Hello everyone!


New Member
Hello I'm Annie!

It's so nice to have found this place. I didn't use to go online much so I have been limited to talking about exploring new worlds and astral adventures with my "not so open minded" friends. I'm hoping this will be the start of a lovely journey!

So far, I have had some great experiences reading tarot cards and I have tried my hand in radionics. But radionics didn't go so well. I think the machine I bought may have been broken or something. I tried to fix it myself and it did a little bit better but I still think it's broken. I worked at a repair shop so I know how to solder, but that's pretty much where my knowledge in electronics stops!
Maybe I can find more answers here! :)

Welcome to Paranormalis Ann...enjoy your stay. We have the answers you are looking for in addition to many unanswered questions.

Thank you for the warm welcome, everyone!

Paulajedi, oh yes please! I don't know much about tarot. I read soooo much different information. So many people have so many different ideas about how it works. I like the movie spreads and the daily cards, myself!

Emanuela, yes and no! Nothing that would convert a skeptic but some things have been eerily accurate. How about you, does it work for you?

After reading those time travel threads... I am really curious about those HDR machines.

Welcome to the forum!

I love this site for its many different aspects of interest.

I hope you find it the same!

Enjoy yourself!

Thank you for the warm welcome, everyone!

Paulajedi, oh yes please! I don't know much about tarot. I read soooo much different information. So many people have so many different ideas about how it works. I like the movie spreads and the daily cards, myself!

Emanuela, yes and no! Nothing that would convert a skeptic but some things have been eerily accurate. How about you, does it work for you?

After reading those time travel threads... I am really curious about those HDR machines.

Annie I don't know anything about tarots, and I think I'm not well with them, but it would be intereasting to know something personal about it, like a question about time travel :rolleyes:
