Hello everyone


New Member
Otago Harbour said, People may look similar but be different in their personalities. I knew a pair of sisters who were identical twins but it was a real case of an evil twin. Like Jeckyll and Hyde. The other twin was lovely. They were truly diametric opposites. /

Lamdo answer, in my case had a fraternal twin that was reactivated. She was a little different than me, but when she got close to me and our potentials began to join, I found that she may have been forced into a situation not knowing.

All I can say, thanks for your return comment.
Reactivated? What forced her into the situation?



Junior Member
Hello, everyone. I'm so glad to have found this group. I lost my beautiful daughter, totally unexpectedly, in December of 2021. I desperately want to see her again whether by going back in time or through the paranormal or both. So far, I have not found much relief through signs or meditation.

Thank you for reading this.

This comes as an update to my earlier reply on this thread.

There's actually a way you can try, if you're still seeking to see your daughter (it'd usually happened you'd see her in your dream), and it's actually a common simple way (in my culture, at least).

But to my bad, I somewhat forgot about it when I wrote my reply earlier.

A (long) backstory first,

I have quite a lot of things happening this last 3 weeks. One of the things was; due to circumstances, I lost my job around 3 weeks ago.

Finding another job isn't something easy around here, much because of my age (am 45 this year. All decent job vacancies I found so far have age limitation up to 40 years old for applicants).

It was quite a hit for me, since I had rent to pay.
Due to a reason, I have been living separatedly from the rest of my direct family for years, and there's no way I could turn to them for help now.

You can say I was so close for becoming a homeless 3 weeks ago.

Lucky for me that my master, upon learning about my situation, was more than willing to take me in but under one condition;
he provides me with shelter and food as well as allowing me to stay in his house for as long as it takes for me to find another job, and in turn, I'm intensifying my spirituality practice with him as well as helping him with his task of helping people with their spirituality/paranormal problems.

I was of course, more than glad to accept his offer.

While it sounds a bit of much, my job is actually quite simple; praying. As much as I can. Like Buddhist monks in their temple.

We're not Buddhist however, I'm saying it just to give you a popular example of how it's done.

My prayers, while being directed at myself to help me finding a new job, also meant to hone my spiritual protection ability against negative energy at the same time.

Also at the same time, the prayers are directed to help my master with his spirituality tasks as well.

So it's like killing 3 birds with one stone, so to speak.

Since day 1 up to today (almost 3 weeks now), I've been practicing my prayers for at least 6 hours a day, and 10 to 11 hours for once or twice whenever circumstances required me to.

And then... Very early this morning... I received a surprise.

I had a dream of seeing both of my late grandparents, and also my late father (I just found out this morning that he has passed away, btw).

In that dream, three of them seemed to have been leading a good life; they looked happy, healthy, joyful, with fancy clothes and all.

My beloved grandmother, of whom I've considered as my own mother, with tears of happiness in her beautiful eyes, couldn't stop to thank me.
She said, my prayers reached them, and the power of the prayers granted them the happy and joyful

My grandfather-of whom I've never actually met since he passed away some years before I was born,
and my father; of whom left me and my mother long ago when I was still a small kid and never to be seen again eversince,

they also said the same.

As to my father, he also said sorry that he left me, his only son, and to never tried to send a word even in his final moment. Nonetheless, he feels my affection through my prayers and came along to say how grateful he is for it.

To be honest, the dream was beautiful and very touching to me that I might also cried in that dream, but kind of weird at the same time; seeing my grandmother and father could sctually get along like that (my grandmother, during her lifetime, never agreed for my mother to get married with my father and I still remember hostility she shown him back in the day).

And when I woke up from the happy dream, I just remembered that among the prayers I've been practicing this past 3 weeks, there's actually this one that's wishing those who are dear to me all the good things in the universe.

Man, how can I be so forgetful.. It applied for both the living and the deceased...
And what did I say...killing 3 birds with 1 stone? Heck, make it catching 4 birds with one hand.😁

And thus, here comes what I'd like to suggest you if you'd like to try it anyway; you can simply try it with prayers.

You don't have to use the same prayers with me; just try to use your own prayers or words, wishing your daughter a happy afterlife, and tell her how much you love her.

You don't have to say you want to see her, believe me she actually knows it and she can also feel it through your prayers.

And, it's not like she doesn't want to come to see you either.

Thing is, from what I understand, her realm is already different than ours, thus it's not a simple matter for her to be able to come and go as she please.

Just like in my case, the power of your prayers can help her to lighten up or brighten up her realm so she's able to see the gate that connects 2 realms clearly and by your prayers you also give her the key to open the gate that is otherwise locked, if that makes sense : since it's not yet your time to go to her realm, if you want to see her, you give her the tools that enable her to come to you instead.

Well... That's how to explain it in my culture, anyway 😁

And when the time is right, I do believe she'll finally come to you.

If you'd like to try this way, you can simply offer her the prayers from your home, in front of her photo, for example.

But in my people's experience, it'd be even better if you can also come to her grave often (like once or twice a week, for example), to clean her grave, and offer your prayers right there.

It's an act of showing affection, if you know what I mean. And from what I've gathered, it seemed to be able to provide even greater help
for the deceased in the process of them crossing the barrier.

Many of us Indonesians, are still maintaining our old customs, and among them is periodically visiting the grave of our deceased beloved ones to offer them prayers there.
And, I don't think I'd exagerrated to say that we had visitations from our deceased beloved ones quite frequent.

Thank you for reading this long reply, hope this helps.
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We don't have the technology to physically travel through the past now. Because the gravitational pull of the universe is too strong. You can try using Chinese psychics and Western psychics. Being able to talk to the spirits of the dead. It's been 5 years since my dad died in 2018 from colon cancer that spread to his liver causing a large intestinal obstruction, and it's simply impossible to revive him.


By the way, do you think there are places in the galaxy where life could exist besides our planet. If we can communicate we can gain more knowledge and enhance the civilization of earthlings.3be14b81e19d4426a84cd0dd675541b5.jpg


Active Member
By the way, do you think there are places in the galaxy where life could exist besides our planet. If we can communicate we can gain more knowledge and enhance the civilization of earthlings.View attachment 15886
You have forgot that there is a secret society that have a power of live longer and a cure of all diseases and have secret stuff like ufo and time travel that what I think of
