Humanoid and His Deer-Dog Hybrid Companion Startle Man on Pennsylvania Road


Think outside the mind
RIEGELSVILLE, Pa.– A motorist says he saw a tall humanoid meeting an unidentified creature on the side of the road in eastern Pennsylvania.

The man, who requested to remain anonymous, said he was driving home after hanging out with his friends the night of June 15, 2012, when he came across the odd couple standing on an undisclosed road near Riegelsville, a borough in Bucks County with a population of 870.

“I have a heavy foot and was enjoying an exciting drive on empty roads,” he wrote on a report submitted to the MUFON website early this month. “As I was coming up to a nice s curve, I noticed what I thought to be a deer moving thru the brush to my right about to cross the road in front of me. I braked hard to avoid a collision,” he continued.

Reportedly, as the “deer” crossed the road, the eyewitness noticed a “glowing blue light” coming out of what he calls the “helmet” of a “tall man” standing on the left side of the road. Then, he says, the creature “ran up to the man”.

“My headlights fell directly on the pair. I had slowed down to a speed of about 15-20 mph to avoid the collision and had a clear direct view,” he recalls. “This next second lasted an hour in my mind.”

The quiet borough of Riegelsville stands in the eastern side of the Pennsylvania state. Credit: Adam Moss CC BY-SA 2.0

The eyewitness says the four-legged creature was “similar to a deer in size”, with a dark, “brown-grey covering” that he described as being “leathery”.

“It had the head similar to a dog with an elongated snout and short ears. It had the build of a greyhound with long legs supporting a smaller, slender frame.”

Its legs, he explained, were “bent backwards”. He also said that the creature didn’t have a tail.

The human-like being was described as tall and wearing something resembling an “astronaut’s suit”.

“‘He’ was wearing a black suit that had several ‘tools’ and pockets. Similar to something a navy seal would wear during nighttime ops,” he said. The strange-looking man also had a “visor” over his eyes, out of which emanated a soft, “velvety” blue light.

“‘He’ was watching me as closely as I was watching ‘him’ as I passed slowly seven feet away. We made ‘eye’ contact and the blue glow followed me in my rear view mirror until I made the next bend, and ‘he’ was out of sight.”

Then, he says, a disturbing telepathic event took place.

“I felt ‘him’ call to me. It was like a feeling more than words. It wanted me to come back. It was a strong ‘urge’ to turn around, mixed with feelings of peace and tranquility. Suddenly I realized that i had unconsciously brought my car to a stop. This frightened me to my core. It still does. I immediately floored the car and blew the stop sign at the end of the road as I raced to home and safety,” he explained.

According to the eyewitness, however, this was not an isolated incident. Triangle-shaped flying objects hovering over his property have now become a recurring event.

“I have had many sightings and feel as though I may be under surveillance. Not long after that, I became aware that I was being startled awake several nights a week at precisely 3:33 a.m.”

The number 333 is of special importance among ufologists, paranormal researchers and religious groups.

The 3-digit-number has also been used in popular culture, as seen in the community simulation video game series Animal Crossing, created by Nintendo in 2001. The latest of its series, New Leaf, features an alien creature “entering from a UFO to deliver a message in alien language at 3:33 a.m. on Sunday and Monday”.

The man is now asking for help to help him “understand” the sighting and to keep him “safe” from the alleged creatures.

“I want to know if anyone else out there has seen this ‘man’ with the blue light or are being monitored by flashing lights. I also need to know if my new daughter is safe. Is there anyway to be safe? Will a secure bunker keep them out? Is there a possibility that these are non violent, harmless watchers or are they all invasive abductors?” he said.

The recent sighting did not escape the attention of some veteran paranormal investigators, who called the sighting compelling and even worrisome.

Last month, a former marine in Ohio claimed to have witnessed a similar creature with “bent-backwards” legs as he and his wife were driving home.

The post Humanoid and His Deer-Dog Hybrid Companion Startle Man on Pennsylvania Road appeared first on Cryptozoology News.


Senior Member
Apparently, yokels coming across "mysterious" creatures refuse to pay for data plans and thus always lack smartphones and their concomitant cameras.



Apparently, yokels coming across "mysterious" creatures refuse to pay for data plans and thus always lack smartphones and their concomitant cameras.


Agreed to a point that I certainly don't buy into all I read on the screen either.
But..if I DID see something like what was described above, the LAST thing I would
probably do is be conscious enough to take out the cam and snap a photo when seeing
something that undoubtedly would shake me to the bone during the event.

Hindsight being 20/20 and all.


Senior Member
Should we expect that reaction to be universal?

Kids today are constantly texting and snapping photos.



Should we expect that reaction to be universal?

Kids today are constantly texting and snapping photos.


No....Perhaps not universally.

Most general populations aren't even aware of much anything outside the norm
so when it happens you might think that 'Hey..Get a photo!!!!"..would factor in right?

Imo..It's a 50/50% chance of someone even having a camera ready or even more realistically
a 20% chance of someone actually having that 'photo-ready mindset' at an older age as you point out
that Kids are I-phone junkies whereas the older population, not-so-much. Then factoring in
the shock and awe and you get an even lesser chance of a photo.

I'm not disagreeing with you really, I find it every bit as frustrating when you hear/read of
a sighting such as this and it's all over the internet...papers...etc., and
no one bothers to get even a clear picture...much less none at all. (shrug)
