How does one stay safe while using magick?


Senior Member
All "magic" is utterly ineffective and therefore as safe as any other form of self-delusion.



Imho, the answer would be to not go there in the first place.

If you do,
just use some common sense,
protections are simple and easy to utilize. Sea salt is simple but may cause issues*.

Black tourmaline is best...but you will need to carry some with you for a long while or very long while*.

* In dabbling in forces you might not totally comprehend, you may need protections for a long, long while...if not for the rest of your life.


Junior Member
Imho, the answer would be to not go there in the first place.

If you do,
just use some common sense,
protections are simple and easy to utilize. Sea salt is simple but may cause issues*.

Black tourmaline is best...but you will need to carry some with you for a long while or very long while*.

* In dabbling in forces you might not totally comprehend, you may need protections for a long, long while...if not for the rest of your life.
You make magic sound like this ominous, ruinous force.


You make magic sound like this ominous, ruinous force.

It can be.

One should never attempt things they do not fully understand.

Magick doesn't just 'happen' by simple or simplified request, it takes practices and most especially knowledge.

I grew up surrounded by people whom practiced the 'arts' so to speak and I have lived to witness and experience many unexplainable events, some good...some not so.

I am simply replying to the op,
I am answering in truth.



Senior Member
Imho, the answer would be to not go there in the first place.

If you do,
just use some common sense,
protections are simple and easy to utilize. Sea salt is simple but may cause issues*.

Black tourmaline is best...but you will need to carry some with you for a long while or very long while*.

* In dabbling in forces you might not totally comprehend, you may need protections for a long, long while...if not for the rest of your life.

Black tourmaline is very handy in this capacity.


New Member
The most simple definition of Magick is the art in which effects are produced through the mastery of the forces in nature. Essentially, we all do magick everyday in every moment of our lives. This is the grand realization that we are truly all magicians and our level of mastery in the craft is exemplified in the outer and inner manifestations in our lives.

Staying safe during Magick ritual isn't as scary as most people make it out to be. The first rule that you should follow is to never attempt any ritual or formula in which you do not completely understand. Research and preparation is the key to any successful magick operation. If you have any more specific questions, feel free to ask!

N.O.X. Infinitum


New Member
Highly sensitive to the supernatural here....

Every person and place that I've come across that has practiced/witnessed magic always has dark, dark energy attached. Most people don't even notice; even the well-practiced witches. So please, for the sake of your safety of body, mind, and soul, don't. Ask God for wisdom and for Him to reveal the truth to you. He always does for me and I've been saved many a time...Take it as you will. God bless.


Junior Member
Depending upon what exactly you want to do by studying magick, there may be another path that is safer and more effective for you. I recommend "Psychic Development for Prosperity, Self-Defense & Political Influence By Kerth Barker" to be used as a method of developing all aspects of esp and remote viewing. You are likely to find a path to achieve your goals by this much safer method because this method was invented by christians for christians alike. There are protections inherent in this method to protect yourself agains demons and psychic harm. A study partner is required for this method.
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