Hello People


New Member
Nice to join. My name's Greg — I'm a filmmaker, composer and illustrator. I'm very drawn to the great mysteries of the universe, mostly from the angle of exploring and attempting to understand the unknowable. I love personal stories/experiences or anything that sheds light on the paranormal.

Currently working on the pilot for a Twilight Zone web series called "Odd Shotz". The idea is to explore the human condition through grounded sci-fi, fantasy and horror — a lot of it dealing with the paranormal or out there ideas.

Looking forward to being part of the conversation!


Welcome to the site! :)

See you around!


@OddShotz - Welcome! :)

Have you ever explored ideas for producing time travel-related episodes? That's one of the things Twilight Zone creator Rod Serling thought about and implemented.


New Member
I love time travel. I love that Twilight Zone about the airplane that goes back in time, or the one where the guy from the wagon train wanders off over the mountain to modern day New Mexico and gets 20th century medicine and brings it back to his sick daughter.

Odd Shotz will be playing with time more from a magic realism/fantasy angle than hard sci-fi. For example, the pilot deals with a gazing ball that shows the future. A lot like the Twilight Zone about the camera that takes a picture a couple minutes hence. Funny you bring it up, I was just posing a time-travel question on another forum. How when you go back in time, do something that alters things and return — you're actually returning to a slightly different version of your reality ( a parallel world). If you think about the mechanics of it all, "YOU" would have completely vanished from he world you originally disappeared from. Your friends and family would be like, "What the hell? Where did he go?" Concurrently, you'd be popping into a parallel world where most likely another version of you already exists. So there'd be two of you suddenly. I'd love to approach time travel from this kind of angle. I'm very interested in playing around with the mechanics of sci-fi and fantasy.
