Hello my name is Howl.


New Member
My name is Howl. I am 17 years old, with a huge passion for technology. Over the past few weeks I have been extremely interested in overall Time and Quantum Physics/Mechanics, and I would love to be able to gain more knowledge on these key topics due to my dream of being able to at least change or inspire this planet just a little bit.

I honestly, do ask myself why I'm so interested in these things and why I love them, however finding the answer to that is like asking water why its wet. It just is as well as my curiosity in Time Travel.

Fortunately, I found this forum so I can ask questions and hopefully get to make new friends and maybe one day who knows what I will do with those "new friends". I will be posting regularly, mainly questions and hopefully to get into those chat events I read about or debates.

Thank you for taking the time to read this,

Looking forward to your reply.
