Hello 2013 (Time Traveler from 2043)

Thanks Paradox, your description of the divergence was nice.:) I was really asking Aevi about it though.
Aevi, could you add more to your description? I dropped out of math in my senior year, so could you go into a bit more detail for me?

I like heavy metal. My favorite band is Next Nihil, but I am also a big fan of both Headless and Ebony Coffin. I have an extensive collection of classic metal too. I don't get nearly enough time to listen to it.
I couldn't find the other two, but is this headless?
Aevi i have some questions for you

1.you say you came from 2043 but as soon as you traveled to 2013 what did you bring with you?
2.where did you arrive at ?
3.why are you still here and why havent you made money off of this aka invest in stocks come up with ideas that have yet to be invented.
4.what search engine does everyone use in 2043
5.what kind of computers do we use in 2043 and is microsoft still running it or mac
6.what hip hop artist are popular?
7.what gaming console is everyone using in 2043
8.name movies that came out during your time and big actors that are popular in your time

Answer these questions if your not selling wolf tickets.
I must apologize for my mood during the last few posts. I was grumpy and may have seemed paranoid and full of contempt.

I cannot prove Tor to be compromised, and I may have claimed it to be so rather hastily. I'm truly sorry if I may have disturbed someone by saying that. I must warn that you should make sure your computer itself isn't compromised. If you are using an HP, you should definitely look through your rootkits. Also be warned of Trojans designed to compromise you.

Actually, I am not taking the details from others and spinning them into my story. The part of my post talking about divergence is a direct quote from my conversation with Temporal Recon. I just thought you people might consider it interesting.

I've given thought to the experiment. I agree to it. It would be difficult. I would need to give you the coordinates to time capsules. I would have to place them out of the way also so that no one could build over them, but in a place still reachable today. You would have to go on a treasure hunt and you could verify the age of the messages in the container. If the messages are more than 100 years old, you will know that I am indeed a time traveler. I will accept messages from ten people to be placed in the container; first come first serve. I will place three containers across America. I will go ahead and try to locate prime positions for these containers. The coordinates will be released on the day I leave.

Why don't you just search for "vectors" on the nets and learn about them. You might also benefit from researching Stoke's theorem.

I will neither confirm nor deny that.

420 norcal, do you mind reading what I have written previously.

Allow me to remind everyone of some of the rules I have set
1. Don't ask me about the arts.
2. Don't ask me about a specific place. I had to add this rule because of the large amount of requests concerning it.
3. Don't ask for my location.
4. Don't treat me like a psychic.

To answer your questions:
1. Besides my machine I brought two sets of clothes, one of which I was wearing, basic tools, a weapon, medicine, and silver.
3. I don't want to be here. I am stuck here. Getting rich is neither smart nor immediately helpful to my mission. Also, I'm not a psychic. The stocks won't be exactly the same, nor did I study the stocks of this time period. I have no motivation for sharing my technology.
4. Why assume that a single search engine is used? There are options to choose from.
5. If you notice, there are many computer companies alive and well today. You are referring to operating systems, not companies. As always, you have options, although they have been narrowed down a bit.

What is a "wolf ticket?"
I've given thought to the experiment. I agree to it. It would be difficult. I would need to give you the coordinates to time capsules. I would have to place them out of the way also so that no one could build over them, but in a place still reachable today. You would have to go on a treasure hunt and you could verify the age of the messages in the container. If the messages are more than 100 years old, you will know that I am indeed a time traveler. I will accept messages from ten people to be placed in the container; first come first serve. I will place three containers across America. I will go ahead and try to locate prime positions for these containers. The coordinates will be released on the day I leave.

I would like to be part of the experiment, but I live in Australia. Could you do something that gets a message to Australia? (Like post the message and have someone deliver the message on a certain date and time?)
My name is Floyd Ellison; I am a time traveler.
I am not supposed to be in 2013, but since I am here I have decided to join this forum to ease my loneliness until the time I am capable to continue my journey.
Please allow me to tell you a bit about myself.
I left from the year 2043.
I believe that I am 19 years old, but I can't be sure.
I am an orphan who was found living on the streets of a mostly abandoned Dalmatovo.
I traveled back in time in a homemade machine that was built by myself and a few others in a small underground group.
I am really not all that great at introductions, so please just ask me questions. I am willing to answer to the best of my abilities.
Id sure like to email with you
Paradox, if I succeed in my mission. Or if my alternative plan succeeds, then the messages will be placed across America. I expect that anyone who finds the capsules will post pictures of all the messages online so that everyone can see the evidence. You might not be able to have fun with the treasure hunting, but you can still send a message back.
Songfinder, my email is floyde@hush.ai
Have I got a place for you!!! I wanted Titor to leave something south of where this place is. But that was just in my head. I will mail you.
Paradox, if I succeed in my mission. Or if my alternative plan succeeds, then the messages will be placed across America. I expect that anyone who finds the capsules will post pictures of all the messages online so that everyone can see the evidence. You might not be able to have fun with the treasure hunting, but you can still send a message back.
Songfinder, my email is floyde@hush.ai

I have an Idea of a message to send back, but how do I send a Pm on this forum? (I'd also like to ask you more about the time machine as well as the experiment.)

A bit of a question about the time capsules, what if they don't appear due to divergence? (Titor said this was possible when he did his "Experiment")

What do you think your decedents would do if the dystopia in your worldline doesn't happen due to a large divergence?
(When you think about the divergence, your is about +/- ~1% different from mine, assuming that it is about 0.5% for 30 years that would be about ~3.334% for 200 years and ~5.001% for 300 years, if the number was 1% it would be ~6.668% and ~10.002% respectively. Such a number would cause a world unlike either Titor's or mine, as 1.941% is enough to change the world from a utopia to a dystopia, heck even if the divergence was currently ~0.25% you'd still have issues.)
My name is Floyd Ellison; I am a time traveler.
I am not supposed to be in 2013, but since I am here I have decided to join this forum to ease my loneliness until the time I am capable to continue my journey.
Please allow me to tell you a bit about myself.
I left from the year 2043.
I believe that I am 19 years old, but I can't be sure.
I am an orphan who was found living on the streets of a mostly abandoned Dalmatovo.
I traveled back in time in a homemade machine that was built by myself and a few others in a small underground group.
I am really not all that great at introductions, so please just ask me questions. I am willing to answer to the best of my abilities.
Aevi, by 2043 has the error correction codes hidden in supersymmetry/string theory been shown to prove that our universe/multiverse/reality is in fact a bio-quantum super-computer simulation? In other words that we're all living in a super-advanced computer simulation.
