I astral traveled to Japan


Senior Member
Walked across a road that had lots of water on each end of it, not sure what place in Japan
this would be like. A man was selling clothes and tried to persuade me to buy a shirt but
I just wandered on and eventually found a place to sit down inside an area that was either
a hotel or a restaurant. This lady came and talked to me in Japanese I told her "I don't speak Japanese,
I speak English" so she started saying a few things in English, something about soup that I don't
quite remember. A soup that would bring good luck. She showed me the pot and it looked
like a nice warm refreshing broth with mushrooms, turns out this is a real japanese soup
I googled it "Japanese Onion Soup" she said her name was Mitsuki. Suddenly rabbits appeared
everywhere in the room. There are some more details but I am done for now logging this event.
She told me the original owner lost the soup recipe and died a tragic fate.


Was it a dream like state, or did you actually see things like you were really there?

brian jj

years ago I astral projected to africa. I came up to a pride of lions. These cats roared at me first but then the females began to head bunt me like house cats do. I remember thier fur being very coarse and not like that of the pet.


Senior Member
Correct me if i am wrong but Astral Travel has to do with your spirit traveling doesn't it? it is considered a OBE, Not your physical body, and typically unless they're a sensitive you go un-noticed as you are just a spirit or a body of light and not your physical form, are you sure you weren't simply dreaming?

Although one could argue dreaming is a OBE all in it's self.


Temporal Engineer
Correct me if i am wrong but Astral Travel has to do with your spirit traveling doesn't it? it is considered a OBE, Not your physical body, and typically unless they're a sensitive you go un-noticed as you are just a spirit or a body of light and not your physical form, are you sure you weren't simply dreaming?

Although one could argue dreaming is a OBE all in it's self.

I think this would fall under the Doppelganger category. Some of us apparently have the ability to physically manifest in the astral state. It really gets weird when you meet up with friends while astalling. Then you find out about it later, not recalling that you did that.


Senior Member
my father claimed to have seen my astral body several times, my mother who is tragically
no longer with me also claimed it once.

The "dream" about Japan did not feel like a dream i literally felt like i was there
i'm aware of lucid dreams but it was unlike anything else
