time, not just some times. The 'off' and 'on' switch is in you and your ability, not the hdr. Don't you see that? You are relying upon some man made gadget to perform something you were born with. That has always been one of my main points beside the deffinate possibility of destruction to the bodys cells while using the hdr.

Show me a reputable Laboratorys test data that says the hdr is safe. Can you even do that?

There is also a timeline where Germany won WWII. BTW it was in the news yesterday that Germany in our timeline had the A-bom right before the end of the war. In another timeline they had it in 1941 and used a souped up V2 rocket, actually a V3 to torch DC.

Do you have a link to that news article? If thats true that was a little too close for comfort.


Ever thought about writing a book on any or all of your experiences? I think it would be a great seller.

How far have you traveled into the past and future? Tell us about those experiences please.

Any time lines where there is an asteriod or other global killer heading towards earth?

Any time lines where there are weapons capable of destroying the whole world?

Tell us more about that time line where we are invaded by the "Grey's" please. :)

Thank you,


<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Farstar65\")</div>
Oh, man. I can?t believe you said that.


Just me being a combination of facetiousness and my proclivity for the double entendre that ocasionally has the facade of hoisting myself on my own pitard where in reality it's a way of causing the present degree of knowledge to be proffered during discussion. There is a very fine line between enquiring about the faire du jour and handing over a recipe would you agree?

This actual point was all but beat to death before in regards to the amount of nerves the human body sports which actually makes up the most sensitive and powerful sending and receiving aparatus when viewed in a certain light. Which are of course electromagnetic by nature.

It's good to see we agree on many points here, specificly in regards to the mistaken predictions due to the use of certain semantics. What's the sense in wasting time and energy on some 'alternate' line *cough, cough* when it has no bearing on this one? Too true that anything is possible there, but what is really important is what is possible here and why.

As to praying to Jesus to guide you and protect you, let me put it this way. You really want to work for a large library very badly. Some how you are under the impression that your supervisor is Mr. Jones. As your supervisor, Mr Jone's job is to see that any help you need will be taken care of and if you are ever in trouble he is the person to look to to get you out of trouble. All fine and well UNTILL you discover that Mr Jones worked at the library in that compacity 2000 years ago and has since left for better diggs. Sure would bring the light of day to all those requests for help that never got answered.

Let's go one step deeper, if in fact you did work at that library, you would automaticaly be introduced to your supervisor as that's his or her job for there is a plethora of guides , ahem, supervisors who's chosen task/ job is to see that folks that want to work at that library, know who to look to for assistance. It sorta speeds things along. You can hardly blame someone who worked for some place if they havent been there for a few thousand years and they currently work *else where*.........

We certainly do not want to turn this into a religious debate. However, in light of past statements that were made, they can surely act as a sign post delineating reality and or actual facts regarding claims imho.

I have had many dreams of what you all call "greys" taking over. Usually the dreams involve seeing strange aircraft and experiencing a feeling of panic. Of course I always attempt to avoid capture. HDRKid, and anyone else, what do you think are the odds that this will happen on our timeline, or the possibility that this might be a human versus alien invasion.?

Right you are Farstar. Looking forward to esoteric discussions elsewhere on this board.

The other thing about this thread that has bothered me since it's inception, why hasn't the illustrious Gibbs paid a visit? You would think that such a distinguished invention as a "Time Machine" and a forum for Time Travel would go hand in hand.
I find his lack of presence more than enlightening........
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