Hello All

Thanks for the warm welcome, there is a lot of interesting reads here. I saw the thread about pterodactyl sightings. I saw one in 1994 right outside of New Orleans, it was gliding / flying over the Bonnie Cary Spillway at dusk. It was as long as the span of all the lanes, from one side to the other. Oddly enough, I was stopped on the bridge because the hood of the van flew up. As I shut the hood, I turned and saw it flying over the interstate about 100 yards away Its was like black leather, completely dragon like, it looked at me with intense looking eyes, at that moment I felt like food, jumped in the van and wasted no time leaving. Kind of forgot about it until this year when I saw a show on TV about the creatures. Do you think this creature might have some sort of psychic ability or can use some sort of psychic block to erase the memories of whom it might encounter? May be it’s part of a bigger operation?
