How to get real proof for Time traveling

How to get real proof for Time traveling

I like this thread.

It boils the whole thing down to one thing: BELIEF.

Only you can determine what you believe. No one else can make you believe something you don't want.

With that said....does it matter if they try to prove themselves or not...

A person only has to prove themselves to themselves. The rest wouldn't matter.
How to get real proof for Time traveling

I know this thread is almost dead (and I rarely look down here), but how would one defind a 'divergence' of 2%?

Assuming JT was the real McCoy (which I don't think he was), 2% seems to be much more than, "an ant turning left instead of right" (to paraphrase one of his quotes - give or take a few words). JT's world sounds a little bit more violent than it does now. Here's a what if... "What if we never reach the boiling point needed for a civil war"? That might fend of WWIII, and a post-nuclear Earth will never happen. Big divergence factor in my book.

According to JT, Y2K happened in his timeline. Personally, I Think Y2K would have a chance at disrupting (or at the least, hindering) economic infrastructure rather than eletricity and other civic works infrastructure. Maybe the ensuing recession (or economic depression) meant less work for people, and less government funding.

But, I do think that 2% would be a lot greater than what was described.
How to get real proof for Time traveling

Yes, Timescholar, a Y2K on Titor's "timeline" would have been a major divergence from this one. If Y2K would have been a global electronic meltdown, the economic/financial meltdown would have been horrific. Titor's claim of a 2% divergence does not hold up under this scenario. Systems would have shut down, i.e. banking, financial markets, transportation, global trade, govt. transactions, etc. A person couldn't have used any means of conducting business except for cash transactions. No gas, no food, no nothing. The system would have broken down. Need I say more? Economic and social chaos would have erupted. It would have turned "caveman" pretty quickly.

Re: How to get real proof for Time traveling

I did't have time to read all the ideas put forth here so forgive me if I repeat anyone, but my prefered method for time travel proof is DOMNYR.

DVDs Of Movies Not Yet Released.

A DVD of Episode 3 or the upcoming Transformer live action movie would make a believer out of me!
Re: How to get real proof for Time traveling

Didn't John Titor show a picture of his "time machine."

I really like the DVD idea- gimme Spider-Man 3 now !!!!

If I were a Time Travel hoaxer here is how I would get around the e-mail question: after the request is made, agree and wait for a small amount of time (hour, day, etc). Come back, tell the requestor that the e-mail was sent. When the requestor states that they never received it, I would say it is now part of an alternate universe or that the time shift hasn't caught up to the requestor yet, and may never will.
Re: How to get real proof for Time traveling

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Billy Pilgrim\")</div>
I really like the DVD idea- gimme Spider-Man 3 now !!!!
If I were a Time Travel hoaxer here is how I would get around the e-mail question: after the request is made, agree and wait for a small amount of time (hour, day, etc). Come back, tell the requestor that the e-mail was sent. When the requestor states that they never received it, I would say it is now part of an alternate universe or that the time shift hasn't caught up to the requestor yet, and may never will.[/b]

Good one!

The DVD idea is rock-solid. Plus, if someone DOES manages to get their hands on some DVDs of movies-not-yet-released through means other than a TT to prove a hoax,... who cares! You now have some cool DVDs!
