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Kid, what happens to timetravelforum.net in the near future if you have seen it?

In one of my jumps to 2008 ON AN ALTERNATE TIMELINE I saw the forum closed down. One time traveller was stupid enough to post names and dates of future events. One event that he forecasted was an military attack on a US oil tanker.

He was spot on with the details and the guv grabbed him, many others, and closed down the forum. They said that he was an enemy agent. Remind me to NEVER give out details.

People ask why John Titor never posted details of 911. If he had many of the people on that Coast to Coast forum would be in jail right now for collaborating with the enemy.

If you are traveling in the astral and have no physical interaction with the timeline you?re in, how could you possibly know that:

1. The forum was shut down. How did you log on?
2. If the forum was closed down, how did you find out why it shut down?
3. How did you get the details of what the TT posted and know he was ?spot on?? Wouldn?t you have to have read
all of the posts from the beginning?
4.What were the dates on the posts?
5. Why would the government grab others on the forum?

None of this makes sense based on how you have previously described your trips and abilities.

Titor never posted details of 9/11 because he wasn?t a time traveler. How exactly do you collaborate with the enemy by engaging in a ?prophetic? first amendment discussion? The only crime committed is one felonious gullibility for buying into his story.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"StarLord\")</div>
To try to convince others that a electromagnetic Placebo will do ANYTHING to alter, enhance or enable Out of Body Experiences is not only a lie, it is a disservice to your fellow man.

How can I try to convice others when I dont own , use or even think the HDR is safe???...you have me confused with someone else in this fourm:)

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"gl100\")</div>

If you are traveling in the astral and have no physical interaction with the timeline you?re in, how could you possibly know that:

1. The forum was shut down. How did you log on?
2. If the forum was closed down, how did you find out why it shut down?
3. How did you get the details of what the TT posted and know he was ?spot on?? Wouldn?t you have to have read
? ?all of the posts from the beginning?
4.What were the dates on the posts?
5. Why would the government grab others on the forum? ?

None of this makes sense based on how you have previously described your trips and abilities.

Titor never posted details of 9/11 because he wasn?t a time traveler. How exactly do you collaborate with the enemy by engaging in a ?prophetic? first amendment discussion? The only crime committed is one felonious gullibility for buying into his story.[/b]

I find that one hard to believe because I think there are much worse things that the government can grab people for. And I wonder why the government would be checking out this site in the first place.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"happymagilla\")</div>
How can I try to convice others when I dont own , use or even think the HDR is safe???...you have me confused with someone else in this fourm:)[/b]

It was not directed at you.
I was making a general statement. A electromagnetic placebo like that which is lacking ANY safety data might not be safe right?

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"m6scott\")</div>

OK I did read about all the planes of exsistance but did not really understand them . So you are saying time travel is with in our selves? If so can we travel to an exact time and place?[/b]

No. what I am questioning is the validity of hdrkids statements.

Hi whats up?

1. Have you ever saw the movie land of the dead on another line?

2. Have you ever went to a line where zombies where real and ruled the earth?

3. have you ever saw katie holmes on another line?

4. Whos youre favorite wrestler on another line?

5. Have you ever seen the movie mean girls on another line?

6. What was the ending in the war of the worlds movie you saw?

Hi JasonX:
1. Have you ever saw the movie land of the dead on another line?
"Dawn of the dead" yes, not land of the dead.

2. Have you ever went to a line where zombies where real and ruled the earth? No, Zombies and Vampires are pop here, but naff on most lines.

3. have you ever saw katie holmes on another line?
I am surprised she is pop here. I will look for her on other lines.

4. Whos youre favorite wrestler on another line?
Already answered the question. Monster & Kid Scorpion. What a team! :)

5. Have you ever seen the movie mean girls on another line?
Not sure, I may have caught a clip on TV.

6. What was the ending in the war of the worlds movie you saw?
*SPOILER ALERT* Like the book, the Martians died of Earth diseases.

Hi Starlord:
What's the question? (:|

Hi pieceofaman:
The standard charges {aiding And abetting, accessory to a crime, providing aid and comfort to the enemy during a time of war, cybercrime, criminal subversion, seditious conspiracy, clandestine subversive activities, conspiracy to commit a crime, etc.} And the list goes on and on.....

My favorite charge was "receiving stolen property" since the information was "stolen" from the future. :lol:

Hi happymagilla:
Even though you do not own an HDR, you can still astral time travel. The HDR is a radionics machine. You can try using hemisync tapes and meditation music to enter the alpha state. :)

Hi GL100:
1. The forum was shut down. How did you log on?
I did not log on. I was in JAIL being questioned.

2. If the forum was closed down, how did you find out why it shut down?
I was told it was shut down and they were shutting down all time travel related sites.

3. How did you get the details of what the TT posted and know he was ?spot on?? Wouldn?t you have to have read
all of the posts from the beginning?
He placed photos of future events on the internet. Including NYC after the war. I was shown the photos and asked questions about them. Some photos were of dome cities from the far future.

4.What were the dates on the posts?
It was late 2008, Pres B had declared a national emegency and imposed martial law. There were no elections.

5. Why would the government grab others on the forum?
They were charged with providing aid and comfort to an enemy alien during a time of war, in addition to many other charges having to do with assisting the enemy during a time of war.

Please rememeber this happened on another timeline.

Hi Frog:
I need to build the flux cap first. :)

Hi m6scott:
I placed the number "777" on a large poster so I can see it. On most other timelines there is no number. I know that on another timeline I still live in the old house and did not move. The greater the number of changes the higher the percent divergence in timelines.

I believe that on one timeline the old house burned down and there is another house there now.


1. SAN antinon waon the nba finals did you see on any other lines who won the nba finals?

2. On the line where the time travel forum was shut down did you se my name under there JasonX?

3. do you remember what port arthur was about?

4. so monster and kid scoripan where a team who were some teams they vs in that line?

5. Was linsdey lohan chubby in that line like see was before?

6. Was that dawn of the dead movie like in that line?


Ok the number trick seems to be working for you but are there times that you get here like 6 months from now and are unable to come back at this time? .It does seem you can get to this time frame and continue to post on the site. If you do happen to miss this time slot and land in a near future time slot I guess you will already have the answers to these questons?

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"hdrkid\")</div>
Hi happymagilla:
Even though you do not own an HDR, you can still astral time travel. The HDR is a radionics machine. You can try using hemisync tapes and meditation music to enter the alpha state. :)


Hey Kid,
I know...been havein oobe's for over 20 years...daily....hemisync ...trained at the monroe institute 6 years ago....think I said this here before...just wanted to respond....also ..could all b in my head...have no way of proving otherwise.

right...I would try it once just to see the effect...if I had access to one...but long term use seems a little scary...specialy since he has a success rate of 1 in 10 times of use.

"Happened on another 'Time Line'. That's interesting. It is also a means to making up anything you want without having to provide a shred of evidence. Hdrkids monumental post regarding anattack on a oil freighter is one of his best combination red herrings to date.

If you read carefully, you will see how the kid is trying to remove himself from any type of offering real proof to his claims. By making up some phoney 'future' senario where 'someone was foolish enough to actually post details about the future"
Oh Please.

I myself could easily make up some story about how I let slip in a conversation while in the future which caused the authorities to hold me for questioning. Then, because of this many people were hunted down, tied to their computers and flogged while being forced to watch reruns of Barney meets Gumby which caused them to retaliate and boycot bubblegum forever. Other Countries secret forces became mad and started a war because of this by sinking several wooden shoes that were floating on the incoming tide. No one knows whos the shoes belonged to but that didn't matter because long, long ago, in a Galaxy far, far, away, A jedi knight by the name of Whynot awoke suddenly with a headache because of several wooden shoes that had been destroyed. Of course I don't need proof because thie happened in an alternate time line.

One day when I traveled I saw many sad grapes. They were sad because thay had been picked before their time and that made them not only sad but mad also. the mistreated grapes went on strike and the future time travel board was shut down because several of them revealed detailed information regarding The Grapes Of Wrath
which eventually took over the world by holding Grape Ape hostage untill he revealed more detailed information regarding how to take over the world by knocking over a pan of beanie wennies. Because of the Grape Ape spilling the beans, the world was destroyed.

Of course because this also happened in an alternate time line, I don't need any proof. It's my word against the Grape Ape and the destroyed wooden shoes. Now if you don't believe me then you are just a Debunker.

Sound familiar?
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