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Hi hdr it's frog I just wanted to say how are you doing in general? I am doing fine for now I hope your inventions are coming along cool I have two questions for you so here they are:

1. Do you want me to send my home address to you so you can send me the capacitor to me?

2. Who are the best presidents in other parallel universes and who are the worst presidents?

3. Are parallel universes could you tell me if they exist only if people, animals, objects, trees, exist what can you say about them?

thanks hdrkid for listening and your time and patience and thanks for everything I will be waiting for your reply back to me actually I will email my home address to you so you can send it to me well talk with you soon see you later!


Junior Member

I really don't know why he smashed it, I never asked him. But, I think you're right Starlord, he was probably frustrated that he wasted his time. Don't know though.


New Member

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Enigmawriter\")</div>
No. we didn't feel anything at all or anything unusual for that matter. Just noise, after that, my friend smashed it with a hammer and threw it in the garbage.[/b]
According to John Bajak the flux capacitor circuit is an "electroshock machine",he says he hooked up a piezo buzzer to the "probes"(which were probably attached somewhere to his body).I think we should construct this thing and use like it was originally designed for.


Senior Member

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"m6scott\")</div>
Starlord. If astro is possible ,is it possible to project to a specific time and place? If so how could you really plan a trip into the future if you are not sure of what is there?[/b]


THAT is a most astute question. Go to the head of the class!!! That is a question that really needs some study and honest reflection on a few peoples part here.

Here in the Physical Plane, we have 'Time'. Time is an illusion. It is a 'mocked up' setting or stage for Soul to use to have dimensional experience.

The reality of the matter is that there is but one moment in time that we will ever experience. The NOW. We are ALWAYS right here, right now. We are not in yesterday nor are we in tomorrow. To carry this logic farther, Rome is sacking the Library in Alexandria right Now. Columbus is discovering what he thought were the indies right Now. The Vikings have landed many many years before Columbus on North America right Now. Napoleon is scratching his belly right Now. Our Sun is going nova right Now.

There is a level / particular Plane that we can visit where all things are stored. Every single invention, medical acheivment, weapons, art, musical instrument, equipment, whatever, that WAS and WILL BE invented is stored. You might imagine them as very large Museums with each venu having it's own venue. There is also a Plane where all of Soul's experiences is stored. The AKASHIC. For some, it is quite possible to visit or 'access' this level and view our past lives to see what might has caused certain illness or a particular trait in our behavior.

From what I have learned, we have the Physical Plane, the Astral Plane, the Causal Plane, the Etheric Plane, the Mental Plane and the Soul Plane.

Within our physical body, rests similiar bodies like our Physical Body but each one is more refined as you go up the Planes. Basically we have a different body that corresponds to each Plane level.

For the Astral Plane one needs to use the Astral Body for travel there. The Physical Body cannot go the the Astral Plane. It's simply Apples to Oranges. Square peg wont make the round hole. Not to mention that the vibrations are way different.

There are many sub-planes ot sub levels between the Physical and the Astral Plane.


Junior Member


OK I did read about all the planes of exsistance but did not really understand them . So you are saying time travel is with in our selves? If so can we travel to an exact time and place?


Senior Member

Hi Pieceofaman:
Kid, what happens to timetravelforum.net in the near future if you have seen it? In one of my jumps to 2008 ON AN ALTERNATE TIMELINE I saw the forum closed down. One time traveller was stupid enough to post names and dates of future events. One event that he forecasted was an military attack on a US oil tanker.

He was spot on with the details and the guv grabbed him, many others, and closed down the forum. They said that he was an enemy agent. Remind me to NEVER give out details.

People ask why John Titor never posted details of 911. If he had many of the people on that Coast to Coast forum would be in jail right now for collaborating with the enemy. :(

Hi fluxwarp:
Building the Flux Cap is no big deal. I plan to do so when I get the 1200MFD cap. The unit emits a loud noise, a very annoying one at that. ;)

Hi Enigmawriter:
You say you don't know. Well, from having used the flux cap, I know that I got a real creepy feeling, like when you go to the cemetery at midnight.

Sounds to me like he reacted in a highly atypical fashoin. Then again, does this guy like to break things? HULK SMASH! :lol:

Hi Frog:
1. Do you want me to send my home address to you so you can send me the capacitor to me? No, send a friends address and make sure he lives in a city different from you.

2. Who are the best presidents in other parallel universes and who are the worst presidents? Worst president is Richard Nixon on the line where he became dictator and had "Deep Throat" arrested for treason. Best line is where JFK was shot at, but they missed him and got Jackie - the shadow guv was completely destroyed. BTW He married Marilyn Monroe :)

3. Are parallel universes could you tell me if they exist only if people, animals, objects, trees, exist what can you say about them?
You are seeing an astral representation of the physical world when you used the HDR for astral time travel. :)

Hi Starlord:
You are right about reality being an illusion - then what is real?
I guess astral travel is an illusion inside an illusion. ;)
The experiments with the HDR continue...

Hi m6scott:
Think of a future event. Your graduation from college, your wedding. Now focus on that event. Go to a quiet dimly lit room with no distractions. Try to exteriorize. You can do this! I try to see the future using my psychic ability, but astral time travel puts you right in the action. :)

How can you move thru time and know you are in the same time line you left?
I am in a different timeline. If I could do a direct line jump then I could win the lotto. Typically I will get two numbers or just one, and that's when I land on a line very close to this one.

Is there a way you can tag the time you left?
I tried that by writing on a piece of paper the numbers 777 in big bold letters. Most of the other me's out there have not put numbers on a poster, so I know it is a completely different line. Also look for changes in our house. Like on most timelines I still have an old tube TV, but on this one I have an LCD TV.

Is there a way to set a time trip to an exact time and place? Place is where I am using the HDR unit. Exact time is one of the big failings of the HDR, I am off by years. Case in point was a jump to 1917 and I landed on 1916. Then I tried to go back to 1916 and I landed on 1915. Closest was a jump to July 4 and I landed on July 3. This was in the 1930's. My poor performance might be due to my lack of ability, and not the HDR. :huh:


Junior Member


While you are here in this time line ,do you write 777 somewhere so you can come back and add to this site? If you dont get back to this timeline are you adding to another site if any? What do you do while your here ? Do you need to get a job or do you have alot of money ? Not trying to get personal but this site I think brings this queston out.


Junior Member

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"hdrkid\")</div>
Hi Pieceofaman:
Kid, what happens to timetravelforum.net in the near future if you have seen it? In one of my jumps to 2008 ON AN ALTERNATE TIMELINE I saw the forum closed down. One time traveller was stupid enough to post names and dates of future events. One event that he forecasted was an military attack on a US oil tanker.

He was spot on with the details and the guv grabbed him, many others, and closed down the forum. They said that he was an enemy agent. Remind me to NEVER give out details.

People ask why John Titor never posted details of 911. If he had many of the people on that Coast to Coast forum would be in jail right now for collaborating with the enemy. :( [/b]

Thats very interesting.

In any of your jumps have you ever came across what you thought was a true time travelr on this forum other than the one who posted in 2008? Have you ever read the forum in the future and posters had different personalities than they have on this time line?



Hi hdr it's frog I just wanted to say I tell you you please send it to my home address I don't have any friends that will take it and by the way I have few friends not too many at all so if you can do me a favor please send it to me if you can but I can't not talk over the phone and can't give it out either but we can still chat in the forum or I will email you of my experiences if I have any don't worry you can trust me I will not tell anyone you gave it to me and that is a promise well let me know if we have a deal if not then I will manage to survive joke! well I will talk with you later on see you later on!
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