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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"StarLord\")</div>
Just as I could, for You to mull over, all the Quotes from G110, Kira herself, Harte, and other that have spoted this for what it is.

As you blithely put it regarding any kind of rights, I am surprised that none of the moderaters here have bothered to look into the Health aspect of playing games with electro magenetic Placebos. Where are the unsuspecting folks rights to expect that at least what they read about, someone has taken the time to research to make sure someone isn't just using a site to post in order to sell something.[/b]

The verdict is still out on the HDR machine. All the moderators here know that; many of the members know that. Don't make this about the responsibility of the admin and moderators to save members from themselves. They are all old enough to google and decide for themselves. This is about YOU....not respecting the right of HDR kid to post his experiences. We don't need you to quote Kira and Harte. WE can read for ourselves. What we need is for you to allow people to post here in a healthy environment...not a hostile environment......taking bandwagon jumpers with you along the way. You seem to have a problem with that....and that is the point....not whether we "care" for members and especially NOT whether the "mods" are doing their job.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"StarLord\")</div>
I am quite sure that you feel that folks might seem to 'Gang' up on the poor kid here[/b]
No Starlord....just you. Which is why, by the way?

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"hdrkid\")</div>
Hi PE:
They already came out!
Funny, I never saw them on this line.

I still remember the tagline for \"Ship of the dead\"
\"A deathship manned by a skeleton crew!\"

Anything about the plot?
In \"Island of the dead\" The dead sailors come back to life on a radioactive atoll. In \"Ship of the dead\" Scientists come in a boat to check radiation levels and are forced to take the dead back to the mainland.

Next musical movement

cultural movement will be?
Peace movement becomes big after Bush invades Iran and starts drafting people. Expect protests in college and police beating up students.

Never heard of ship of the dead, who acts in it?

What's reggeton?

So the hippies make a come back?

I could've sworn i posted a reply to this message already but now i can't find it.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Passive_Extremist\")</div>
Never heard of ship of the dead, who acts in it?

What's reggeton?

So the hippies make a come back?

I could've sworn i posted a reply to this message already but now i can't find it.[/b]

My fault PE. I apologize. I was posting and hit edit instead of reply and screwed up your post.


It's been made perfectly clear in this thread and many others that relate to this HDR device that it's not 100% safe. There's no need to go thrashing about and causing a ruckus over something that everyone already knows.

Anything posted here is the sole responsibility of the poster, not this forum and certainly not anyone reading it. If someone goes and fries their eyeballs playing with something that's as obviously dangerous as this machine is, it's no one's fault but their own for not educating themselves about it via the proper sources.

I believe that people in general are intelligent enough to read about the device in places other than just this forum before going out and purchasing one, and it is not your responsibility to educate the masses against a placebo like this. It's obviously working for him, and he seems to have suffered no ill effects so far so please stop harassing him and stirring the pot. This topic is supposed to be about his experiences with the machine, not about bashing him for lying and preaching about dangerous electromagnets and health issues.

As far as his claims go, there's no way to prove or disprove anything he says. Stop trying; you're only creating negativity and no one wants to read that kind of crap. If you don't believe him, don't read his thread. Everyone else reading through his posts can decide for themselves whether or not they think there's any validity to the things he says, they don't need your help.

You're perfectly welcome to voice your opinion in a new thread, (so long as you are not directly targeting HDR Kid in a harassing way) because your thoughts and opinions are most certainly welcome on this site. This is just not the place to voice them.

Nowhere in this thread is HDR Kid telling someone to go buy one of these machines. What, he works off of commission or something? Going by the logic that people are using here, any thread on this site that talks about a product you can buy would be an advertisement, no? Please, find something constructive to do here... I can think of many other things you could do with your time rather than endlessly going on about how "he's advertising his death placebo!!!". It's old, annoying and now it's time to stop.

Any posts made after this one about how unsafe the HDR is or how dangerous a placebo it is will be split off in to it's own thread, unless it's obviously harassing in nature in which case it will be deleted.

Any members posting in a harassing manner telling HDR Kid "I don't believe your stories and you're full of lies, yadda yadda yadda" will be placed on moderator's queue for a week. Again, if you don't buy in to any of his stories, don't read this thread. This forum is a place where people should feel free to express things about subjects that are considered too "out there" for most everywhere else, not a whipping post for people you don't agree with.

My apologies if this seems like some extreme measures to be taking, but some people just can't help but stir the pot.

HDRKID, I'm not sure if you've been asked this before but have you ran into yourself while traveling? LOL, personally, I don't know if I could handle speaking to another me. It's bad enough listening to myself.

Hi Virtualgirl:
I'm not sure if you've been asked this before but have you ran into yourself while traveling? I have seen myself on other timelines. In fact, it is a common experience in astral time travel. Think of how you look on a video.

Steven Gibbs says it is possible to move objects in astral if you concentrate. :)

Hi Pieceofaman:
1. have you ever been to a time line where you saw different species of humans? what did they look like and how did they live?
Yes, I have seen lines that still have Neandrathals. They are not the primitives of storybooks. They can talk and wear clothes.

2. have you ever been to a time line where the united states is split into two different countires? If so, why was it split?
Yes, on some lines the South won the civil war. It is sad that slavery continued.

3. What else can you do in the astral plane besides time travel?
You can look for lost items in the astral plane. There are many possibilities.
Here is a map of the multiverse. .

4. and do you believe in physical time travel?
I believe that Chris is an example of physical time travel. He is not longer posting, but he was caught in some kind of a time warp.

Hi JasonX:
1. What was youre favorite comedy from another line?
John Candy lives on in alternate timelines. He made one movie where he was a principal of a school, but one of his best movies was one where he sold used cars. My fave clip is one where John Candy goes "What do you mean you want your money back?"
In one part he sells a cop a car. The cop turns it into a police cruiser. Later the cop is chasing a crook and a piece of the cop car come flying off. The highway is soon littered with parts. :D

2. do you remember what the guys aviator was and why was his hdr tooken away?
He was not specific, but I can imagine that he did not keep his mouth shut and told his dad about his travels. BAD IDEA!

3. have you ever seen drew barrymore in any other lines?
She is very pop on some lines where she did not do drugs. Like a major movie every year.
On many lines she faded out though.

4. have you ever seen independence day in another line you know the movie?
Yes, but Jeff Goldblum was not in it; Brent Spiner (Star Trek's "Commander Data") was also MIA.

5. Do you know who jamie spears was going out with in that line and what did she look like?
She looked older than now and there were no questions about any boys she was dating.
Her hair was blonde and face a familiar sight on magazines, but she still had not completely escaped the shadow of her sister.

6. in the movie island of the dead was it very violent and what was the most grusmome death?
Not all that violent, but the dead glow in the dark, nice special effects. :)

Hi Malaki:
Hdrkid, have you ever been to a universe where Venus and Mars were habitable,
Yes, I have seen both Mars and Venus terraformed and people living there. Mars was terraformed first.

and if so, what was it like?
Less gravity on Mars, air is thin, like 10,000 feet on earth. Some people in the early days used concentrators, but now not needed.

Also, there was an experiment i was thinking about that could test to see if the HDR is really a placebo or not, here it is.

1. Without the HDR, lay down in your bed, but keep thinking that you have an HDR with you and you are using it, imagine the device attached to you.

2. As you are laying down, keep the thought of the HDR with you in your head and meditate, keep the thought in the back of your mind.

3. Try the astral projection technique that you use the most and see if it works about the same as with the HDR.

I will try your experiment. I can astral time travel without an HDR, but it is very hard.
Also, I tried using the HDR without plugging it in, no results.

Evenso, I will try to create an imaginary astral HDR, nice idea!

I remember one post you made where it said continous use of the HDR hinders psychic abilities, i have heard that magnetic fields can alter ones mind if it is directed enough, it is just something i heard on the History Channel. Good luck with the experiment if you wish to try it.
I had to relearn astral time travel when using the HDR. it works different than regular astrol time travel . Hard to explain, best explanation is ice skating versus rollerblading, not the same.
Ice more slippery than asphalt. :)

HI Passive_Extremist:
Never heard of ship of the dead, who acts in it?
A bunch of unknown trying to break into the big time. These movies were low budget, but a lot of fun.

What's reggeton?
With its roots in Jamaican Reggae, reggeton is the country music of the Dominican Republic which was pop there in the 90's later moving to PR and now finally into the US mainstream.
The best I can describe it is a mix of rap & country folk music. Don't laugh, its good, really.

So the hippies make a come back?
Its more like they never went away. Peace out.

Car of the future?

Fiat Trepuino

Alfa Romeo Kamal Off-road SUV
Looks future :)

Steven Gibbs Interview

measure power consumption of HDR

multiverse map


1. Did the guy who got his hdr tooken away tell you what city he lived in?

2. have you ever went to a line where here were no holidays?

3. have you ever saw any celbritys that look different in other lines like fatter or uglier?

4. Have you ever saw shrek on another line?

5. what was the worse movie you ever saw on another line?

6. what else did jamie spears and jay leno talk about and what did jay leno look like and who were the other guests that night?

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"TheHeggy\")</div>

It's been made perfectly clear in this thread and many others that relate to this HDR device that it's not 100% safe. There's no need to go thrashing about and causing a ruckus over something that everyone already knows.

Anything posted here is the sole responsibility of the poster, not this forum and certainly not anyone reading it. If someone goes and fries their eyeballs playing with something that's as obviously dangerous as this machine is, it's no one's fault but their own for not educating themselves about it via the proper sources.

I believe that people in general are intelligent enough to read about the device in places other than just this forum before going out and purchasing one, and it is not your responsibility to educate the masses against a placebo like this. It's obviously working for him, and he seems to have suffered no ill effects so far so please stop harassing him and stirring the pot. This topic is supposed to be about his experiences with the machine, not about bashing him for lying and preaching about dangerous electromagnets and health issues.

As far as his claims go, there's no way to prove or disprove anything he says. Stop trying; you're only creating negativity and no one wants to read that kind of crap. If you don't believe him, don't read his thread. Everyone else reading through his posts can decide for themselves whether or not they think there's any validity to the things he says, they don't need your help.

You're perfectly welcome to voice your opinion in a new thread, (so long as you are not directly targeting HDR Kid in a harassing way) because your thoughts and opinions are most certainly welcome on this site. This is just not the place to voice them.

Nowhere in this thread is HDR Kid telling someone to go buy one of these machines. What, he works off of commission or something? Going by the logic that people are using here, any thread on this site that talks about a product you can buy would be an advertisement, no? Please, find something constructive to do here... I can think of many other things you could do with your time rather than endlessly going on about how \"he's advertising his death placebo!!!\". It's old, annoying and now it's time to stop.

Any posts made after this one about how unsafe the HDR is or how dangerous a placebo it is will be split off in to it's own thread, unless it's obviously harassing in nature in which case it will be deleted.

Any members posting in a harassing manner telling HDR Kid \"I don't believe your stories and you're full of lies, yadda yadda yadda\" will be placed on moderator's queue for a week. Again, if you don't buy in to any of his stories, don't read this thread. This forum is a place where people should feel free to express things about subjects that are considered too \"out there\" for most everywhere else, not a whipping post for people you don't agree with.

My apologies if this seems like some extreme measures to be taking, but some people just can't help but stir the pot.[/b]


From you post, I get that Everybody knows that the h d r unit is not a 100% safe. If you are cool with that then so am I. Thank you for your post.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"TheHeggy\")</div>

It's been made perfectly clear in this thread and many others that relate to this HDR device that it's not 100% safe. There's no need to go thrashing about and causing a ruckus over something that everyone already knows.

Anything posted here is the sole responsibility of the poster, not this forum and certainly not anyone reading it. If someone goes and fries their eyeballs playing with something that's as obviously dangerous as this machine is, it's no one's fault but their own for not educating themselves about it via the proper sources.

I believe that people in general are intelligent enough to read about the device in places other than just this forum before going out and purchasing one, and it is not your responsibility to educate the masses against a placebo like this. It's obviously working for him, and he seems to have suffered no ill effects so far so please stop harassing him and stirring the pot. This topic is supposed to be about his experiences with the machine, not about bashing him for lying and preaching about dangerous electromagnets and health issues.

As far as his claims go, there's no way to prove or disprove anything he says. Stop trying; you're only creating negativity and no one wants to read that kind of crap. If you don't believe him, don't read his thread. Everyone else reading through his posts can decide for themselves whether or not they think there's any validity to the things he says, they don't need your help.

You're perfectly welcome to voice your opinion in a new thread, (so long as you are not directly targeting HDR Kid in a harassing way) because your thoughts and opinions are most certainly welcome on this site. This is just not the place to voice them.

Nowhere in this thread is HDR Kid telling someone to go buy one of these machines. What, he works off of commission or something? Going by the logic that people are using here, any thread on this site that talks about a product you can buy would be an advertisement, no? Please, find something constructive to do here... I can think of many other things you could do with your time rather than endlessly going on about how \"he's advertising his death placebo!!!\". It's old, annoying and now it's time to stop.

Any posts made after this one about how unsafe the HDR is or how dangerous a placebo it is will be split off in to it's own thread, unless it's obviously harassing in nature in which case it will be deleted.

Any members posting in a harassing manner telling HDR Kid \"I don't believe your stories and you're full of lies, yadda yadda yadda\" will be placed on moderator's queue for a week. Again, if you don't buy in to any of his stories, don't read this thread. This forum is a place where people should feel free to express things about subjects that are considered too \"out there\" for most everywhere else, not a whipping post for people you don't agree with.

My apologies if this seems like some extreme measures to be taking, but some people just can't help but stir the pot.[/b]


From you post, I get that Everybody knows that the h d r unit is not a 100% safe. If you are cool with that then so am I. Thank you for your post.


Did I ever write anything that anybody watched or read? Obviously not on this line but others? And can you tell me what they were, doesn't have to be line by line or scene by scene, just in general and what the titles were, and what was your favorite? Thanks for your time. Too bad you can't see into this realm.

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