I don't mean to be rude but ah


Senior Member
I don't mean to be rude about Steven Gibb's having a stroke, but wouldn't he heal himself if he had result's on the HDR Unit. I mean he could go back in time and warn himself, unless something else happened like giving up. That's the rude part because I gave up year's ago on this subject but still highly involved in this work. If he ages more than he seems to be you know then he time traveled.
When I went a couple of times I changed from a skinny kid to a big and strong adult over 6'2" 200 from then 5'4" 120. It's called getting s life. I presume people should take the time to be with their family not on the computer thus me typing this would contradict that. I know how that goes. Every time I am on here and go home from a program, I hear things being attacked. On the news channels. I'm fighting other stuff in the mean time. It's called fighting inner demons. I may take the summer off and do some heavy drinking again. I can quit anytime i want even with FAS Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. I can tolerate alot of bullsh^t. " Ignorance is Bliss, Knowledge is power, Patience is a Virtue." I can deal with what lies a head but can you? To do nothing is to be nothing. "To be something is to be what you dreamed of." This time travel thing should have been over long time ago.


Senior Member
There really is no substitute for modern medicine when it comes to a major medical problem. It's my understanding that he temporarily lost use of one of his arms, so that would surely interfere with his ability to use the HDR. Even if it didn't, a stroke is a medical emergency which shouldn't be approached with something that isn't proven to work unless you really have no choice.


Time Travel Professor
There really is no substitute for modern medicine when it comes to a major medical problem. It's my understanding that he temporarily lost use of one of his arms, so that would surely interfere with his ability to use the HDR. Even if it didn't, a stroke is a medical emergency which shouldn't be approached with something that isn't proven to work unless you really have no choice.

Thank You Martian, your right in your thinking.
