How to Time Travel


Time Travel Professor
How to Time Travel

Who doesn’t dream about traveling through time as a kid? It’s a pretty common wish of the human race to want to travel in time – either into the past or into the future. It’s a pretty common theme in fiction, and sometimes it pops up in non-lucid dreams.

One of the best parts about lucid dreaming, though, is that you can travel through time wherever and whenever you want! Time travel is about the same as teleportation or changing your landscape. You’re just changing your time as well as your space – or maybe you’re changing your time without changing your space.

There are lots of different techniques that help with time travel. The most basic rule, though, is that you have to make sure you believe you can and will travel through time. This is the essential rule about doing anything in your dreams. If you can believe it and imagine it, then you can do it!
You might find that traditional time traveling techniques don’t work well for you, but maybe they will. Start out by trying these techniques, and modify them to suit you. Just keep in mind that you will travel to other times when you’re in lucid dreams.
Time Travel Techniques

These time travel techniques are commonly used by lucid dreamers to help them travel in time. You might end up using other techniques to time travel, but these are just some ideas to get you started.

Build a time machine. Most people find that this is the easiest way to travel. Your machine can be full of bells and whistles, or it can just be a box. It could be a car or a plane, too. Whatever appeals to your imagination and seems believable to you will work! Building a time machine works because it adds believability to your dream and helps you make sure you can really know you’ll be traveling in time. Your time machine might take you places at random, but you could also make it so that you can program times in the past or future and go exactly where you want.

Walk through a door. This is a simplified method of the time machine. Simply imagine a doorway, and know that when you walk through it, you’ll be in another time. This is a lot like changing the landscape, but it’s also a more streamlined version of the time machine.

Speed up or reverse time. This can work with calendars or watches, particularly well. Imagine your time keeping piece, and then make time fast forward or reverse. Either one should work, though some people find it easier to fast forward than to reverse at first. You can actually watch time changing around you if you can maintain concentration. This technique works best for smaller blocks of time. You don’t want to tear off calendar pages all the way back to the stone ages, after all!

Think about the time period before you go to bed. This can help with almost anything you want to do in your lucid dreaming. If there’s a time period you’re particularly interested in, read about it when you use the Wake Back to Bed technique. You can also use posters of people, places, or events from that time period to meditate on as you fall asleep. This is a little less spectacular than time travel, since you’re more likely to just end up in a dream about the time period. However, it can work for getting you to the time period you want to experience.
Professor, have you tried this yourself, and if so, what happened? Please would you share a story if you had a Time Travel experience using this method?

Samstwitch, to answer your question yes. I've always had a loose spirit when I sleep and dream. Much of my time travel dreams were visiting past lives. Almost every time it just happens I cannot control it.

How to Time Travel

Who doesn’t dream about traveling through time as a kid? It’s a pretty common wish of the human race to want to travel in time – either into the past or into the future. It’s a pretty common theme in fiction, and sometimes it pops up in non-lucid dreams.

One of the best parts about lucid dreaming, though, is that you can travel through time wherever and whenever you want! Time travel is about the same as teleportation or changing your landscape. You’re just changing your time as well as your space – or maybe you’re changing your time without changing your space.

There are lots of different techniques that help with time travel. The most basic rule, though, is that you have to make sure you believe you can and will travel through time. This is the essential rule about doing anything in your dreams. If you can believe it and imagine it, then you can do it!
You might find that traditional time traveling techniques don’t work well for you, but maybe they will. Start out by trying these techniques, and modify them to suit you. Just keep in mind that you will travel to other times when you’re in lucid dreams.

Time Travel Techniques

These time travel techniques are commonly used by lucid dreamers to help them travel in time. You might end up using other techniques to time travel, but these are just some ideas to get you started.

Build a time machine. Most people find that this is the easiest way to travel. Your machine can be full of bells and whistles, or it can just be a box. It could be a car or a plane, too. Whatever appeals to your imagination and seems believable to you will work! Building a time machine works because it adds believability to your dream and helps you make sure you can really know you’ll be traveling in time. Your time machine might take you places at random, but you could also make it so that you can program times in the past or future and go exactly where you want.

Walk through a door. This is a simplified method of the time machine. Simply imagine a doorway, and know that when you walk through it, you’ll be in another time. This is a lot like changing the landscape, but it’s also a more streamlined version of the time machine.

Speed up or reverse time. This can work with calendars or watches, particularly well. Imagine your time keeping piece, and then make time fast forward or reverse. Either one should work, though some people find it easier to fast forward than to reverse at first. You can actually watch time changing around you if you can maintain concentration. This technique works best for smaller blocks of time. You don’t want to tear off calendar pages all the way back to the stone ages, after all!

Think about the time period before you go to bed. This can help with almost anything you want to do in your lucid dreaming. If there’s a time period you’re particularly interested in, read about it when you use the Wake Back to Bed technique. You can also use posters of people, places, or events from that time period to meditate on as you fall asleep. This is a little less spectacular than time travel, since you’re more likely to just end up in a dream about the time period. However, it can work for getting you to the time period you want to experience.
Hi My name is KENT JR.

Well this is fine enough for us to be learnt because the thing is when it comes to basics a lot can really be useful especially for sticking to everything that comes around us so yeah that is what keeps me well in all the ways. I think of it most of the times because of so much of its outcome and learning.
i think we can't travel in time but somehow we could stop but to stop it we need a huge mind in performance so we can analyze many events in same time but to travel in time for past we need a negative power to travel
i think we can't travel in time but somehow we could stop but to stop it we need a huge mind in performance so we can analyze many events in same time but to travel in time for past we need a negative power to travel

There are many people travelling in time dude. Some travel by dreams, astral, and also by means of physics.
i think we can't travel in time but somehow we could stop but to stop it we need a huge mind in performance so we can analyze many events in same time but to travel in time for past we need a negative power to travel

There are many people travelling in time dude. Some travel by dreams, astral, and also by means of physics.

Got any specific examples?
me i don't but ask arvin he/she said many people traveled but i don't think so for example if there is another world or parallel one and people dreams and let's say they are somehow can isolate themselves from dream i mean sometimes before the dream ends we know we feel that we are inside a dream and if we traveled to another world we could expose it why no one if someone dreamed inside our world or our time or whatever the equation is why no one can say hey i am from another world or time before his dream ends
