How did you get into The Paranormal?


Junior Member
It's a topic that may have been covered before and if it is sorry Mods but I'm curious what got people into the paranormal? If your main interest is UFO's did you become more involved in the subject after you saw one? or was it something as simple as seeing Close Encounters of the Third Kind? Or for ghosts/spirits did you perhaps have an experience that led you to read up on hauntings and the like? The topic pretty much covers all aspects of the paranormal :)

For me it's mostly ghosts and the occult that I follow to the point that I devour every book on the subject and read countless sites and postings about. The interest pretty much came from seeing strange things from a very young age and it was mostly around the house, my sister and I would think our mom was calling us for school because there was a lady at the bedroom door but eventually we realized it wasn't her. The experiences were more frequent so I started reading up on it and never really stopped, my sister went the other way but her experiences never stopped, she gets a lot more scared of it now because she doesn't want to read up on what she is seeing. As for the occult I always found it very interesting and a lot of it went hand in hand with ghosts and spirits.

I wonder does a particular experience lead to an almost life long search of understanding?


where the wild things are
For ghosts, I used to be a skeptic, didn't believe in them. When something happened, I would just dismiss it, as any skeptic would. But I had a few experiences that I couldn't explain. My first major experience was in 2001, which was a chaotic year for me. I had four family members die, two of them being close, my great grandmother and my grandfather.

I had experiences prior to 2001, but I just shrugged them off. But now that I go back and look over the incident... logic comes into play and things just don't add up.

I'm not a "hear a sound and believe its a ghost" kind of guy. I use logic and try to debunk the situation. Most of the time I can, but there are those occasional times that... I cannot.

I keep a ghost experience journal. Ghostly Experiences Journal - Home

The major experience I'm talking about is there. Ghostly Experiences Journal - Family Deaths (2001 and 2004)

UFO's? Skeptic lol. Used to be, but I've seen things that... aren't normal. I don't believe UFO's are alien crafts, I think they are more government projects. Maybe some are aliens, who knows. I don't personally believe aliens are here on our planet, I believe they have visited in the past, I believe in ancient astronauts, I find it hard to believe that in 10,000 years we came from living in caves, to talking on a computer. Someone helped us along the way...

Vampires and Werewolves? Two common beings that can be explained quite easily and no, I don't believe they are real or ever existed.


I grew up in Wisconsin in an area where many native mounds existed. The local college even preserved some of the mounds on their campus. Strange things always happened in our house. We never saw anything, but we could feel it. Even the cats would sometimes stare at the walls like something was there. I always felt like I was being watched. One day, I found a book at a book fair that I wish I kept. It was about ghosts and it may have been written by Hans Holzer. The book itself creeped me out so bad just for being in my house so I threw it away. Wish I didn't.

Then, my cat died in 2007. I mourned because she was 17.5 years old and I had her half my life. To help cope, I started building Poltergeist Tower and it helped me manage my emotions because I focused on the website and not her death as much.


Senior Member
At a young age in Minnesota I became interested in everything science fiction and the world of the unsolved. I watched the Outer Limits, Twilight Zone, Unsolved Mysteries, and similar shows that were to others...bizarre or strange. I once saw a UFO that looked like a metallic ball rolling across the horizon. I have never seen anything that closely resembled it since. In my teen years we use to camp out overnight in abandoned grave yards, which you would find in a middle of a corn field. We would also go thru old vacant homes looking for ghosts. One vacant farm house comes to mind as I could not drive by without having severe fright. I would speed up driving by it and even try not to look at it. I don't know what it was but I had the 'fright night' feeling every time I saw the house. I would even take other roads around this house but would always find myself driving by it again. Conspiracy theories, end times' events, and seeing chemtrails everyday led me here to Paranormalis. If the hammer is dropping, I wanted to see it and find out why. There are so many lies generated from the governments of the world so even logical appearing explanations, to me, are just another way to pacify the many that question what is going on...because 'they' just don't want you to know?


Active Member
For me it was through a whole range of different experiences, like astral time travel, pausing time, actual time travel?, and many encounters with ghosts. I also happen to like the unknown and science so that is another reason.

There used to be a ghost in my house that would always play with the blinds in my mother's study and I was actually able to see the ghost in person very briefly in my peripheral vision. The ghost's appearance peaked when my stepbrother came to live at my house (Not a friendly person), and when he left it disappeared with him.

I would post all my experiences but that would probably take up the length of a chapter in a book, so I just put the one.
