I believe I saw an alien human hybrid once


Junior Member
It was February 8 of 2015 I was at the Wendys in Waterville Maine with a friend of mine and we were waiting in line to order in front of us there is a very thin man and he was also kind of short he was a little bit shorter than me you had to have been about 5 feet tall his head seemed to be a little bit more bigger on the top like kind of bigger above the ear line like it kind of mushroom the little bit like his brain was a little bit larger he wore kind of like a hat that was kind of like floppy met two kind of conceal the fact that his head was shaped differently he had on a pair of those old lady sunglasses cataract surgery glasses but the hard plastic ones not the temporarily throw away ones he removes them at one point to read the menu and his eyes seemed like they were slightly bigger like probably buy a inch bigger. And the contours of the eye sockets had more of an almond shaped to them.

He ordered two Dave's hot and juicy triple cheeseburgers just ketchup pickle and mustard where is a frosty combo meal so we also got the French fries and a coke which is the deal because it's only like $10.99.

When he got his meal he went in he sat down in the far left corner near the window he had a small metallic briefcase with him and inside that briefcase he had just a small little notepad I kept staring at him. Because his hat was like one of those big floppy hats. The briefcase was small, small like 10 inches by 10 inches and he set it down on the table to the left of him.

He opened it and inside was a thing that kind of look like a laptop but it was part of the case like the screen was inside of the top half that opened and the bottom part was a keyboard but it looked like it had way more keys then a standard keyboard. So it could have been just a laptop built into a custom case like a small notebook but when he saw, that I saw that he opened it he immediately closed it like he didn't want to use it while I was watching him...

He started eating one of the daves hot and juicy triples and when he went to go take a bite it seemed like his mouth opened a little bit more then a normal mouth because he took a very large bite like it was almost kind of snake like how big he opened his mouth and I SAT there and literally watched him eat too Dave's hot and juicy triples and all the fries and the frosty and then he drink the coke and this was the large combo meal so that's a lot more fries and that's a large coke so that's quite a lot of food and this guy was as skinny as a rail if I had had a camera I would have taken a photo of him or filmed a video of him


Did he look at you, or notice that you were watching him like that?


I would've been more creeped out having some stranger stalk me with their eyes. Btw,was this diatribe some sort of subliminal advertisement for Wendy's? Who wouldn't doubt Ole burger Dave & offspring were doing something cryptic and sinister by pitching square hamburgers, anyway? Wonder if the pigtails can twirl at the speed of light and wax cars?


I have seen some strangely constructed people, and also some strange technological devices. It doesn't mean they are aliens. It doesn't mean they are not either, but I would think if I was an advanced race, I'd use a method similar to that of the movie "The Arrival", where you basically create a human body over the top of yours. Honestly, if you can bend time and space, you'd probably be very good at creating a convincing camouflage as well. I would be more concerned about people who seem extremely normal and average. As that would be the logical method to blend in (average representing commonality/large ratio of human behavior, looks, etc...). This assumes that aliens didn't decide to -not- look average as to not be predictable also.


Junior Member
I would've been more creeped out having some stranger stalk me with their eyes. Btw,was this diatribe some sort of subliminal advertisement for Wendy's? Who wouldn't doubt Ole burger Dave & offspring were doing something cryptic and sinister by pitching square hamburgers, anyway? Wonder if the pigtails can twirl at the speed of light and wax cars?
No it wasn't any kind of subliminal advertisement it was just where I was and also those burgers are square because it is just a marketing ploy to make the burgers look bigger


Junior Member
It was just a very strange experience and his technology he had was very strange and I live a town that has a major airport / military base


Senior Member
Skinny as a rail fits the pattern most see. Dr. David Jacobs says that there is an alien human hybrid integration program. That project is on going. He does fear for our future and what will soon come.

