Humanity Is Drowning In Washington’s Criminality


Senior Member
The U.S. government is totally corrupt now, out-of-control, and openly committing crimes against humanity and our Constitution, while the sheeple follow blindly. If the people do nothing, it's going to get much worse before it gets better. It's all part of the NWO agenda, which I believe it will come to a head with Russia, because Vladimir Putin will not tolerate a NWO! He kicked out the Rothchild bankers in 2006, and is taking preparatory steps now for a nuclear war, i.e., building Nuclear Bomb Shelters and more.

Humanity Is Drowning In Washington’s Criminality

Paul Craig Roberts
August 13, 2013

Americans will soon be locked into an unaccountable police state unless US Representatives and Senators find the courage to ask questions and to sanction the executive branch officials who break the law, violate the Constitution, withhold information from Congress, and give false information about their crimes against law, the Constitution, the American people and those in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Guantanamo, and elsewhere. Congress needs to use the impeachment power that the Constitution provides and cease being subservient to the lawless executive branch. The US faces no threat that justifies the lawlessness and abuse of police powers that characterize the executive branch in the 21st century.

Impeachment is the most important power of Congress. Impeachment is what protects the citizens, the Constitution, and the other branches of government from abuse by the executive branch. If the power to remove abusive executive branch officials is not used, the power ceases to exist. An unused power is like a dead letter law. Its authority disappears. By acquiescing to executive branch lawlessness, Congress has allowed the executive branch to place itself above law and to escape accountability for its violations of law and the Constitution.

National Intelligence Director James R. Clapper blatantly lied to Congress and remains in office. Keith B. Alexander, Director of the National Security Agency, has also misled Congress, and he remains in office. Attorney General Holder avoids telling Congress the truth on just about every subject, and he also remains in office. The same can be said for President Obama, one of the great deceivers of our time, who is so adverse to truth that truth seldom finds its way out of his mouth.

If an American citizen lies to a federal investigator, even if not under oath, the citizen can be arrested, prosecuted, and sent to prison. Yet, these same federal personnel can lie to Congress and to citizens with impunity. Whatever the American political system is, it has nothing whatsoever to do with accountable government. In Amerika no one is accountable but citizens, who are accountable not only to law but also to unaccountable charges for which no evidence is required.

Congress has the power to impeach any presidential appointee as well as the president. In the 1970s Congress was going to impeach President Richard Nixon simply because he lied about when he learned of the Watergate burglary. To avoid impeachment, Nixon resigned. In the 1990s, the House impeached President Bill Clinton for lying about his sexual affair with a White House intern. The Senate failed to convict, no doubt as many had sexual affairs of their own and didn’t want to be held accountable themselves.

In the 1970s when I was on the Senate staff, corporate lobbyists would send attractive women to seduce Senators so that the interest groups could blackmail the Senators to do their bidding. Don’t be surprised if the NSA has adopted this corporate practice.

The improprieties of Nixon and Clinton were minor, indeed of little consequence, when compared to the crimes of George W. Bush and Obama, their vice presidents, and the bulk of their presidential appointees. Yet, impeachment is “off the table,” as Nancy Pelosi infamously declared.
Pelosi: Bush Impeachment `Off the Table’ - New York Times Why do Californian voters send a person to Congress who refuses to protect them from an unaccountable executive branch? Who does Nancy Pelosi serve? Certainly not the people of California. Most certainly not the US Constitution. Pelosi is in total violation of her oath of office. Will Californians re-elect her yet again? Little wonder America is failing.

The question demanding to be asked is: What is the purpose of the domestic surveillance of all Americans? This is surveillance out of all proportion to the alleged terrorist threat. The US Constitution is being ignored and domestic law violated. Why? Does the US government have an undeclared agenda for which the “terrorist threat” is a cover?

What is this agenda? Whose agenda is more important than the US Constitution and the accountability of government to law? No citizen is secure unless government is accountable to the Constitution and to law. It is an absurd idea that any American is more threatened by terrorism than by unaccountable government that can execute them, torture them, and throw them in prison for life without due process or any accountability whatsoever. Under Bush/Obama, the US has returned to the unaccountable power of caesars, czars, and autocrats. (Continued)

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Active Member
Okay, this may be a topic for a new thread, but this is what I've never quite understood about the NWO. True power comes in running things from behind the scenes. It's just how things work. The mob (even though most knew) didn't step out and say they were the real owners of such and such. No, they ran things from behind the scenes so that they were never accountable. They always had/have a fall guy running the front. The same worked in medieval Europe when it was kings and queens as the heads of State. And the same goes for today even with legitimate businesses where a board of directors are the real people controlling the large corporations. So, what does the NWO have to gain from moving out from the shadows into the limelight?

As for the rest of the post, I mean just look at Amnesty Internationals ratings of Human Rights. The US isn't at the top like people would have you believe.


Senior Member
Just today I found out that a friend of mine was shot to death - he was a pepper like me. I do not know the reason. Perhaps it was robbery, but I am not sure. He lived in the middle of nowhere far away. There were no roads to his house and a lot of hills, so I wonder what is going on. The news did not make it into CNN and was buried in local newspapers.

Here is how I see america.



Junior Member

The problem is NOT Washington since the politicians only do what they are ordered to do. The root of what is going on is veiled behind the Almighty King Dollar,those who have it and truly call the shots. Oligarchy USA - And you thought you lived in a democracy. The Constitution does not agree with Capitalism or Fascism,but those two systems keep the 1% in power,so they tell the politicians they better do X,Y,Z regardless of it or else.


That picture pretty much sums it all up. 1% of very, very rich people, VS the whole world. Nice.

walt willis

Senior Member

The problem is NOT Washington since the politicians only do what they are ordered to do. The root of what is going on is veiled behind the Almighty King Dollar,those who have it and truly call the shots. Oligarchy USA - And you thought you lived in a democracy. The Constitution does not agree with Capitalism or Fascism,but those two systems keep the 1% in power,so they tell the politicians they better do X,Y,Z regardless of it or else.

The only problem I have with your analyzing our country is that you forgot to tell the rest of the story...
The fat cats in Russia have many more on the fat side as an Oligarchy that run the country of Russia.
Your view of the world seems to be based on jealousy and fear rather then love and respect for others that provide work and hope.


Junior Member

The problem is NOT Washington since the politicians only do what they beenn atdered to do. The root of what Is going on is veiled behind the Almighty King Dollar,those who have it and truly call the shots. Oligarchy USA - And you thought you lived in a democracy. The Constitution does not agree with Capitalism or Fascism,but those two systems keep the 1% in power,so they tell the politicians they better do X,Y,Z regardless of it or else.

The only problem I have with your analyzing our country is that you forgot to tell the rest of the story...
The fat cats in Russia have many more on the fat side as an Oligarchy that run the country of Russia.
Your view of the world seems to be based on jealousy and fear rather then love and respect for others that provide work and hope.

I am a US Citizen, born and bred. I think you are referring to our dear member Darshan who proudly states to be a dual US/Russian Citizen. Russia is and always has been an Oligarchy. Apparently someone in US took careful notes and decided we needed to be one too!

walt willis

Senior Member
Yes you are right...sorry!

The Russian as well as the American people are goo, but sometimes the leaders are not so good.

A good example would be the country of North Korea as a nation gone mad.


Senior Member
I do agree. Well, on the part that our fearless leaders are not good, but more evidence of that is coming. Road ahead will be a bumpy one. Buckle your seat belt and get ready for what is coming.

