Help with Discord!


Junior Member
First off, how is that server going? Are there enough ppl to have a good conference?

Now I cannot login there cause of the f2a key cause I got a new phone. Can someone help me with this and before anyone tells me to contact discord support I already did that and they are not helpful. Some of you are computer Pros and I am confident you do better than them. I don’t even recall putting on the f2a on there.


Temporal Engineer
I wouldn't recommend it. There will be virus and tracking software installed on your device if you participate.


Junior Member
I wouldn't recommend it. There will be virus and tracking software installed on your device if you participate.
You mean on Discord? I used it to chat with my RuneScape friends for over two years and the problem lies with the F2A. I honestly don’t remember turning it on and that’s why I can’t login. I hadn’t used it in a while cause I haven’t played RuneScape in a long time and I quit Final Fantasy XIV. I only tried to login from this site and that’s when I realized.


Junior Member
@Einstein Come on man, there's no virus on Discord. It wouldn't be that popular and super widely used if there was.
That’s just what I tried to tell @Einstein. I used the dar n thing for two years for my Runescape friends and then when I played Final Fantasy XIV. No one ever got a virus. The problem that is common is the F2A Authenticator. I tried to explain it to @Einstein and whether or not he believes me is totally up to him. I am not here to convince anyone about Discord or for that matter about anything else. However I would appreciate it if someone with Tech knowledge would help me with it since Discord refuses to help the users with the Authenticator issues whitch has now become prevalent:


Senior Member
Been on about 30+ servers on discord Admin on a few, no one has reported any problems.
