If you could travel back in time...


THE member
...where would you go? What would you do?

This thread is about discussing the above. So feel free to share your plans.

Me? I'd go back to 1986 and tell my grandmother to get her liver checked and not to listen to the doctors when they say nothing is wrong, I'd also tell my grandfather to NOT get that lump in his lung checked as it turns out to be nothing, but checking costs him his life. I'd then tell my uncle to make sure he gets checked for cancer in early 2016 no matter how tired he is of doctors.

I'd then go sit down and watch some Saturday morning cartoons before traveling back.
There are lot of IF's on this board. The truth is, you can not travel backward or forward. Everything that has and will happen is supposed to just the way it does. I understand the wishing part and the debate. But the truth to the answer of the question is no. You like everyone else needs to understand the truth about life and death. We are here to learn lessons, that we will carry with us to the next plain. You are a soul, you do not have a soul, you do have a body. The body is not meant to be perfect, otherwise there would be no lesson learned from it. You body dies when it's supposed to and no other reason. The soul is called back, and the soul will help the body to die in order for the soul to be released. If you know someone who commits suicide, it is not because there is something wrong with them. The soul is called back, so it creates it's way out. The more we understand how things work and the reasons behind them the easier these issues would be to deal with.. You do not need a marker at the end of your life ( grave stone) You, are the marker. make your mark that no one forgets.

There are lot of IF's on this board. The truth is, you can not travel backward or forward. Everything that has and will happen is supposed to just the way it does. I understand the wishing part and the debate. But the truth to the answer of the question is no. You like everyone else needs to understand the truth about life and death. We are here to learn lessons, that we will carry with us to the next plain. You are a soul, you do not have a soul, you do have a body. The body is not meant to be perfect, otherwise there would be no lesson learned from it. You body dies when it's supposed to and no other reason. The soul is called back, and the soul will help the body to die in order for the soul to be released. If you know someone who commits suicide, it is not because there is something wrong with them. The soul is called back, so it creates it's way out. The more we understand how things work and the reasons behind them the easier these issues would be to deal with.. You do not need a marker at the end of your life ( grave stone) You, are the marker. make your mark that no one forgets.

You're aware time travel is possibe it aint that hard

So before i wait for you to respond i will respond. i am a spirit medium. i cross spirit into the light. My guides are Angels. They protect me from negative/ dark energies. They communicate with me. They put thoughts within me, they speak to me. i ask them questions. I have asked if there are or have there ever been any man, woman or child that has traveled through time. The answer is No. I asked can any man, woman or child travel through time, the answer is No. Which part of this do you not understand.
So before i wait for you to respond i will respond. i am a spirit medium. i cross spirit into the light. My guides are Angels. They protect me from negative/ dark energies. They communicate with me. They put thoughts within me, they speak to me. i ask them questions. I have asked if there are or have there ever been any man, woman or child that has traveled through time. The answer is No. I asked can any man, woman or child travel through time, the answer is No. Which part of this do you not understand.
Well i'm a medium too you know and time travale is possible ive even done with astral projection
let me ask you 626, when you go to the hospital and ask the doctor why you are sick. Do you want him to answer you with a bunch of what if's or maybe's. Or do you prefer to have the exact truth. Jesus told the truth yet was persecuted for doing so. They feared him and his truth and those who were in power punished him, put him to death and it has since not turned out to well. People want the truth, but when it's brought to them, they either want to prove it wrong, debate it or enforce power over it and shut it down. This is a forum for everyone if i'm not mistaken. Not for only that you wish to speak and squash those who you do not agree with, is it not. I have not called anyone a name or tried to belittle them, although when i try to offer the truth i get shut down.
