
Re: Hoaxers

Here's a thought: suppose the people who come and hoax here are actually creative geniuses who in several years time become famous and successful writers/actors/ whatnot, and then direct their various fans/critics to this site, which they say was where their "creative activity first blossomed", so we become besieged with hundreds or thousands of fans and critics, and where the heck is this story going??? :unsure:

As for the hoaxers...I tend to give anyone who comes here the benefit of the doubt, until they're proven wrong by somebody else. (I haven't the brains, nor can I be bothered, quite frankly, to scrutinise somebody's story to see where their mistakes are, so I'm quite grateful to have others take this job.) Even when it seems they're hoaxing, I do sometimes find it mildly amusing to play along (it's the fantasist in me. And on a side note, that statement could be taken two ways - do I mean that I myself am a fantasist, or do I mean that another person who is a fantasist is sharing my body? Hmm...which do I mean?)

I do think, though, that the hoaxers are making themselves look a little silly when somebody has practically proved that they're hoaxing. I don't mind them persisting with the story as such, I just don't quite see the point.

But then again, I have no idea of anything any more...perhaps all the hoaxers are the ones telling the truth and I am lying to myself and everybody? Who's to say that I even exist?
Re: Hoaxers

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"TheHeggy\")</div>
You make an extremely good point. I used to be one of the guys who went after everyone I thought was a hoax, but I got tired of the drama it creates. If I read something now and I feel like it's a hoax, I just ignore it. They always peter out within a couple days.

People who think they're cool because they can post some nasty remarks to anyone (not just time traveler hoaxers) have some serious reality issues. This is the INTERNET, folks. No one cares how good your \"you suck\" post is.

Oh, and I've been looking for an excuse to use this image ;) This one's for you, Flamers:


I gotta say Heggy this post really hit a nerve with me. I am going to be less skeptical in future and let the TT's have their fun.
Re: Hoaxers


I'm not saying to gulp down what they say; I'm just saying to be polite (and this isn't pointed at you).

For me, I actually presume all of them to be fake right from the start. If I were a time traveller, I don't think I would be spending all my time online. I would be out in the world checking things out, recording what I see to take back home. If I wanted to share my time traveling secrets. I could come on 1 time and upload it into the net and be done with it. There...I said it. That doesn't mean I don't enjoy conversing with the TT'ers that post on the site. I think it's still fun to throw around ideas. Who knows...maybe they really "believe" they are from another time. You can actually go into any large city and find lot's of time travellers, Abe Lincoln, Superman, take your pick. LOL
Re: Hoaxers

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"lucidus\")</div>
I gotta say Heggy this post really hit a nerve with me. I am going to be less skeptical in future and let the TT's have their fun.[/b]

Hey now ;) Don't let me take away your ability to call horse-crap when you see it! I really haven't even noticed you flaming all that much LOL. I was just saying that whether it be people flaming hoaxers or people being a "badass" on the internet -- In the end, it's just the internet and none of it really matters.
