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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"J-Truthseeker\")</div>
At 20 years (2013), he'd not found me at all, but rather realized that everything in the area was dead with the exception of black cockroaches. There were no cars moving on the road, no birds or animals, no people to be seen and all the trees and lawn looked dead for miles around. The only sounds left to be heard were high winds. Strangely enough the houses and office buildings where still intact but lifeless and dark with no power. Rusting car wrecks littered the roads from place to place with human skeletons still crawling with bugs. [/b]
Scary... really! That confirms what HDRkid is been saying...

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"J-Truthseeker\")</div>
However we did discover a kind of ripple effect which can occur from one time line to the next in a kind of mirror effect as though all the time lines somehow complimented and effected the next.[/b]
Would that be the effect that people that made contact with Jonh Titor experience after he was gone? The alter-v?s and the email experiment?


1. Hi in what kind of line was gremlins 3 supposed to come out and what was the plot of it.

2. Have you ever went to a line like the harry potter world.

3. In the line you saw the lebon james add what did he look like what kind of hair did he have was he bulit like in this line.

4. Have you ever saw hilary duff when shes older in some lines.

5. What was the scariest movie you saw in another line.

Hi kid it's frog once again I just wanted to ask you one important question and give me your truthful answer okay here it is:

1. Will you be able to send me your flux capacitor after you test it out and see if it works or not plus will I have to give you some money for it as well?

thanks for listening and your time and patience and so much more if you want to talk later on let me know for sure and trust me your doing me a favor in helping me out and such well see you later on!


Any timelines where the Korean war happened differently? In our timeline China sent 300,000 troops into Korea and started attacking American forces. When General MacArthur requested permission to bomb China in retaliation, Truman fired him. Any timelines where these events happened differently? I've always admired General MacArthur and always hoped his career would have ended differently.

Greetings HDR Kid,

My psychic friend Chris at the time did not go any further after that because it wasn't long after when he lost his abilities because of misuse. But the reason why I got him to go into the future was because at the time friends and acquaintances were talking about the claimed predictions of Gordon Michael Scallion and Lori Adaile Toye. As some of you may remember, both of then drew up maps relating to so called "Earth changes" from which the west coast in particular was supposed to slide into the Ocean. As it turned out, both these individuals were simply trying to rehash the prophecy readings of Edgar Cayce with some of their own new age none sense, but obviously of little or no success. What we were surprised to learn was that much of Edgar Cayce's information regarding Earth changes was in fact an end result to a probable world war 3, yet for some reason, Edgar Cayce kept this information back. That's not to say that global warming and overpopulation won't eventually have their consequences, but still not as evident as say world war 3.

OK parallel time lines work like this.

For every choice made, you get a prediction, but for every choice yet to make, you get a prophecy. Therefore a prophecy will only happen depending on a certain turn of events of choices made in that direction. A prediction on the other hand is the end result of a choice destined to happen no matter what the situation and can span over a time of many years before it actually happens. So in a way you can say that a prediction is a time line of a prophecy distend to happen.

What we then found is that if you alter an event in the past, it will still mirror events in the current time line, so if I'm distend to meet a person in a McDonald's, but I prevent it from happening, chances are I'll still meet that same person in much the same way but under different circumstances like say a meeting in a shopping mall instead, etc. Never the less it will happen and when you have a ripple effect from one time line to the next, you often get a coincidence or a series of coincidences, so if I change certain things in the past, the new time line will create a ripple effect of change which soon takes effect in the present time as it catches up to the present, in the original time line.

In the case of world war 3 you are looking at many different probability danger points, many of which we have already past, such as in 1952, 1965, 1980, 1984, 1998, 2003, 2006, 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2015.

2010 - 2012, 888 day war, looks like the highest probable danger point with 2015 being a possible world war 4 which hopefully we'll get past or should get past. I say world war 4 because in any event something will still happen in Europe which will still shake and change the world relating to the Christians and Muslims, France and Russia. When Muslim extremists topple the government of France followed by Russia and her allies advancing in on Europe on 3 fronts, then you know something is going to give and you'd better be ready for some real physical time travel. This appears to be a time of multiple time loops.

James Truthseeker

So if I got this right . If something is to happen in result of a time loop or time line it will, but not happen in a predictable time frame but it will happen for sure. How can we ever confirm this ? Any one person would have to see the past and future to confirm ,am I right in this?

You do not need devices unless you cannot wait and even then a toilet serves the purpose better. What we wish is what happens. My future, for example does not have wars or total destruction for that matter. If yours is the opposite, go there on your own, but you will not find me there.

Think of it this way. For every action you are always going to get an equal-opposite reaction. So if you apply this logical way of thinking to the world as it is today, then you know that unless people choose to change their ways real soon, then yes something has got to give after the point of no return. What I always found particularly interesting about all of it is; despite all the talk and books about of conspiracy theories, new world order and all, with the exception of one person I know, no buddy really offers a real step by step solution to the over all problem. You can't change the past but you can always change the present.

No kidding!

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