I did a John Titor email experiment on my ex wife


Temporal Engineer
I know most of you don't believe me when I talk about altering the time line you are on. But I believe Pamela does. Anyway I decided to see if I could jog the ex wife's memory on events that occurred while I was married to her. I specifically asked her to recall any and all memories of the other person that got away with impersonating me. Apparently there was mention of a time machine at the time, so I asked her to recall any events about that as well. She is a little slow on replying. So I keep reminding her. Apparently my periodic nagging has had an unexpected effect on her. She wrote back today complaining about a peculiar happening she was experiencing. Here are her words:

I haven't forgotten, get busy, hahaha ok ok I will I promise, but I tell you I have been having a lot of weird things happening, I'll go and look for something and it's not there then I go and look maybe 10 or 15 minutes and there it is, I swear I am living in two worlds, plus I went to get rice and it was flour, but in reality it was rice, just weird stuff like that...

I think what is happening is that the memories I am asking her to retrieve are now in a version of her on another time line. While she is over there she notices the flour is in the rice canister, and then it changes back to rice. And her comment of living in two worlds is also very interesting. This is the first time I have ever actually been the cause of someone else experiencing this phenomena. Kind of like John did with his email experiment.


Time Travel Professor
I believe you Einstein. I have had some things happen to me also on two or three time lines at the same time, 100's of years apart.


Senior Member
Thats fairly odd, so is it kind of like a Deja-vu kinda situation or just straight up my doritos were pringles 2 seconds ago kinda thing?


Temporal Engineer
I have been thinking about this, and there are clues as to how this happened. In the John Titor email experiment everyone that participated believed at the time that John was a real time traveler. So after his departure date, the participants tried to access a memory of whether or not they remember receiving an email from John from years prior. Obviously no memory existed because John was a fraud. But the belief that a memory might be there actually caused their minds to access memories of all the other versions of themselves across all the timelines that they exist within. So wherever their minds stopped searching is the reality in an alternate time line that they wound up on.

Now let me share with you the memories I have of the accounts of the email experiments. I read this years ago. But I recall that Pamela was literally blown away about an alteration to her car. The reason I mention this is because I'm curious to see if our Pamela remembers this or if she has a completely different memory of changes that took place. I think it's possible that our Pamela could be one from another timeline with different memories of what happened.

My memories of Florida Jim's account was that both him and his wife experienced changes concerning the McDonald's golden arches. He doesn't post much. But there must be a written account somewhere that we can read.

With any luck I would like to learn how to voluntarily go to another timeline just by initiating a sequence of mental thoughts to initiate the change. And then come back. If you read through the email my wife sent me, it appears she was consciously switching back and forth between two worlds. It does appear to be a mental ability that we already have. But to be able to consciously control this ability is what I'm after. Apparently accessing memories from the past just could be the key.
Now I wonder if those who have done time travel before will have their memories altered in any way by changes to the timeline, or will be aware on some level that it has changed? Or will their memory of the new timeline come to them later on?


Temporal Engineer
Im from another timeline?:eek: shhhh dont tell anyone.:cool:

That was Burger King that changed....not Mcdonalds.

If you are a different Pamela, then I have a John Titor email test for you. What was the secret word that we used in an email correspondence from several years ago? Please be advised you may see changes in your reality if you succeed in remembering the secret word! And please do share those changes with us.


Active Member
I'm sorry Einstein I really don't remember us having a secret word.
How long ago was this or are you just messing with me?


Temporal Engineer
I'm sorry Einstein I really don't remember us having a secret word.
How long ago was this or are you just messing with me?

I have a very good memory. Yes there was a secret word. I was concerned at the time that it wasn't you that I was corresponding with. So to verify it was you I had you email me the secret word through a known email address associated with you. The reason for this is because I believed Darby posts as multiple people. I still can't prove it. But I still think Darby is Frog. Frog made a Freudian slip during one email to me. The email was perfectly punctuated with proper sentence structure. OOPS. Certainly not Frog. But it was from his email address. So things aren't always as they seem. I believe the secret word email may have been more than 5 years ago. Keep thinking about it. You may still remember it eventually. Try going to sleep on it. You may wake up with the answer.


Active Member
Ugh. I feel like a science experiment. That was five years ago I don't even have the same
Computer so I can't even look it up. That doesn't mean I'm from another timeline
Just that I don't remember something we only used once. Can u give me a hint?
