

New Member
Hi all,
I'm Polish citizen, who is interested in time travel since last 14 years. I was reading old forums like Time Travel Institute when it was fully existed (popular)... didn't post anything, my english was poor at that moment. I was experiencing OOBE since I turn 16. Was travelling in time there randomly (I was never know where I'm going). In one of those travels I was in hyperloop, It was super tiny in term of space but super fast. Once I was in artificial planet which kind of works like artificial Earth satellite on which humans make another place to live. It was connected to corporate lives, less natural and more technical or technocratic with separate rules. In some of my trips I was introduced to meet those realities by other entities. Now those moments fall to my memories as a less realistic and more dreamy - like events. It's a natural process I guess.

Now it is a time to have an interest in time travel more practically. So I'm open to build my unit, or meet any TT who have a will to help share with me any experience. I don't want to change anything in this or other timeline. I would be happy to observe events. A specially important from world of art. I'm film director, photographer and musician (playing on piano regularly). Currently I'm focusing on my second feature film. I have a family, no mental or physical problems. Even if a had much of weird moments in my life I'm still very radical and practical person... I don't want to fall to a fantasy about time travel.

It's nice to meet you all.
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Senior Member
Welcome to the forum have fun here, something i think about regularly is Time travel holidays do you think you could factor that in to a movie some day?


Welcome to the site. Your story is interesting, glad you decided to join! :)
