How to Dream More?


I sometimes listen to a lot of music before going to bed. I suppose next time I do, I'll try to pay attention at how much I dream afterward. Should be something I can easily notice.

Do you guys think that having a dream log will help you remember your dreams better over time?

I asked about dreaming more, but perhaps I already dream a lot, but don't remember much of it.

You actually dream during every REM cycle, after which you briefly wake up. The memory of the dream gets erased during the next REM cycle after you fall back to sleep, which is why you don't remember unless you write them down during the awakenings.

Keeping a dream log will vastly increase your recall after a couple weeks, and you may actually remember some of the awakenings come morning without writing them down.

There's an app available for Android phones (Not sure if it's on iPhones too) equipped with accelerometers called "Lucid Dreaming App" that can record your sleep/wake cycle, allowing you to see how often you wake up, among other things. My average awakenings per night is 16, spread over 10 hours. (I'm by no means the norm though. I have a non-24 hour sleep/wake cycle, so my waking up and going to bed times drift forward by an hour or two later each day continuously until they come full circle)


Wow, didn't know such an app existed!

From what I understand, you tested it, right? Hmm, maybe I should give it a try and see what kind of info it can provide me with.


Wow, didn't know such an app existed!

From what I understand, you tested it, right? Hmm, maybe I should give it a try and see what kind of info it can provide me with.

Yes, I've had it running for a few months now whenever I sleep. If nothing else, it provides a handy digital clock. :D

A couple things to keep in mind with the app though. Your phone has to include an accelerometer, which most of the newer ones do. I'm using a Samsung S3 Mini, and that has one. Also, if you sleep in the same bed as someone else, that can confuse the app, since it relies on movement and sound to detect if you're sleeping. (The phone has to be laying on your mattress) That also means the microphone is active, but afaik it doesn't save or transmit any of the data, just processes it for the relative noise level and then discards it. (There's an option in the menu to install an uploader to send the data marked "contribute to science")

Oh, and it drains the battery quite a lot, so make sure you plug your charger in.


Have you tried working with intention? Before you go to sleep, tell yourself it is your intention to remember your dreams. Do it every night before going to bed and see what happens.

Good luck! :)

Oh, I forgot about that one. When applied specifically to Lucid Dreaming, it's called MILD, though it also works for dream recall as you said. (Mnemonic Induced Lucid Dream. They don't seem to have very imaginative naming schemes :D )
