Health Care - this "loss" is really a WIN!!!!


Temporal Engineer
Over here the definition of socialism that I was taught is when everything is owned by the state. Don't believe anything you have read in the link you provided. It appears to be more propaganda to convince citizens to get rid of their guns.

Into the Mystic

Junior Member
Of course anything that says something you don't like or agree with is propaganda. That's the way of the American right.

And well you were taught the wrong definition. Google 'socialism definition'. Or is Google now a communist propaganda site run by the sons of Brezhnev?


Temporal Engineer
Google is the worst. Just in the last couple of years I've watched them change history. I'm a physics buff. So when I go to reference something in physics history I notice when false narratives are being created. Michael Faraday is being replaced by some guy named Fleming.

Just go ahead and test them yourself. Something you were taught that you believe to be true. I've noticed a complete destruction of the language of calculus. Definitions, symbols, procedures, all rewritten.


Senior Member
Free education provides people with an opportunity to be able to buy their own healthcare.
BTW, neither is "free."


But why should they have to buy their own healthcare? Healthcare is a right, not a privilege or a commodity to be bought and sold.
People make a living doing health care. You expect them not to because it's your "right?"
Who makes a living based on your right to free assembly? The clean-up crew for after?

You have the right to remain silent. It's free. But who lost their profession by your silence, and how much did they have to pay to become one of those in the first place?



What on earth are you rambling on about? All I was pointing out was that America is a nation of immigrants, which it is. How does that equate to my saying all Germans are Nazi or all Englishmen want to chop people's heads off??

Because you are using the liberal logic that because England immigrated here, murdered indians (which I don't condone), etc. that we must accept all illegal immigrants and give them free healthcare while the American middle class dies off. (And I can back this up with proof from the Pew Research Center).

The United States wasn't even formed yet. Don't play the "indian" card.

What about that inscription on the Statue of Liberty? 'Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free'. Now, the Statue wasn't erected until the 1880s and by then the US had been a nation for over a century yet was still asking for immigrants from all over the world to come and live there. Nowhere did I mention Native Americans.

They can get jobs in Mexico. Research shows Mexico is the most obese country in the world. They just come for freebies.

I need bladder surgery. Can't afford it. But, an illegal Mexican can get it done free. You think that is acceptable?

THIS IS POOR. THESE people deserve "freebies":



I do sometimes wonder if the American Right is full of lunatics.

The stated, factual definition of socialism is 'an economic system in which the means of production are run by the workers'.

And there have been hundreds of mass shootings in the US just this year. Mass Shootings | Gun Violence Archive

America is one of the most violent countries in the western world.

My gun has never leapt out of the safe and killed anyone. Nor have I had any urges.

A criminal will not follow the law. If you ban guns, they will find them in the black market or steal.


Free education provides people with an opportunity to be able to buy their own healthcare.
BTW, neither is "free."


But why should they have to buy their own healthcare? Healthcare is a right, not a privilege or a commodity to be bought and sold.
People make a living doing health care. You expect them not to because it's your "right?"
Who makes a living based on your right to free assembly? The clean-up crew for after?

You have the right to remain silent. It's free. But who lost their profession by your silence, and how much did they have to pay to become one of those in the first place?


There's a difference between making a living and becoming a multi-millionaire from peoples' illness. A modest $80,000 salary would be acceptable. Owning 5 mansions while I can't even afford surgery is morally wrong IMHO.
