Hello 2013 (Time Traveler from 2043)

I had a look through the errors in the order and found the clue wasn't in the shifts, it was in plain sight. If you look through the mistakes for what is missing or added the spelling mistakes it will make the following:

"Help Me"

If you add on the following bible segment then the secret message is entirely a plea for help, basically it can be interprated as the following:
"Help Me, Death is my Destiny" or "Help Me this is the end of me"

If this is a plea for help, then in theroy there should be a second post floating around somewhere about the location, probably on another website entirely. Although it is possible there is a secong clue there, I will have a look, as some words are incorrectly ordered.

That concludes my brainwave of the evening.
Sorry double post , I think I found a second message, it is:
"You have reletive influence"

I refernced this in the last post I did, when Aevi stated that he was sorry about the pictures, he said "has I asked", it should be "You have asked" and it was strange that he told us to remember reletive influence of a variable.

Although the message could also be interprated as: (To add all of the gramma mistakes, but this also requires re-ordering.)
"For a variable, you have reletive influence"
Let me help to decipher the encrypted message:
This is what I have found so far.
dwo = two
vog = log
ibt = ill
tme = time
frirenyyy (guess I just pulled that right) = friend
hammegin = hammering
This is a legitimate type of encryption, so it seems like he's being hunted by somebody else. Wish I could learn anything about encryption using the Misspelled method from my dad.
Can I just point something out? If this guy is being hunted or trying to pass out a secret message or whatever...you're posting it all on a publicly viewable forum. The whole point of coded messages is so that your enemies can't read them. And it's too late to erase them now, because when you're dealing with time travel you just go back to before the messages were erased.

(Although to be fair, if the messages are obvious enough that people other than their intended recipients can decode them, he's doing it wrong in the first place)
Note that I've said "it seems like", and I could care less if an unauthorized individual saw this message.

And mine's not very reliable, in my opinion.
You could care less if your actions resulted in someone's death? I mean, that's the worse case scenario (or not, there could be worse ones) but still. Not everything is a game.
As far is cryptography goes, only the very simplest stuff has been posted. Stuff anyone could get. I would hazard to guess that if he included sensitive information it wouldn't be in the part of the message we are looking at and that we've been distracted by the obvious.

As for why he posted in the Catholic Forums, some members of this forum openly admitted in this thread to be Christians, so maybe he posted in a place he though some of us might meander to, if there is another message, maybe it would be in a similar place.

Additionally, the term "Abolition of Man" seems to be a reference to the book of the same title.
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"I am not speaking of particular corruptions and abuses which an increase of moral virtue would cure: I am considering what the thing called 'Man's power over Nature' must always and essentially be. No doubt, the picture could be modified by public ownership of raw materials and factories and public control of scientific research. But unless we have a world state this will still mean the power of one nation over others. And even within the world state or the nation it will mean (in principle) the power of majorities over minorities, and (in the concrete) of a government over the people. And all long-term exercises of power, especially in breeding, must mean the power of earlier generations over later ones.

The latter point is not always sufficiently emphasized, because those who write on social matters have not yet learned to imitate the physicists by always including Time among the dimensions. In order to understand fully what Man's power over Nature, and therefore the power of some men over other men, really means, we must picture the race extended in time from the date of its emergence to that of its extinction. Each generation exercises power over its successors: and each, in so far as it modifies the environment bequeathed to it and rebels against tradition, resists and limits the power of its predecessors. This modifies the picture which is sometimes painted of a progressive emancipation from tradition and a progressive control of natural processes resulting in a continual increase of human power. In reality, of course, if any one age really attains, by eugenics and scientific education, the power to make its descendants what it pleases, all men who live after it are the patients of that power. They are weaker, not stronger: for though we may have put wonderful machines in their hands we have pre-ordained how they are to use them. And if, as is almost certain, the age which had thus attained maximum power over posterity were also the age most emancipated from tradition, it would be engaged in reducing the power of its predecessors almost as drastically as that of its successors. And we must also remember that, quite apart from this, the later a generation comes — the nearer it lives to that date at which the species becomes
extinct — the less power it will have in the forward direction, because its subjects will be so few. There is therefore no question of a power vested in the race as a whole steadily growing as long as the race survives. The last men, far from being the heirs of power, will be of all men most subject to the dead hand of the great planners and conditioners and will themselves exercise least power upon the future."

Interesting read and it's in the public domain.
