If child abuse was paranormal it would be easier to understand

Robert Eggleton

Junior Member
Thanks. The part of the most recent book review that I appreciated the most was not the comparison to Kurt Vonnegut. It was: "You find yourself convinced that “Hollow” was written as a diary-based autobiography by a young girl, and the banal stems from the limits of her environment, the extraordinary from her megalomania." This meant that I'd captured the targeted voice. Since I'm a 63 year old male, such was the highest compliment. Please check out the review.

Robert Eggleton

Junior Member
The most enjoyable science fiction novel I have read in several years

Rarity from the Hollow by Robert Eggleton is the most enjoyable science fiction novel I have read in several years. Who could think of an intergalactic handbook for entrepreneurs? Who could turn a tree-hugger into a paranormal event of death-defying significance? Who could create characters so believable, so funny, so astonishingly human (and not)?

Robert Eggleton, that’s who.

I put this book on my IPhone, and it followed me everywhere for several days. Strangers smiled politely at my unexpected laughter in the men’s room toilet stall. They looked away as I emerged, waving the IPhone at them as if it might explain something significant.

Oddly, the novel explains a great deal that has become significant in our society. Rarity from the Hollow is satire at its best and highest level. It is a psychological thriller, true to traits of mankind (and other species). It is an animal rights dissertation (you will laugh when you understand why I write that). It celebrates the vilest insect on earth (make that Universe).

The characters created by Robert Eggleton will bug your brain long after you smoke, uh, read the final page. Thanks for the laughs, the serious thoughts, the absolute wonder of your mind, Mr. Eggleton. A truly magnificent job.

You have my permission to use this however you see fit, with the following attribution:

Temple Emmet Williams, Author, former Reader’s Digest editor

The most enjoyable science fiction novel I have read in several years. | Warrior Patient


Robert Eggleton

Junior Member
Hi -- I was cleaning out my inbox and found this thread that I'd saved because I liked the title so much. I retired from my job as a children's psychotherapist a couple of months ago and have more time to self-promote my fiction. Before now, I was just too exhausted after working with abused kids all day to even think straight. Several very recent reviews of Rarity from the Hollow have included a link to Children's Home Society -- that's where I've been donating author proceeds for the prevention of child abuse in West Virginia. However, one reviewer, the first one so far, posted a comprehensive listing of specific services. Here's the link to the review:
Mountain Rhinestones: REVIEW + GIVEAWAY: Rarity from the Hollow by Robert Eggleton
