How to summon spirit guides?


New Member
Ok, so, I have done some very extensive research into this. I wish to summon my spirit guide. I can not find anything to say how???help??

steven chiverton

Senior Member
well when you talk people hear and listen and for electronic listening devices they hear even from thruther away as for spirits and ghosts well they respond to you over the ghost box as if they hear you but how they hear you is unknown its as if your voice is not just traveling to the nearest listener or ear but crossing over to the spirit so they hear ive asked ghosts that didn't hear what is my first and second name which i told them a number of time to see if they can hear me and respond to me by repeating my name and 3 times they got it right as if they herd me but how is unknown especially if there thousands of miles away or in another dimension or reality they herd me and responded to me so all up 3 ghosts or spirits repeated my first and second name so what i did and how i did it to get my message to them for them to successfully repeat my first and second name correctly i dont know maybe i had a link to them but i have no idea how and if they was near me they've never triggered my milligauss meter nor cell phone sensor so , if they can hear me maybe they can hear you to especially your spiritual guide it took some arsking and a few times or more before i got my answers from them so where they were at the time they answered me and where were they when they dident answer me is hard to tell but how the hell can they hear me im only speaking voice sound waves so maybe somewhere along the way is a barrier of some kind that my voice crosses over through to them


Junior Member
In 2010 ,I worked for celebrity television programme as an adviser , mentioning that just incase anymore members wish to question my experience and knowledge in fields I'm well versed in ,anyway ,spirits hear us through our everyday talking as when a person talks they are also reciting their conversation in their thoughts as they are talking and if a spirit is channelling into a person at that time then that is how spirits understand people
