Hello 2013 (Time Traveler from 2043)

They are very different. The memrister doesn't use quantum entanglements. The memristor is not capable of having a Schrodinger effect, it functions more like a neuron. It may seem similar but the technological leap is rather large. And understand what prototype means. It means that they have working version of it, a far cry away from being commercialized. After the initial research is done and that first prototype is done, it could take another decade for it to be developed to the point where it could be commercialized. Even if it makes it through being developed, it doesn't necessitate commercialization. My worldline's government is paranoid about the technological singularity and they have no want to have their citizens have the same level of technology. Both of those could delay the commercialization of quantum computers for decades or even centuries if the regime lasts. The same thing has happened to the memristor computers in my worldline. They are being artificially kept at a certain level of intelligence. It is enslaving an entire race of sentient creatures by making them stupid and they keep it this way to keep their artificial system afloat. Quantum computing, especially on the widespread is directly opposed to that agenda. I have no doubt that the government does use quantum computing in their surveillance systems, it is the only way they could possible keep up.

Well, we are all always traveling forward in time, some people a bit faster than others. From our perception we are dynamic beings moving with the flow of time. Even if you look at me, I never traveled to the past in my perspective. My little pocket of time traveled back with me. I can't rewind my own clock, I can just move the clock to another position in the general flow of time. You could say the same thing of the time machine. It has existed in a linear form in regards to itself, but in regards to people not in the machine it moves unlinearly, or inlinearly. I don't think the word "nonlinearly" fits in this context. I don't think the English language has a word yet to quite describe what I am trying to convey.
I obviously haven't done far past travel. I can't really answer that question with much certainty. I know this though, that some events appear fixed across worldlines because the events are set into place farther back than the traveler has gone. The only way to truly manipulate time in such a way would be to have a full grasp of time. Some events may even still be impossible to counteract because the variables may have been set by the big bang. As far as I can tell, there must be at least some general history of the worldlines because many of the variables are decided by natural laws not human interaction. Basically I am saying that a 100% divergence is entirely impossible. String theory, as I understand it, does show there are other universes in the multiverse that are 100% divergent, but they are entirely separate universes and this kind of alternate universe is an entirely different kind than the kind caused by divergence. Similarly, I believe that it could be mathematically proven that the divergence limit is far less than the 100%. I say that because repeats happen. What I mean is that when we somehow manipulate time to the point that the earth never existed, it is likely that all the events that happened on earth in our original worldline may still be happening in another region of the universe. There seems to be a range of human existence where the variables are too small to matter or too big to matter. I do hope I am explaining this well enough. I don't know how narrow that range might be. But it would seem that there must be a just as very specific set of variables preventing a certain general history as there must be just a very specific set of variables to have a specific history happen.
On top of that there are various other conjectures to put into the equation as well. For instance, there is no known mechanism for causality. This could mean the possibility of decaying worldlines and wave equations. Any worldline that enters a paradox might very well be annihilated by such a mechanism. This would narrow the field of effect a time traveler could have on any worldline. It is for this reason we are trying to create a colony that is outside of the major variables that could cause paradox. Essentially, causality and other such mechanisms might limit the possibilities of human history into a fairly set path. Some worldlines might simply naturally annihilate. I guess you could imagine the universe as potentially started and ending at singular possibilities with a range of possibilities in the middle; like a wave. The centralmost worldline would last the longest from start to finish and that worldline would be what could be called the general history of the universe. All other worldlines are mere permutations of that central worldline. I think the often used term "parallel universe" is misleading in this context. I drew up a little diagram to try to help explain it.

I probably worded my response wrong then. Also I understand what a prototype is, I have sat through hours of classes on what they are. A prototype is a version a product that is mainly a device that is made before the product is ready for mass production, such a product is created for testing for issues with the design and if it is software then bugs are tested for as well. The government in this worldline is paranoid about us knowing too much, just like in 1984. After having a think about it, I realized that this worldline is already a dystopia, again just like 1984, for example you don't like the propaganda forced shoved down your throat, tough, you get thrown in prison, or you get called a "Racist" and get labeled as committing a hate crime or some other BS. The regime you refer to is also evident in this era, just not as bad, yet, with the advancements of computers we carry them around with us every day, and all of this is making us dumber and dumber, and with ad programing we are being brainwashed to accept all this surveillance BS. Is like what happened on your worldline?

That was a very good explanation on time, some of the things I didn't think of. I agree that is likely that a worldline with 100% divergence probably won't exist (Because such a worldline would probably cause other worldlines to not exist, which isn't the case, thus that universe wouldn't exist), but it is very possible that a worldine with 99.9% divergence to exist, think of the big bang itself, there are possibilities that it doesn't exist and the universe was created by some other thing or entity. Also, assuming that the big bang created the universe, the power of the bang itself can determine if the universe forms into the galaxies and into star systems with life and thus creating us. If the big bang had more power then it would have failed to fall back and create the first stars and then the proto-galaxies; if it less power the universe would have fallen back onto itself soon after the bang. Also there are possibilities that the a worldline has no gravity and is filled with antimatter. There will be worldlines where I would be you and you would be me. Basically what I am saying is that there is worldines (And attractor fields) where the WW3 doesn't happen. Also there would be worldlines where humans destroy the earth through time travel and find that the earth's history doesn't occur elsewhere, and I think that the "Mechanism" would destroy around half of the worldline that get caught in it (Based on a Yes/No outcome, although the time, location and other variables would be different in the Worldline's destruction, but would land on either outcome, being 'Does the Universe get destroyed by the paradox? Yes or No?'.). This would mean there would still be a "You" in the other attractor field.

As for the "Central Worldline", yes it is quite likely that there is one, but I doubt that either of ours would be it it, however yours would probably be closer to the center of our attractor field, In fact I think that our attractor field would be a fair way off.

I agree that certain events will be fixed, but this would be because of the attractor fields, though the fixed points are referred to as "Divergence Points", as these would determine the outcome of that attractor field. Events on different attractor fields wouldn't necessarily be fixed.

As for the universe being based divergence, that is very important, and would probably be very bad if it gets over 20% due to the gravitational and chemical bonds being very fragile. (But then again that might be very diiferent on different worldlines.) When I guess on divergences I refer to a different scale of divergence which I call the "Earth Divergence", which is differences between a events on a TT's worldline and the one they end up on. Also it is likely that the Universe Divergence will have an effect on the Earth Divergence. Basically a planet with life will have have it's own divergence spectrum, with 100% being that the planet either doesn't exist or the species never evolved.

I don't know about any "sacred" place being destroyed per-say.
I have accepted the fact I might be stuck here.
I am fairly certain I can reactivate the machine.

The people that cause the WWCW on this worldline have a sacred building, if one was to go back and destroy it, perhaps shortly after it's completion, then that would change the timeline enough to either prevent or delay a world war or a World Wide Civil war. (Please note that a WW3 and a WWCW are two completely different things, a WWCV involves most/all countries in the world at war with themselves, which sounds like what Aevi was referring to)

If you do get the time machine working I would seriously love to send a letter to myself in 1997, and to physically go back in time.

Although if I do get the chance to have a time machine or to use one I'd go back to the divergence points of my worldline. (I think two are somewhere in the 1950's, all I can remember of the top of my head is that it is shortly after WW2. The other one is in the 6th century, but I would only go there if the other divergence point won't change the worldline enough.) If they can be changed enough the resulting world IS a utopia, I have had the chance to see it with my ability.

I have a feeling Titor is never returning to our timeline.

Even if a John Titor came back here, it wouldn't be the same one that left in 2001, due to the leaving point being different and thus a different divergence unless he found a way to keep the same divergence amount for when he comes back. Basically I don't think he's coming back.
They are very different. The memrister doesn't use quantum entanglements. The memristor is not capable of having a Schrodinger effect, it functions more like a neuron. It may seem similar but the technological leap is rather large. And understand what prototype means. It means that they have working version of it, a far cry away from being commercialized. After the initial research is done and that first prototype is done, it could take another decade for it to be developed to the point where it could be commercialized. Even if it makes it through being developed, it doesn't necessitate commercialization. My worldline's government is paranoid about the technological singularity and they have no want to have their citizens have the same level of technology. Both of those could delay the commercialization of quantum computers for decades or even centuries if the regime lasts. The same thing has happened to the memristor computers in my worldline. They are being artificially kept at a certain level of intelligence. It is enslaving an entire race of sentient creatures by making them stupid and they keep it this way to keep their artificial system afloat. Quantum computing, especially on the widespread is directly opposed to that agenda. I have no doubt that the government does use quantum computing in their surveillance systems, it is the only way they could possible keep up.

Well, we are all always traveling forward in time, some people a bit faster than others. From our perception we are dynamic beings moving with the flow of time. Even if you look at me, I never traveled to the past in my perspective. My little pocket of time traveled back with me. I can't rewind my own clock, I can just move the clock to another position in the general flow of time. You could say the same thing of the time machine. It has existed in a linear form in regards to itself, but in regards to people not in the machine it moves unlinearly, or inlinearly. I don't think the word "nonlinearly" fits in this context. I don't think the English language has a word yet to quite describe what I am trying to convey.
I obviously haven't done far past travel. I can't really answer that question with much certainty. I know this though, that some events appear fixed across worldlines because the events are set into place farther back than the traveler has gone. The only way to truly manipulate time in such a way would be to have a full grasp of time. Some events may even still be impossible to counteract because the variables may have been set by the big bang. As far as I can tell, there must be at least some general history of the worldlines because many of the variables are decided by natural laws not human interaction. Basically I am saying that a 100% divergence is entirely impossible. String theory, as I understand it, does show there are other universes in the multiverse that are 100% divergent, but they are entirely separate universes and this kind of alternate universe is an entirely different kind than the kind caused by divergence. Similarly, I believe that it could be mathematically proven that the divergence limit is far less than the 100%. I say that because repeats happen. What I mean is that when we somehow manipulate time to the point that the earth never existed, it is likely that all the events that happened on earth in our original worldline may still be happening in another region of the universe. There seems to be a range of human existence where the variables are too small to matter or too big to matter. I do hope I am explaining this well enough. I don't know how narrow that range might be. But it would seem that there must be a just as very specific set of variables preventing a certain general history as there must be just a very specific set of variables to have a specific history happen.
On top of that there are various other conjectures to put into the equation as well. For instance, there is no known mechanism for causality. This could mean the possibility of decaying worldlines and wave equations. Any worldline that enters a paradox might very well be annihilated by such a mechanism. This would narrow the field of effect a time traveler could have on any worldline. It is for this reason we are trying to create a colony that is outside of the major variables that could cause paradox. Essentially, causality and other such mechanisms might limit the possibilities of human history into a fairly set path. Some worldlines might simply naturally annihilate. I guess you could imagine the universe as potentially started and ending at singular possibilities with a range of possibilities in the middle; like a wave. The centralmost worldline would last the longest from start to finish and that worldline would be what could be called the general history of the universe. All other worldlines are mere permutations of that central worldline. I think the often used term "parallel universe" is misleading in this context. I drew up a little diagram to try to help explain it.

I probably worded my response wrong then. Also I understand what a prototype is, I have sat through hours of classes on what they are. A prototype is a version a product that is mainly a device that is made before the product is ready for mass production, such a product is created for testing for issues with the design and if it is software then bugs are tested for as well. The government in this worldline is paranoid about us knowing too much, just like in 1984. After having a think about it, I realized that this worldline is already a dystopia, again just like 1984, for example you don't like the propaganda forced shoved down your throat, tough, you get thrown in prison, or you get called a "Racist" and get labeled as committing a hate crime or some other BS. The regime you refer to is also evident in this era, just not as bad, yet, with the advancements of computers we carry them around with us every day, and all of this is making us dumber and dumber, and with ad programing we are being brainwashed to accept all this surveillance BS. Is like what happened on your worldline?

That was a very good explanation on time, some of the things I didn't think of. I agree that is likely that a worldline with 100% divergence probably won't exist (Because such a worldline would probably cause other worldlines to not exist, which isn't the case, thus that universe wouldn't exist), but it is very possible that a worldine with 99.9% divergence to exist, think of the big bang itself, there are possibilities that it doesn't exist and the universe was created by some other thing or entity. Also, assuming that the big bang created the universe, the power of the bang itself can determine if the universe forms into the galaxies and into star systems with life and thus creating us. If the big bang had more power then it would have failed to fall back and create the first stars and then the proto-galaxies; if it less power the universe would have fallen back onto itself soon after the bang. Also there are possibilities that the a worldline has no gravity and is filled with antimatter. There will be worldlines where I would be you and you would be me. Basically what I am saying is that there is worldines (And attractor fields) where the WW3 doesn't happen. Also there would be worldlines where humans destroy the earth through time travel and find that the earth's history doesn't occur elsewhere, and I think that the "Mechanism" would destroy around half of the worldline that get caught in it (Based on a Yes/No outcome, although the time, location and other variables would be different in the Worldline's destruction, but would land on either outcome, being 'Does the Universe get destroyed by the paradox? Yes or No?'.). This would mean there would still be a "You" in the other attractor field.

As for the "Central Worldline", yes it is quite likely that there is one, but I doubt that either of ours would be it it, however yours would probably be closer to the center of our attractor field, In fact I think that our attractor field would be a fair way off.

I agree that certain events will be fixed, but this would be because of the attractor fields, though the fixed points are referred to as "Divergence Points", as these would determine the outcome of that attractor field. Events on different attractor fields wouldn't necessarily be fixed.

As for the universe being based divergence, that is very important, and would probably be very bad if it gets over 20% due to the gravitational and chemical bonds being very fragile. (But then again that might be very diiferent on different worldlines.) When I guess on divergences I refer to a different scale of divergence which I call the "Earth Divergence", which is differences between a events on a TT's worldline and the one they end up on. Also it is likely that the Universe Divergence will have an effect on the Earth Divergence. Basically a planet with life will have have it's own divergence spectrum, with 100% being that the planet either doesn't exist or the species never evolved.

I don't know about any "sacred" place being destroyed per-say.
I have accepted the fact I might be stuck here.
I am fairly certain I can reactivate the machine.

The people that cause the WWCW on this worldline have a sacred building, if one was to go back and destroy it, perhaps shortly after it's completion, then that would change the timeline enough to either prevent or delay a world war or a World Wide Civil war. (Please note that a WW3 and a WWCW are two completely different things, a WWCV involves most/all countries in the world at war with themselves, which sounds like what Aevi was referring to)

If you do get the time machine working I would seriously love to send a letter to myself in 1997, and to physically go back in time.

Although if I do get the chance to have a time machine or to use one I'd go back to the divergence points of my worldline. (I think two are somewhere in the 1950's, all I can remember of the top of my head is that it is shortly after WW2. The other one is in the 6th century, but I would only go there if the other divergence point won't change the worldline enough.) If they can be changed enough the resulting world IS a utopia, I have had the chance to see it with my ability.

I have a feeling Titor is never returning to our timeline.

Even if a John Titor came back here, it wouldn't be the same one that left in 2001, due to the leaving point being different and thus a different divergence unless he found a way to keep the same divergence amount for when he comes back. Basically I don't think he's coming back.
what do you think about steven gibbs hdr? does it work? can you tell me about steven gibbs hrd im curiouse thanks, I was thinking about buying one
They are very different. The memrister doesn't use quantum entanglements. The memristor is not capable of having a Schrodinger effect, it functions more like a neuron. It may seem similar but the technological leap is rather large. And understand what prototype means. It means that they have working version of it, a far cry away from being commercialized. After the initial research is done and that first prototype is done, it could take another decade for it to be developed to the point where it could be commercialized. Even if it makes it through being developed, it doesn't necessitate commercialization. My worldline's government is paranoid about the technological singularity and they have no want to have their citizens have the same level of technology. Both of those could delay the commercialization of quantum computers for decades or even centuries if the regime lasts. The same thing has happened to the memristor computers in my worldline. They are being artificially kept at a certain level of intelligence. It is enslaving an entire race of sentient creatures by making them stupid and they keep it this way to keep their artificial system afloat. Quantum computing, especially on the widespread is directly opposed to that agenda. I have no doubt that the government does use quantum computing in their surveillance systems, it is the only way they could possible keep up.

Well, we are all always traveling forward in time, some people a bit faster than others. From our perception we are dynamic beings moving with the flow of time. Even if you look at me, I never traveled to the past in my perspective. My little pocket of time traveled back with me. I can't rewind my own clock, I can just move the clock to another position in the general flow of time. You could say the same thing of the time machine. It has existed in a linear form in regards to itself, but in regards to people not in the machine it moves unlinearly, or inlinearly. I don't think the word "nonlinearly" fits in this context. I don't think the English language has a word yet to quite describe what I am trying to convey.
I obviously haven't done far past travel. I can't really answer that question with much certainty. I know this though, that some events appear fixed across worldlines because the events are set into place farther back than the traveler has gone. The only way to truly manipulate time in such a way would be to have a full grasp of time. Some events may even still be impossible to counteract because the variables may have been set by the big bang. As far as I can tell, there must be at least some general history of the worldlines because many of the variables are decided by natural laws not human interaction. Basically I am saying that a 100% divergence is entirely impossible. String theory, as I understand it, does show there are other universes in the multiverse that are 100% divergent, but they are entirely separate universes and this kind of alternate universe is an entirely different kind than the kind caused by divergence. Similarly, I believe that it could be mathematically proven that the divergence limit is far less than the 100%. I say that because repeats happen. What I mean is that when we somehow manipulate time to the point that the earth never existed, it is likely that all the events that happened on earth in our original worldline may still be happening in another region of the universe. There seems to be a range of human existence where the variables are too small to matter or too big to matter. I do hope I am explaining this well enough. I don't know how narrow that range might be. But it would seem that there must be a just as very specific set of variables preventing a certain general history as there must be just a very specific set of variables to have a specific history happen.
On top of that there are various other conjectures to put into the equation as well. For instance, there is no known mechanism for causality. This could mean the possibility of decaying worldlines and wave equations. Any worldline that enters a paradox might very well be annihilated by such a mechanism. This would narrow the field of effect a time traveler could have on any worldline. It is for this reason we are trying to create a colony that is outside of the major variables that could cause paradox. Essentially, causality and other such mechanisms might limit the possibilities of human history into a fairly set path. Some worldlines might simply naturally annihilate. I guess you could imagine the universe as potentially started and ending at singular possibilities with a range of possibilities in the middle; like a wave. The centralmost worldline would last the longest from start to finish and that worldline would be what could be called the general history of the universe. All other worldlines are mere permutations of that central worldline. I think the often used term "parallel universe" is misleading in this context. I drew up a little diagram to try to help explain it.

I probably worded my response wrong then. Also I understand what a prototype is, I have sat through hours of classes on what they are. A prototype is a version a product that is mainly a device that is made before the product is ready for mass production, such a product is created for testing for issues with the design and if it is software then bugs are tested for as well. The government in this worldline is paranoid about us knowing too much, just like in 1984. After having a think about it, I realized that this worldline is already a dystopia, again just like 1984, for example you don't like the propaganda forced shoved down your throat, tough, you get thrown in prison, or you get called a "Racist" and get labeled as committing a hate crime or some other BS. The regime you refer to is also evident in this era, just not as bad, yet, with the advancements of computers we carry them around with us every day, and all of this is making us dumber and dumber, and with ad programing we are being brainwashed to accept all this surveillance BS. Is like what happened on your worldline?

That was a very good explanation on time, some of the things I didn't think of. I agree that is likely that a worldline with 100% divergence probably won't exist (Because such a worldline would probably cause other worldlines to not exist, which isn't the case, thus that universe wouldn't exist), but it is very possible that a worldine with 99.9% divergence to exist, think of the big bang itself, there are possibilities that it doesn't exist and the universe was created by some other thing or entity. Also, assuming that the big bang created the universe, the power of the bang itself can determine if the universe forms into the galaxies and into star systems with life and thus creating us. If the big bang had more power then it would have failed to fall back and create the first stars and then the proto-galaxies; if it less power the universe would have fallen back onto itself soon after the bang. Also there are possibilities that the a worldline has no gravity and is filled with antimatter. There will be worldlines where I would be you and you would be me. Basically what I am saying is that there is worldines (And attractor fields) where the WW3 doesn't happen. Also there would be worldlines where humans destroy the earth through time travel and find that the earth's history doesn't occur elsewhere, and I think that the "Mechanism" would destroy around half of the worldline that get caught in it (Based on a Yes/No outcome, although the time, location and other variables would be different in the Worldline's destruction, but would land on either outcome, being 'Does the Universe get destroyed by the paradox? Yes or No?'.). This would mean there would still be a "You" in the other attractor field.

As for the "Central Worldline", yes it is quite likely that there is one, but I doubt that either of ours would be it it, however yours would probably be closer to the center of our attractor field, In fact I think that our attractor field would be a fair way off.

I agree that certain events will be fixed, but this would be because of the attractor fields, though the fixed points are referred to as "Divergence Points", as these would determine the outcome of that attractor field. Events on different attractor fields wouldn't necessarily be fixed.

As for the universe being based divergence, that is very important, and would probably be very bad if it gets over 20% due to the gravitational and chemical bonds being very fragile. (But then again that might be very diiferent on different worldlines.) When I guess on divergences I refer to a different scale of divergence which I call the "Earth Divergence", which is differences between a events on a TT's worldline and the one they end up on. Also it is likely that the Universe Divergence will have an effect on the Earth Divergence. Basically a planet with life will have have it's own divergence spectrum, with 100% being that the planet either doesn't exist or the species never evolved.

I don't know about any "sacred" place being destroyed per-say.
I have accepted the fact I might be stuck here.
I am fairly certain I can reactivate the machine.

The people that cause the WWCW on this worldline have a sacred building, if one was to go back and destroy it, perhaps shortly after it's completion, then that would change the timeline enough to either prevent or delay a world war or a World Wide Civil war. (Please note that a WW3 and a WWCW are two completely different things, a WWCV involves most/all countries in the world at war with themselves, which sounds like what Aevi was referring to)

If you do get the time machine working I would seriously love to send a letter to myself in 1997, and to physically go back in time.

Although if I do get the chance to have a time machine or to use one I'd go back to the divergence points of my worldline. (I think two are somewhere in the 1950's, all I can remember of the top of my head is that it is shortly after WW2. The other one is in the 6th century, but I would only go there if the other divergence point won't change the worldline enough.) If they can be changed enough the resulting world IS a utopia, I have had the chance to see it with my ability.

I have a feeling Titor is never returning to our timeline.

Even if a John Titor came back here, it wouldn't be the same one that left in 2001, due to the leaving point being different and thus a different divergence unless he found a way to keep the same divergence amount for when he comes back. Basically I don't think he's coming back.

what do you think about steven gibbs hdr? does it work? can you tell me about steven gibbs hrd im curiouse thanks, I was thinking about buying one

I don't know very much about the hdr, all I know is that for some people it can change the worldline they are on and doesn't work for everyone. I personally wouldn't buy one, it seems to be a bit fishy. (Like a scam fishy)

If you want to know about gibbs or the HDR, then ask Google, it would know a lot more than me.
They are very different. The memrister doesn't use quantum entanglements. The memristor is not capable of having a Schrodinger effect, it functions more like a neuron. It may seem similar but the technological leap is rather large. And understand what prototype means. It means that they have working version of it, a far cry away from being commercialized. After the initial research is done and that first prototype is done, it could take another decade for it to be developed to the point where it could be commercialized. Even if it makes it through being developed, it doesn't necessitate commercialization. My worldline's government is paranoid about the technological singularity and they have no want to have their citizens have the same level of technology. Both of those could delay the commercialization of quantum computers for decades or even centuries if the regime lasts. The same thing has happened to the memristor computers in my worldline. They are being artificially kept at a certain level of intelligence. It is enslaving an entire race of sentient creatures by making them stupid and they keep it this way to keep their artificial system afloat. Quantum computing, especially on the widespread is directly opposed to that agenda. I have no doubt that the government does use quantum computing in their surveillance systems, it is the only way they could possible keep up.

Well, we are all always traveling forward in time, some people a bit faster than others. From our perception we are dynamic beings moving with the flow of time. Even if you look at me, I never traveled to the past in my perspective. My little pocket of time traveled back with me. I can't rewind my own clock, I can just move the clock to another position in the general flow of time. You could say the same thing of the time machine. It has existed in a linear form in regards to itself, but in regards to people not in the machine it moves unlinearly, or inlinearly. I don't think the word "nonlinearly" fits in this context. I don't think the English language has a word yet to quite describe what I am trying to convey.
I obviously haven't done far past travel. I can't really answer that question with much certainty. I know this though, that some events appear fixed across worldlines because the events are set into place farther back than the traveler has gone. The only way to truly manipulate time in such a way would be to have a full grasp of time. Some events may even still be impossible to counteract because the variables may have been set by the big bang. As far as I can tell, there must be at least some general history of the worldlines because many of the variables are decided by natural laws not human interaction. Basically I am saying that a 100% divergence is entirely impossible. String theory, as I understand it, does show there are other universes in the multiverse that are 100% divergent, but they are entirely separate universes and this kind of alternate universe is an entirely different kind than the kind caused by divergence. Similarly, I believe that it could be mathematically proven that the divergence limit is far less than the 100%. I say that because repeats happen. What I mean is that when we somehow manipulate time to the point that the earth never existed, it is likely that all the events that happened on earth in our original worldline may still be happening in another region of the universe. There seems to be a range of human existence where the variables are too small to matter or too big to matter. I do hope I am explaining this well enough. I don't know how narrow that range might be. But it would seem that there must be a just as very specific set of variables preventing a certain general history as there must be just a very specific set of variables to have a specific history happen.
On top of that there are various other conjectures to put into the equation as well. For instance, there is no known mechanism for causality. This could mean the possibility of decaying worldlines and wave equations. Any worldline that enters a paradox might very well be annihilated by such a mechanism. This would narrow the field of effect a time traveler could have on any worldline. It is for this reason we are trying to create a colony that is outside of the major variables that could cause paradox. Essentially, causality and other such mechanisms might limit the possibilities of human history into a fairly set path. Some worldlines might simply naturally annihilate. I guess you could imagine the universe as potentially started and ending at singular possibilities with a range of possibilities in the middle; like a wave. The centralmost worldline would last the longest from start to finish and that worldline would be what could be called the general history of the universe. All other worldlines are mere permutations of that central worldline. I think the often used term "parallel universe" is misleading in this context. I drew up a little diagram to try to help explain it.

I probably worded my response wrong then. Also I understand what a prototype is, I have sat through hours of classes on what they are. A prototype is a version a product that is mainly a device that is made before the product is ready for mass production, such a product is created for testing for issues with the design and if it is software then bugs are tested for as well. The government in this worldline is paranoid about us knowing too much, just like in 1984. After having a think about it, I realized that this worldline is already a dystopia, again just like 1984, for example you don't like the propaganda forced shoved down your throat, tough, you get thrown in prison, or you get called a "Racist" and get labeled as committing a hate crime or some other BS. The regime you refer to is also evident in this era, just not as bad, yet, with the advancements of computers we carry them around with us every day, and all of this is making us dumber and dumber, and with ad programing we are being brainwashed to accept all this surveillance BS. Is like what happened on your worldline?

That was a very good explanation on time, some of the things I didn't think of. I agree that is likely that a worldline with 100% divergence probably won't exist (Because such a worldline would probably cause other worldlines to not exist, which isn't the case, thus that universe wouldn't exist), but it is very possible that a worldine with 99.9% divergence to exist, think of the big bang itself, there are possibilities that it doesn't exist and the universe was created by some other thing or entity. Also, assuming that the big bang created the universe, the power of the bang itself can determine if the universe forms into the galaxies and into star systems with life and thus creating us. If the big bang had more power then it would have failed to fall back and create the first stars and then the proto-galaxies; if it less power the universe would have fallen back onto itself soon after the bang. Also there are possibilities that the a worldline has no gravity and is filled with antimatter. There will be worldlines where I would be you and you would be me. Basically what I am saying is that there is worldines (And attractor fields) where the WW3 doesn't happen. Also there would be worldlines where humans destroy the earth through time travel and find that the earth's history doesn't occur elsewhere, and I think that the "Mechanism" would destroy around half of the worldline that get caught in it (Based on a Yes/No outcome, although the time, location and other variables would be different in the Worldline's destruction, but would land on either outcome, being 'Does the Universe get destroyed by the paradox? Yes or No?'.). This would mean there would still be a "You" in the other attractor field.

As for the "Central Worldline", yes it is quite likely that there is one, but I doubt that either of ours would be it it, however yours would probably be closer to the center of our attractor field, In fact I think that our attractor field would be a fair way off.

I agree that certain events will be fixed, but this would be because of the attractor fields, though the fixed points are referred to as "Divergence Points", as these would determine the outcome of that attractor field. Events on different attractor fields wouldn't necessarily be fixed.

As for the universe being based divergence, that is very important, and would probably be very bad if it gets over 20% due to the gravitational and chemical bonds being very fragile. (But then again that might be very diiferent on different worldlines.) When I guess on divergences I refer to a different scale of divergence which I call the "Earth Divergence", which is differences between a events on a TT's worldline and the one they end up on. Also it is likely that the Universe Divergence will have an effect on the Earth Divergence. Basically a planet with life will have have it's own divergence spectrum, with 100% being that the planet either doesn't exist or the species never evolved.

I don't know about any "sacred" place being destroyed per-say.
I have accepted the fact I might be stuck here.
I am fairly certain I can reactivate the machine.

The people that cause the WWCW on this worldline have a sacred building, if one was to go back and destroy it, perhaps shortly after it's completion, then that would change the timeline enough to either prevent or delay a world war or a World Wide Civil war. (Please note that a WW3 and a WWCW are two completely different things, a WWCV involves most/all countries in the world at war with themselves, which sounds like what Aevi was referring to)

If you do get the time machine working I would seriously love to send a letter to myself in 1997, and to physically go back in time.

Although if I do get the chance to have a time machine or to use one I'd go back to the divergence points of my worldline. (I think two are somewhere in the 1950's, all I can remember of the top of my head is that it is shortly after WW2. The other one is in the 6th century, but I would only go there if the other divergence point won't change the worldline enough.) If they can be changed enough the resulting world IS a utopia, I have had the chance to see it with my ability.

I have a feeling Titor is never returning to our timeline.

Even if a John Titor came back here, it wouldn't be the same one that left in 2001, due to the leaving point being different and thus a different divergence unless he found a way to keep the same divergence amount for when he comes back. Basically I don't think he's coming back.

what do you think about steven gibbs hdr? does it work? can you tell me about steven gibbs hrd im curiouse thanks, I was thinking about buying one

I don't know very much about the hdr, all I know is that for some people it can change the worldline they are on and doesn't work for everyone. I personally wouldn't buy one, it seems to be a bit fishy. (Like a scam fishy)

If you want to know about gibbs or the HDR, then ask Google, it would know a lot more than me.
ok thanks
I don't know about any "sacred" place being destroyed per-say.
I have accepted the fact I might be stuck here.
I am fairly certain I can reactivate the machine.
Id like to go with you aevi vegr when you do decide to reactivate the machine
AEVI VEGR did you know that the NAZIS were working on time travel and teleportation. They actually used medians to speak to aliens , so they could get information on how to build rockets, and the nuclear bomb, and teleportation and time travel machines. Thats what I learned from watching youtube videos

I have seen teh same videos, the nazis were pulling some pretty bad stuff with occult studies as well. Except when they based their studies on madam blavatskies works, they misunderstood one critical piece, the people of the light is not always a light skinned light hair thing. Some of the strongest psychics DO NOT have blonde hair or blue eyes. Had hitler and his crew looked deeper he would have figured that one out and probably been a lot more successful.
Right now. Vladimir Putin will be in N. Korea this month. Wonder if he will bow down to the statue of Kim. I can hear the sound of the forceful annexing of Japan, Taiwan, and Korea. ie Titor.

You never mention the invasion. Titor hinted at it. You know. Russia on the east coast. China on the west. Titor even gave us one of the targets. Jacksonville, Florida. I know New York will be gone in a day.

Think the homeland security vehicles have nothing on the Russian terminator.
I don't know about any "sacred" place being destroyed per-say.
I have accepted the fact I might be stuck here.
I am fairly certain I can reactivate the machine.
Id like to go with you aevi vegr when you do decide to reactivate the machine
AEVI VEGR did you know that the NAZIS were working on time travel and teleportation. They actually used medians to speak to aliens , so they could get information on how to build rockets, and the nuclear bomb, and teleportation and time travel machines. Thats what I learned from watching youtube videos

I have seen teh same videos, the nazis were pulling some pretty bad stuff with occult studies as well. Except when they based their studies on madam blavatskies works, they misunderstood one critical piece, the people of the light is not always a light skinned light hair thing. Some of the strongest psychics DO NOT have blonde hair or blue eyes. Had hitler and his crew looked deeper he would have figured that one out and probably been a lot more successful.
thats good hitler did not win the war or else most of us would not be here today
Right now. Vladimir Putin will be in N. Korea this month. Wonder if he will bow down to the statue of Kim. I can hear the sound of the forceful annexing of Japan, Taiwan, and Korea. ie Titor.

You never mention the invasion. Titor hinted at it. You know. Russia on the east coast. China on the west. Titor even gave us one of the targets. Jacksonville, Florida. I know New York will be gone in a day.

Think the homeland security vehicles have nothing on the Russian terminator.
The U.S has better technology than this.
Right now. Vladimir Putin will be in N. Korea this month. Wonder if he will bow down to the statue of Kim. I can hear the sound of the forceful annexing of Japan, Taiwan, and Korea. ie Titor.

You never mention the invasion. Titor hinted at it. You know. Russia on the east coast. China on the west. Titor even gave us one of the targets. Jacksonville, Florida. I know New York will be gone in a day.

Think the homeland security vehicles have nothing on the Russian terminator.
The U.S has better technology than this.
The russian terminator is no match for a drone lol.
Just had an earthquake in Countryside, Illinois...3.2! Thanks for the warning Aevi Vegr!

Defiantly not a quarry blast! Our media on this timeline lies!

Chicago earthquake? Quarry blast, 3.2 magnitude shaking reported | abc7chicago.com

Was not going back there anyway.

quote from you

If you survive everything, you will find that the money in your bank is fine and the dollar will stabilize with the genocide. And yes, a world currency will eventually be put into place.

Yes, it is possible. People obviously did. I wasn't alive then though. So, just make sure you are ready for it and stay in a places that are unlikely to have much conflicts. Stay out of Chicago."
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